module SPARQL; module Algebra
  class Operator
    # The SPARQL GraphPattern `order` operator.
    # [23]  OrderClause             ::= 'ORDER' 'BY' OrderCondition+
    # @example SPARQL Grammar
    #   PREFIX foaf:    <>
    #   SELECT ?name
    #   WHERE { ?x foaf:name ?name }
    #   ORDER BY ASC(?name)
    # @example SSE
    #   (prefix ((foaf: <>))
    #     (project (?name)
    #       (order ((asc ?name))
    #         (bgp (triple ?x foaf:name ?name)))))
    # @example SPARQL Grammar (with builtin)
    #   PREFIX : <>
    #   SELECT ?s WHERE {
    #     ?s :p ?o .
    #   }
    #   ORDER BY str(?o)
    # @example SSE (with builtin)
    #   (prefix ((: <>))
    #    (project (?s)
    #     (order ((str ?o))
    #      (bgp (triple ?s :p ?o)))))
    # @example SPARQL Grammar (with bracketed expression)
    #   PREFIX : <>
    #   SELECT ?s WHERE {
    #     ?s :p ?o1 ; :q ?o2 .
    #   } ORDER BY (?o1 + ?o2)
    # @example SSE (with bracketed expression)
    #   (prefix
    #    ((: <>))
    #    (project (?s)
    #     (order ((+ ?o1 ?o2))
    #      (bgp
    #       (triple ?s :p ?o1)
    #       (triple ?s :q ?o2)))))
    # @example SPARQL Grammar (with function call)
    #   PREFIX :      <>
    #   PREFIX xsd:   <>
    #   SELECT *
    #   { ?s ?p ?o }
    #   ORDER BY 
    #     DESC(?o+57) xsd:string(?o) ASC(?s)
    # @example SSE (with function call)
    #   (prefix ((: <>)
    #            (xsd: <>))
    #    (order ((desc (+ ?o 57))
    #            (xsd:string ?o)
    #            (asc ?s))
    #     (bgp (triple ?s ?p ?o))))
    # @see
    class Order < Operator::Binary
      include Query
      NAME = [:order]

      # Executes this query on the given `queryable` graph or repository.
      # Orders a solution set returned by executing operand(1) using
      # an array of expressions and/or variables specified in operand(0)
      # @param  [RDF::Queryable] queryable
      #   the graph or repository to query
      # @param  [Hash{Symbol => Object}] options
      #   any additional keyword options
      # @yield  [solution]
      #   each matching solution
      # @yieldparam  [RDF::Query::Solution] solution
      # @yieldreturn [void] ignored
      # @return [RDF::Query::Solutions]
      #   the resulting solution sequence
      # @see
      def execute(queryable, **options, &block)

        debug(options) {"Order"}
        @solutions = queryable.query(operands.last, depth: options[:depth].to_i + 1, **options).order do |a, b|
          operand(0).inject(0) do |memo, op|
            debug(options) {"(order) #{op.inspect}"}
            memo = begin
              a_eval = op.evaluate(a, queryable: queryable, depth: options[:depth].to_i + 1, **options) rescue nil
              b_eval = op.evaluate(b, queryable: queryable, depth: options[:depth].to_i + 1, **options) rescue nil
              comp = begin
                Operator::Compare.evaluate(a_eval, b_eval, order_by: true).to_s.to_i
              rescue TypeError
                # Type sError is effectively zero
                debug(options) {"(order) rescue(#{$!}): #{a_eval.inspect}, #{b_eval.inspect}"}
              comp = -comp if op.is_a?(Operator::Desc)
            end if memo == 0
        @solutions.each(&block) if block_given?

      # Returns a partial SPARQL grammar for this operator.
      # Provides order to descendant query.
      # @return [String]
      def to_sparql(**options)
        operands.last.to_sparql(order_ops: operands.first, **options)
    end # Order
  end # Operator
end; end # SPARQL::Algebra