module DR module CoreExt #[Hash, Array].each {|m| m.include(Enumerable)} #to reinclude module Enumerable #Ex: [1,2,3,4].filter({odd: [1,3], default: :even}) #=> {:odd=>[1, 3], :even=>[2, 4]} def filter(h) invh=h.inverse default=h[:default] r={} each do |el| keys=invh.fetch(el,[default]) keys.each do |key| (r[key]||=[]) << el end end return r end end module Hash # Returns a new hash with +self+ and +other_hash+ merged recursively. # # h1 = { x: { y: [4,5,6] }, z: [7,8,9] } # h2 = { x: { y: [7,8,9] }, z: 'xyz' } # # h1.deep_merge(h2) #=> {x: {y: [7, 8, 9]}, z: "xyz"} # h2.deep_merge(h1) #=> {x: {y: [4, 5, 6]}, z: [7, 8, 9]} # h1.deep_merge(h2) { |key, old, new| Array.wrap(old) + Array.wrap(new) } # #=> {:x=>{:y=>[4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]}, :z=>[7, 8, 9, "xyz"]} # # Adapted from active support def deep_merge(other_hash, &block) dup.deep_merge!(other_hash, &block) end # Same as +deep_merge+, but modifies +self+. def deep_merge!(other_hash, &block) return unless other_hash other_hash.each_pair do |k,v| tv = self[k] case when tv.is_a?(Hash) && v.is_a?(Hash) self[k] = tv.deep_merge(v, &block) when tv.is_a?(Array) && v.is_a?(Array) if v.length > 0 && v.first.nil? then #hack: if the array begins with nil, we append the new #value rather than overwrite it v.shift self[k] += v else self[k] = block && tv ?, tv, v) : v end when tv.nil? && v.is_a?(Array) #here we still need to remove nil (see above) if v.length > 0 && v.first.nil? then v.shift self[k]=v else self[k] = block && tv ?, tv, v) : v end else self[k] = block && tv ?, tv, v) : v end end self end #from a hash {key: [values]} produce a hash {value: [keys]} #there is already Hash#invert using Hash#key which does that, but the difference here is that we flatten Enumerable values #h={ploum: 2, plim: 2, plam: 3} #h.invert #=> {2=>:plim, 3=>:plam} #h.inverse #=> {2=>[:ploum, :plim], 3=>[:plam]} def inverse r={} each_key do |k| values=fetch(k) values=[values] unless values.respond_to?(:each) values.each do |v| r[v]||=[] r[v]<< k end end return r end #sort the keys and the values of the hash def sort_all r=::Hash[self.sort] r.each do |k,v| r[k]=v.sort end return r end #take a key of the form ploum/plam/plim #and return self[:ploum][:plam][:plim] def keyed_value(key, sep: "/") r=self.dup return r if key.empty? key.to_s.split(sep).each do |k| k=k.to_sym if r.key?(k.to_sym) && !r.key?(k) r=r[k] end return r end #take a key of the form ploum/plam/plim #and return self[:ploum][:plam][:plim]=value def set_keyed_value(key,value, sep: "/", symbolize: true) r=self *keys,last=key.to_s.split(sep) keys.each do |k| k=k.to_sym if (symbolize || r.key?(k.to_sym)) and !r.key?(k) r[k]={} unless r.key?(k) r=r[k] end last=last.to_sym if symbolize r[last]=value self end #from a hash {foo: [:bar, :baz], bar: [:plum, :qux]}, #then leaf [:foo] returns [:plum, :qux, :baz] def leafs(nodes) expanded=[] #prevent loops r=nodes.dup begin s,r=r, do |n| if key?(n) && !expanded.include?(n) expanded << n fetch(n) else n end end.flatten end until s==r r end end module UnboundMethod #this should be in the stdlib... #Note: this is similar to Symbol#to_proc which works like this: # foo=:foo.to_proc;,*args) #=> obj.method(:foo).call(*args) # =>"foo") #=> 3 def to_proc return lambda do |obj,*args,&b| bind(obj).call(*args,&b) end end def call(*args,&b)*args,&b) end end module Proc # Safely call our block, even if the user passed in something of a # different arity (lambda case) def call_block(*args,**opts) if arity >= 0 case arity when 0 call(**opts) else call(args[0...arity],**opts) end else call(*args,**opts) end end #similar to curry, but pass the provided arguments on the right #(a difference to Proc#curry is that we pass the argument directly, not #via .call) def rcurry(*args,&b) return do |*a,&b|*a,*args,&b) end end #return self o g #f.compose(g).(5,6) def compose(g) lambda do |*a,&b|**a,&b)) end end #(->(x) {->(y) {x+y}}).uncurry.(2,3) #=> 5 #(->(x,y) {x+y}).curry.uncurry.(2,3) #=>5 def uncurry lambda do |*a| a.reduce(self) {|fun,v|} end end end module Array #allows to do things like # ["ploum","plam"].map(&[:+,"foo"]) #=> ["ploumfoo", "plamfoo"] def to_proc ar=self.dup method=ar.shift.to_proc return method.rcurry(*ar) end end module Object #in ruby 2.2, 'Object#itself' only returns self def this return yield(self) if block_given? return self end #simulate the Maybe monad def and_this(&b) nil? ? nil : this(&b) end end end module CoreRef {|c| const_get("::#{c}").is_a?(Class)}.each do |c| refine const_get("::#{c}") do include CoreExt.const_get(c) end end end module Recursive extend self def recursive_constructor(klass) return do |rklass| define_method :initialize do |*args,&b| b ? super(*args,&b) : super(*args) { |h,k| h[k] = } end end end end RecursiveHash=Recursive.recursive_constructor(Hash) #For an individual hash: hash = {|h,k| h[k] = } #Arrays don't accept blocks in the same way as Hashs, we need to pass a length parameter, so we can't use DR::RecursiveHash(Array) end