/** * The Color Mixin is an abstract chart functional class providing universal coloring support * as a mix-in for any concrete chart implementation. * @name colorMixin * @memberof dc * @mixin * @param {Object} _chart * @return {dc.colorMixin} */ dc.colorMixin = function (_chart) { var _colors = d3.scale.category20c(); var _defaultAccessor = true; var _colorAccessor = function (d) { return _chart.keyAccessor()(d); }; /** * Retrieve current color scale or set a new color scale. This methods accepts any function that * operates like a d3 scale. * @method colors * @memberof dc.colorMixin * @instance * @see {@link http://github.com/mbostock/d3/wiki/Scales d3.scale} * @example * // alternate categorical scale * chart.colors(d3.scale.category20b()); * // ordinal scale * chart.colors(d3.scale.ordinal().range(['red','green','blue'])); * // convenience method, the same as above * chart.ordinalColors(['red','green','blue']); * // set a linear scale * chart.linearColors(["#4575b4", "#ffffbf", "#a50026"]); * @param {d3.scale} [colorScale=d3.scale.category20c()] * @return {d3.scale} * @return {dc.colorMixin} */ _chart.colors = function (colorScale) { if (!arguments.length) { return _colors; } if (colorScale instanceof Array) { _colors = d3.scale.quantize().range(colorScale); // deprecated legacy support, note: this fails for ordinal domains } else { _colors = d3.functor(colorScale); } return _chart; }; /** * Convenience method to set the color scale to * {@link https://github.com/mbostock/d3/wiki/Ordinal-Scales#ordinal d3.scale.ordinal} with * range `r`. * @method ordinalColors * @memberof dc.colorMixin * @instance * @param {Array} r * @return {dc.colorMixin} */ _chart.ordinalColors = function (r) { return _chart.colors(d3.scale.ordinal().range(r)); }; /** * Convenience method to set the color scale to an Hcl interpolated linear scale with range `r`. * @method linearColors * @memberof dc.colorMixin * @instance * @param {Array} r * @return {dc.colorMixin} */ _chart.linearColors = function (r) { return _chart.colors(d3.scale.linear() .range(r) .interpolate(d3.interpolateHcl)); }; /** * Set or the get color accessor function. This function will be used to map a data point in a * crossfilter group to a color value on the color scale. The default function uses the key * accessor. * @method colorAccessor * @memberof dc.colorMixin * @instance * @example * // default index based color accessor * .colorAccessor(function (d, i){return i;}) * // color accessor for a multi-value crossfilter reduction * .colorAccessor(function (d){return d.value.absGain;}) * @param {Function} [colorAccessor] * @return {Function} * @return {dc.colorMixin} */ _chart.colorAccessor = function (colorAccessor) { if (!arguments.length) { return _colorAccessor; } _colorAccessor = colorAccessor; _defaultAccessor = false; return _chart; }; // what is this? _chart.defaultColorAccessor = function () { return _defaultAccessor; }; /** * Set or get the current domain for the color mapping function. The domain must be supplied as an * array. * * Note: previously this method accepted a callback function. Instead you may use a custom scale * set by {@link dc.colorMixin#colors .colors}. * @method colorDomain * @memberof dc.colorMixin * @instance * @param {Array} [domain] * @return {Array} * @return {dc.colorMixin} */ _chart.colorDomain = function (domain) { if (!arguments.length) { return _colors.domain(); } _colors.domain(domain); return _chart; }; /** * Set the domain by determining the min and max values as retrieved by * {@link dc.colorMixin#colorAccessor .colorAccessor} over the chart's dataset. * @method calculateColorDomain * @memberof dc.colorMixin * @instance * @return {dc.colorMixin} */ _chart.calculateColorDomain = function () { var newDomain = [d3.min(_chart.data(), _chart.colorAccessor()), d3.max(_chart.data(), _chart.colorAccessor())]; _colors.domain(newDomain); return _chart; }; /** * Get the color for the datum d and counter i. This is used internally by charts to retrieve a color. * @method getColor * @memberof dc.colorMixin * @instance * @param {*} d * @param {Number} [i] * @return {String} */ _chart.getColor = function (d, i) { return _colors(_colorAccessor.call(this, d, i)); }; /** * Get the color for the datum d and counter i. This is used internally by charts to retrieve a color. * @method colorCalculator * @memberof dc.colorMixin * @instance * @param {*} [colorCalculator] * @return {*} */ _chart.colorCalculator = function (colorCalculator) { if (!arguments.length) { return _chart.getColor; } _chart.getColor = colorCalculator; return _chart; }; return _chart; };