<% @model.form_attributes.each do |entries| %>
<% entries.each do |attribute, properties| %>

	<% field_type = properties['type'] %>
	<% properties = properties.except('type') %>

	<% if field_type == 'wysiwyg_field' %>
		<%= f.send(field_type, attribute) %>

	<% elsif field_type == 'adminpanel_file_field' %>

		<% if !defined? remote_request %>
			<!-- if not making resource from other form -->
			<%= content_tag :div, :class => 'file-collection-container', :data => {:max => properties['max-files'].nil? ? 0 : properties['max-files'] } do %>
				<%= f.fields_for(attribute) do |builder| %>
		    	<%= render 'shared/image_fields', :f => builder %>
		  	<% end -%>
	  		<%= link_to_add_fields t('Add Image'), f, attribute %>
			<% end %>

		<% end %>
  <% elsif field_type == 'belongs_to' %>
		<% if !defined? remote_request %>
			<!-- if not making resource from other form
			so we don't have to manage infinite nested forms
			<% args = properties.except('model') %>
	  	<%= f.select(attribute, (@collections["#{properties["model"]}"].collect{|resource| [resource.name, resource.id]}), args) %>

			<% if(properties['remote_resource'].nil? || properties['remote_resource']) %>
				Button to create a new of this belongs_to resource
				if it's supposed to be created remotely
				<% model_name = properties['model'].classify.constantize.model_name.to_s.demodulize.downcase %>
						:model => properties['model'].classify.constantize.display_name
						[:new, :"#{model_name}"],
						:model => @model.display_name,
						:model_name => @model.name.demodulize.downcase,
						:belongs_request => true
					:class => 'btn btn-info',
					:id => "#{model_name}-modal-link",
					:'data-target' => "#new-modal",
					:'data-toggle' => 'modal',
					:remote => true
			<% end %>
		<% end %>
  <% elsif field_type == 'has_many' %>
		<% if !defined? remote_request %>
			<div class="control-group">
				<div class="control-label">
					<%= properties['label'] %>
		  	<%= hidden_field_tag("#{class_name_downcase(f.object)}[#{relationship_ids(properties["model"])}][]", nil) %>
				<div class="controls" id="<%= properties['model'].demodulize.downcase %>-relation">
			  	<% @collections["#{properties['model']}"].each do |resource| %>
			  		<%= f.checkbox(resource, class_name_downcase(f.object) ,relationship_ids(properties["model"])) %>
					<% end %>

			<% if properties['remote_resource'].nil? || propeties['remote_resource'] %>
				<!-- Button to create a new of this has_many resource
						if it can be created remotely -->
				<% model_name = properties['model'].classify.constantize.model_name.to_s.demodulize.downcase %>
						:model => properties['model'].classify.constantize.display_name
						[:new, :"#{model_name}"],
						:model => @model.display_name,
						:model_name => @model.name.demodulize.downcase
					:class => 'btn btn-info',
					:id => "#{model_name}-modal-link",
					:'data-target' => "#new-modal",
					:'data-toggle' => 'modal',
					:remote => true
			<% end %>
		<% end %>

  <% elsif field_type == 'file_field' %>
		<% if !defined? remote_request %>
			<% args = properties.except('name') %>
    	<%= f.send(field_type, attribute, args) %>
		<% end %>
	<% else %>
		<% args = properties.except('name') %>
    <%= f.send(field_type, attribute, args) %>
  <% end %>

<% end %>
<% end %>