require 'molecules/libraries/residue' require 'constants/libraries/particle' require 'ms/in_silico' module Ms module InSilico # Spectrum calculates the theoretical ion series produced by a fragmentation # process such as collision induced disocciation (CID). The formula used to # calculate the ion series were obtained from the {Matrix Science # website}[]. Spectrum uses the # {Constants}[] gem as the default # source of element and particle masses. # # spec ='TVQQEL') # spec.series('b') # # => [ # # 102.054954926291, # # 201.123368842491, # # 329.181946353891, # # 457.240523865291, # # 586.283116961491, # # 699.367180941891] # # spec.series('y') # # => [ # # 717.377745628191, # # 616.330067154091, # # 517.261653237891, # # 389.203075726491, # # 261.144498215091, # # 132.101905118891] # # ==== Formulae to Calculate Fragment Ion m/z values # # Copied directly from the Matrix Science {fragmentation help # section}[] # # [N] is the molecular mass of the neutral N-terminal group, [C] is the # molecular mass of the neutral C-terminal group, [M] is molecular mass # of the neutral amino acid residues. To obtain m/z values, add or # subtract protons as required to obtain the required charge and divide # by the number of charges. For example, to get a+, add 1 proton to the # Mr value for a. To get a--, subtract 2 protons from the Mr value for # a and divide by 2. # # Ion Type Neutral Mr # a [N]+[M]-CHO # a* a-NH3 # a° a-H2O # b [N]+[M]-H # b* b-NH3 # b° b-H2O # c [N]+[M]+NH2 # d a - partial side chain # v y - complete side chain # w z - partial side chain # x [C]+[M]+CO-H # y [C]+[M]+H # y* y-NH3 # y° y-H2O # z [C]+[M]-NH2 # # ==== Use of alternate masses # By default a Spectrum will calculate the ion series' using the # monoisotopic masses for each element. To calculate masses # differently, provide a block to new; each Element will be # passed to the block as needed, and the block should return # the element mass used in the calculation. # # Alternatively, a subclass can override the mass method; all # objects that need to be turned into a mass (nterm, cterm, # a variety of molecules specified as strings, the elements, # ELECTRON, etc) are passed to mass to yield the value used # in any given calculation. # #-- # ALL of the collections could be sped up using inline #++ class Spectrum include Molecules include Molecules::Libraries include Constants::Libraries class << self def inherited(base) base.instance_variable_set(:@residues_to_locate, @residues_to_locate.dup) end # A string of residues located by scan. attr_accessor :residues_to_locate # Adds residues to residues_to_locate (these residues # will be located by scan). Generally used when some # special fragmentation behavior occurs at specific # residues. By default no residues are located. # # class Subclass < Spectrum # locate_residues "PS" # end # #'RPPGFSPFR').residue_locations # # => {'P' => [1, 2, 6], 'S' => [5]} # # Calls to locate_residues are cumulative. def locate_residues(residues) @residues_to_locate += residues end # Scans the sequence to produce a ladder of masses and a # hash of (residue, locations) pairs which indicate the # indicies at which the residue occurs in sequence. The # ladder corresponds to the M values described above. # Characters in the sequence that do not add mass, such # as whitespace, are skipped and do not add an entry to # the ladder. # # Returns [ladder, {residue => locations}]. # # ==== Inputs # sequence:: a string # masses_by_byte:: an array of masses where the index of # the mass is the byte of the # corresponding residue. # residues_to_locate:: a string of the residues to locate. # # Note: scan is an optimized utility function, but should # be replaced by an inline function to do the same. # def scan(sequence, masses_by_byte, residues_to_locate) locations = [] residues_to_locate.each_byte {|byte| locations[byte] = []} mass = 0 ladder = [] sequence.each_byte do |byte| # check a mass is added... if not (as for whitespace) # then skip to the next byte next if (mass == (mass += masses_by_byte[byte])) if location = locations[byte] location << ladder.length end ladder << mass end hash = {} 0.upto(residues_to_locate.length-1) do |index| letter = residues_to_locate[index, 1] byte = letter[0] hash[letter] = locations[byte] end [ladder, hash] end end HYDROGEN = EmpiricalFormula.parse("H") HYDROXIDE = EmpiricalFormula.parse("OH") ELECTRON = Particle['Electron'] self.residues_to_locate = "" # The peptide sequence. attr_reader :sequence # The n-terminal modification (default H) attr_reader :nterm # The c-terminal modification (default OH) attr_reader :cterm # An optional block used to calculate masses of molecules. attr_reader :block # A ladder of mass values corresponding to the # M values used in the fragmentation formulae. attr_reader :ladder # A hash of (residue, [locations]) pairs where # the locations are the indicies in sequence # at which residue occurs. attr_reader :residue_locations # Initializes a new Spectrum using the specified n- and c-terminal # modifications. Masses will be calculated using the block, if # specified. If no block is specified, then the monoisoptopic # masses will be used. def initialize(sequence, nterm=HYDROGEN, cterm=HYDROXIDE, &block) # :yields: element @sequence = sequence @nterm = nterm @cterm = cterm @block = block residue_masses = Residue.residue_index.collect do |residue| next(0) if residue == nil mass(residue) end @ladder, @residue_locations = self.class.scan( sequence, residue_masses, self.class.residues_to_locate) @series_hash = {} @series_mask = {} end # Returns the mass of the parent ion for the sequence, given the charge. def parent_ion_mass(charge=1) (mass(nterm) + ladder.last + mass(cterm) + charge * proton_mass)/charge end # Returns the mass of a proton (ie Hydrogen minus an Electron) def proton_mass mass(HYDROGEN) - mass(ELECTRON) end # Retrieves the specfied series, assuming a charge of 1. A different charge # can be specified for the series by using '+' and '-'. For example: # # f = 'RPPGFSPFR' # f.series('y') == f.y_series # => true # f.series('b++') == f.b_series(2) # => true # f.series('nladder-') == f.nladder_series(-1) # => true # # Series raises an error if the specified charge is zero. def series(s) s = s.to_s.strip case s when /^(immonium|nladder|cladder|[abcxyYz])(\+*)(-*)(\s[\+\-\s\w\d]+)?$/ series = $1 plus = $2 minus = $3 mod = $4.to_s.gsub(/\s/, "") charge = case when plus.empty? && minus.empty? then 1 when minus.empty? then plus.length when plus.empty? then -minus.length else charge = plus.length - minus.length raise"zero charge specified in series: #{s}") if charge == 0 charge end self.send("#{series}_series", charge, mod) else handle_unknown_series(s) end end def immonium_series(charge=1, mod=nil) get_series(:immonium, charge, mod) do delta = mass(mod) - mass('CO') previous = 0 series = [] ladder.each do |current| series << (current - previous + delta + charge * proton_mass)/charge previous = current end series end end # [N]+[M]-CHO def a_series(charge=1, mod=nil) get_series(:a, charge, mod) do delta = mass(mod) + mass(nterm) - mass('CHO') + charge * proton_mass nterm_series(delta, charge) end end # [N]+[M]-H def b_series(charge=1, mod=nil) get_series(:b, charge, mod) do delta = mass(mod) + mass(nterm) - mass('H') + charge * proton_mass nterm_series(delta, charge) end end # [N]+[M]+NH2 def c_series(charge=1, mod=nil) get_series(:c, charge, mod) do delta = mass(mod) + mass(nterm) + mass('NH2') + charge * proton_mass nterm_series(delta, charge) end end # [M]+H20 #-- # Ask Peter about these as well... Currently I'm adding water to # cap the ends, as if a hydrolysis reaction produced the ladder, # then I'm adding H for charge... is this what is intended? # Why not cladder[0] or cladder[-1]? #++ def cladder_series(charge=1, mod=nil) get_series(:cladder, charge, mod) do delta = mass(mod) + mass('H2O') + charge * proton_mass nterm_series(delta, charge) end end # [C]+[M]+CO-H def x_series(charge=1, mod=nil) get_series(:x, charge, mod) do delta = mass(mod) + ladder.last + mass(cterm) + mass('CO - H') + charge * proton_mass cterm_series(delta, charge) end end # [C]+[M]+H def y_series(charge=1, mod=nil) get_series(:y, charge, mod) do delta = mass(mod) + ladder.last + mass(cterm) + mass('H') + charge * proton_mass cterm_series(delta, charge) end end # [C]+[M]-H def Y_series(charge=1, mod=nil) get_series(:Y, charge, mod) do delta = mass(mod) + ladder.last + mass(cterm) - mass('H') + charge * proton_mass cterm_series(delta, charge) end end # [C]+[M]-NH2 def z_series(charge=1, mod=nil) get_series(:z, charge, mod) do delta = mass(mod) + ladder.last + mass(cterm) - mass('NH2') + charge * proton_mass cterm_series(delta, charge) end end # [M]+H20 #-- # Ask Peter about these as well... Currently I'm adding water to # cap the ends, as if a hydrolysis reaction produced the ladder, # then I'm adding H for charge... is this what is intended? # Why not nladder[-1]? #++ def nladder_series(charge=1, mod=nil) get_series(:nladder, charge, mod) do delta = mass(mod) + ladder.last + mass('H2O') + charge * proton_mass cterm_series(delta, charge) end end protected # A hash holding all calculated series for self. Series are keyed # by the type and charge of the series (ex: b1, b2, y1, y2). attr_accessor :series_hash # A hash holding the locations of residues that need to be masked (ie # multiplied by -1) in a given series. Mask locations should be unique # so that a given location will not be masked twice; the method # mask_locations can assist in doing so. Series masks are keyed # by the series type (ex: b, y). attr_accessor :series_mask # Calculates the mass of the molecule for a variety of input # types: # # EmpiricalFormula molecule.mass(&block) # Particle molecule.mass # String EmpiricalFormula.mass(molecule, &block) # Numeric molecule # nil 0 # def mass(molecule) # note that Particles will not actually make use of the # block, even though it is being passed to it. case molecule when EmpiricalFormula, Particle then molecule.mass(&block) when String then EmpiricalFormula.mass(molecule, &block) when nil then 0 when Numeric then molecule else raise "cannot calculate mass of: #{molecule}" end end # Generates an n-terminal series (ex: a, b, or c) by adding delta # to each element from ladder, and dividing by charge. Delta, # therefore, should ALREADY take account of the protons added # by charge. def nterm_series(delta, charge) ladder.collect {|m| (m + delta)/charge } end # Generates a c-terminal series (ex: x, y, or z) by subtracting each # element from ladder from delta, and dividing by charge. Delta, # therefore, should ALREADY take account of the protons added # by charge. def cterm_series(delta, charge) series = ladder.collect {|m| (delta - m)/charge } series.unshift(delta/charge) series.pop series end # Adds the specified locations to the series mask, ensuring that the # specified locations will be unique within the mask. If overwrite # is true, then the input locations will overwrite any existing mask # locations. def mask_locations(series, locations, overwrite=false) locations = locations.collect do |location| location < 0 ? ladder.length + location : location end if overwrite series_mask[series] = locations.uniq else (series_mask[series] ||= []).concat(locations).uniq! end end # Retrieves the series keyed by "#{key}#{charge}" in series_hash. # If the series has not been initialized, the series will be # initialized using the supplied block, and masked using the # series_mask indicated by key (not "#{key}#{charge}"). def get_series(key, charge=nil, mod=nil) series_hash["#{key}#{charge}#{mod}"] ||= mask(yield, key, mod) end # Mask the locations in the series by multiplying them by -1. Mask # does NOT check to see if the location is negative or positive. def mask(series, key, mod) locations = series_mask[key] unless mod == nil mod_locations = series_mask["#{key}#{mod}"] if mod_locations locations += mod_locations locations.uniq! end end locations.each {|i| series[i] *= -1} unless locations == nil series end # Hook to custom-handle an unknown series from the series method. # By default, handle_unknown_series raises an ArgumentError. def handle_unknown_series(s) raise ArgumentError, "unknown series: #{s}" end end end end