module IsoDoc module Jis class Counter < IsoDoc::XrefGen::Counter def ol_type(list, depth) return list["type"].to_sym if list["type"] return :alphabet if depth == 1 @style == :japanese ? :japanese : :arabic end def listlabel(_list, depth) case depth when 1 then (96 + @num).chr.to_s else if @style == :japanese @num.localize(:ja).spellout else @num.to_s end end end end class Xref < IsoDoc::Iso::Xref attr_accessor :autonumbering_style def clausesep @autonumbering_style == :japanese ? "\u30fb" : "." end def clause_counter(num, opts = { }) opts[:numerals] ||= @autonumbering_style opts[:separator] ||= clausesep super end def list_counter(num, opts = { }) opts[:numerals] ||= @autonumbering_style opts[:separator] ||= clausesep, opts) end def hierfigsep @lang == "ja" ? "の" : super end def hierreqtsep @lang == "ja" ? "の" : super end # KILL def subfigure_labelx(subfignum) and return "" sep = @lang == "ja" ? "の" : " " "#{sep}#{(subfignum + 96).chr})" end def subfigure_label(subfignum) and return (subfignum + 96).chr end def subfigure_delim ")" end # taken from isodoc to override ISO def subfigure_anchor(elem, sublabel, label, klass, container: false) figlabel = fig_subfig_label(label, sublabel) @anchors[elem["id"]] = anchor_struct( figlabel, elem, @labels[klass] || klass.capitalize, klass, { unnumb: elem["unnumbered"], container: } ) if elem["unnumbered"] != "true" x = semx(elem, sublabel) @anchors[elem["id"]][:label] = x @anchors[elem["id"]][:xref] = @anchors[elem.parent["id"]][:xref] + subfigure_separator(markup: true) + x + delim_wrap(subfigure_delim) end end # KILL def annex_name_lblx(clause, num) obl = "(#{@labels['inform_annex']})" clause["obligation"] == "normative" and obl = "(#{@labels['norm_annex']})" title = Common::case_with_markup(@labels["annex"], "capital", @script) "#{title} #{num}
#{obl}" end def annex_name_lbl(clause, num) super.gsub(%r{}, "") end def annex_name_anchors1(clause, num, level) super # undo ISO "Clause A.2" in favour of "A.2" level == 2 and @anchors[clause["id"]][:xref] = semx(clause, num) end def clause_order_main(docxml) [ { path: "//sections/introduction" }, { path: "//clause[@type = 'scope']" }, { path: @klass.norm_ref_xpath }, { path: "//sections/terms | " \ "//sections/clause[descendant::terms]" }, { path: "//sections/definitions | " \ "//sections/clause[descendant::definitions][not(descendant::terms)]" }, { path: @klass.middle_clause(docxml), multi: true }, ] end def clause_order_annex(_docxml) [{ path: "//annex[not(@commentary = 'true')]", multi: true }] end def clause_order_back(_docxml) [ { path: @klass.bibliography_xpath }, { path: "//annex[@commentary = 'true']", multi: true }, { path: "//indexsect", multi: true }, { path: "//colophon/*", multi: true }, ] end def section_names(clause, num, lvl) clause&.name == "introduction" and clause["unnumbered"] = "true" super end def main_anchor_names(xml) n =, { numerals: @autonumbering_style }) clause_order_main(xml).each do |a| xml.xpath(ns(a[:path])).each do |c| section_names(c, n, 1) a[:multi] or break end end end def back_clauses_anchor_names(xml) clause_order_back(xml).each do |a| xml.xpath(ns(a[:path])).each do |c| if c["commentary"] == "true" then commentary_names(c) else preface_names(c) end x =, [c]) sequential_asset_names(x, container: true) a[:multi] or break end end end def commentary_names(clause) #require "debug" ; binding.b preface_name_anchors(clause, 1, clause_title(clause)) clause.xpath(ns(SUBCLAUSES)) .each_with_object(clause_counter(0, {})) do |c, i| commentary_names1(c, clause["id"], nil, i.increment(c).print, 2) end end def commentary_names1(clause, root, parentnum, num, level) lbl = clause_number_semx(parentnum, clause, num) commentary_name_anchors(clause, lbl, root, level) clause.xpath(ns(SUBCLAUSES)) .each_with_object(clause_counter(0)) do |c, i| commentary_names1(c, root, lbl, i.increment(c).print, level + 1) end end def commentary_name_anchors(clause, num, root, level) @anchors[clause["id"]] = { label: num, xref: labelled_autonum(@labels["clause"], num), container: root, title: clause_title(clause), level: level, type: "clause", elem: @labels["clause"] } end # KILL ? def list_item_anchor_namesx(list, list_anchor, depth, prev_label, refer_list) c = list_counter(list["start"] ? list["start"].to_i - 1 : 0, {}) list.xpath(ns("./li")).each do |li| bare_label, label = list_item_value(li, c, depth, { list_anchor: list_anchor, prev_label: prev_label, refer_list: depth == 1 ? refer_list : nil }) li["id"] ||= "_#{UUIDTools::UUID.random_create}" @anchors[li["id"]] = { label: bare_label, bare_xref: "#{bare_label})", xref: "#{label}#{list_item_delim}", type: "listitem", refer_list: refer_list, container: list_anchor[:container] } (li.xpath(ns(".//ol")) - li.xpath(ns(".//ol//ol"))).each do |ol| list_item_anchor_names(ol, list_anchor, depth + 1, label, refer_list) end end end # KILL def list_anchor_names(s) super #require "debug"; binding.b end def list_item_value(entry, counter, depth, opts) if depth > 2 # require 'debug'; binding.b label = counter.increment(entry).listlabel(entry.parent, depth) s = semx(entry, label) base = @c.decode(opts[:prev_label].gsub(%r{<[^>]+>}, "")).split(/\)\s*/) # List a) 1.1.1 label = "#{base[-1].sub(/^の/,'')}#{clausesep}#{label}" #[label, J=list_item_anchor_label(opts[:prev_label] + delim_wrap(clause_sep) + s, opts[:list_anchor], base[0].sub(/[\p{Zs})]+$/, ""), opts[:refer_list])] [label, opts[:prev_label] + delim_wrap(clausesep) + s] else super end end end end end