require 'spec_helper' describe RailsAdmin::Config::Model do describe '#excluded?' do before do RailsAdmin.config do |config| config.included_models = [Comment] end end it 'returns false when included, true otherwise' do expect(RailsAdmin.config(Player).excluded?).to be_truthy expect(RailsAdmin.config(Comment).excluded?).to be_falsey end end describe '#object_label' do before do RailsAdmin.config(Comment) do object_label_method :content end end it 'sends object_label_method to binding[:object]' do c = 'test') expect(RailsAdmin.config(Comment).with(object: c).object_label).to eq('test') end end describe '#object_label_method' do it 'is first of Config.label_methods if found as a column on model, or :rails_admin_default_object_label_method' do expect(RailsAdmin.config(Comment).object_label_method).to eq(:rails_admin_default_object_label_method) expect(RailsAdmin.config(Division).object_label_method).to eq(:name) end end describe '#label' do it 'is pretty' do expect(RailsAdmin.config(Comment).label).to eq('Comment') end end describe '#label_plural' do it 'is pretty' do expect(RailsAdmin.config(Comment).label_plural).to eq('Comments') end context 'when using i18n as label source', skip_mongoid: true do around do |example| I18n.config.available_locales = I18n.config.available_locales + [:xx] I18n.backend.class.send(:include, I18n::Backend::Pluralization) I18n.backend.store_translations :xx, activerecord: { models: { comment: { one: 'one', two: 'two', other: 'other' }, }, } I18n.locale = :xx I18n.locale = :en I18n.config.available_locales = I18n.config.available_locales - [:xx] end context 'and the locale uses a specific pluralization rule' do before do I18n.backend.store_translations :xx, i18n: { plural: { rule: ->(count) do if count == 0 :zero elsif count == 1 :one elsif count == 2 :two else :other end end, }, } end it 'always uses :other as pluralization key' do expect(RailsAdmin.config(Comment).label_plural).to eq('other') end end end end describe '#weight' do it 'is 0' do expect(RailsAdmin.config(Comment).weight).to eq(0) end end describe '#parent' do it 'is nil for ActiveRecord::Base inherited models' do expect(RailsAdmin.config(Comment).parent).to be_nil end it 'is parent model otherwise' do expect(RailsAdmin.config(Hardball).parent).to eq(Ball) end end describe '#navigation_label' do it 'is nil if parent module is Object' do expect(RailsAdmin.config(Comment).navigation_label).to be_nil end it 'is parent module otherwise' do expect(RailsAdmin.config(Cms::BasicPage).navigation_label).to eq('Cms') end end end