require 'helper' describe "ls" do describe "below ceiling" do it "should stop before Object by default" do mock_pry("cd{ def goo; end }.new", "ls").should.not =~ /Object/ mock_pry("cd{ def goo; end }", "ls -M").should.not =~ /Object/ end it "should include object if -v is given" do mock_pry("cd{ def goo; end }.new", "ls -m -v").should =~ /Object/ mock_pry("cd{ def goo; end }", "ls -vM").should =~ /Object/ end it "should include super-classes by default" do mock_pry("cd{ def goo; end }).new", "ls").should =~ /goo/ mock_pry("cd{ def goo; end })", "ls -M").should =~ /goo/ end it "should not include super-classes when -q is given" do mock_pry("cd{ def goo; end }).new", "ls -q").should.not =~ /goo/ mock_pry("cd{ def goo; end })", "ls -M -q").should.not =~ /goo/ end end describe "help" do it 'should show help with -h' do mock_pry("ls -h").should =~ /Usage: ls/ end end describe "methods" do it "should show public methods by default" do mock_pry("ls{ def goo; end }.new").should =~ /goo/ end it "should not show protected/private by default" do mock_pry("ls -M{ def goo; end; private :goo }").should.not =~ /goo/ mock_pry("ls{ def goo; end; protected :goo }.new").should.not =~ /goo/ end it "should show public methods with -p" do mock_pry("ls -p{ def goo; end }.new").should =~ /goo/ end it "should show protected/private methods with -p" do mock_pry("ls -pM{ def goo; end; protected :goo }").should =~ /goo/ mock_pry("ls -p{ def goo; end; private :goo }.new").should =~ /goo/ end it "should work for objects with an overridden method method" do require 'net/http' # This doesn't actually touch the network, promise! mock_pry("ls'localhost')").should =~ /Net::HTTPGenericRequest#methods/ end end describe "when inside Modules" do it "should still work" do mock_pry("cd{ def foobie; end }", "ls -M").should =~ /foobie/ end end describe "constants" do it "should show constants defined on the current module" do mock_pry("class TempFoo1; BARGHL = 1; end", "ls TempFoo1").should =~ /BARGHL/ end it "should not show constants defined on parent modules by default" do mock_pry("class TempFoo2; LHGRAB = 1; end; class TempFoo3 < TempFoo2; BARGHL = 1; end", "ls TempFoo3").should.not =~ /LHGRAB/ end it "should show constants defined on ancestors with -v" do mock_pry("class TempFoo4; LHGRAB = 1; end; class TempFoo5 < TempFoo4; BARGHL = 1; end", "ls -v TempFoo5").should =~ /LHGRAB/ end it "should not autoload constants!" do autoload :McflurgleTheThird, "/tmp/this-file-d000esnat-exist.rb" lambda{ mock_pry("ls -c") }.should.not.raise end end describe "grep" do it "should reduce the number of outputted things" do mock_pry("ls -c").should =~ /ArgumentError/ mock_pry("ls -c --grep Run").should.not =~ /ArgumentError/ end it "should still output matching things" do mock_pry("ls -c --grep Run").should =~ /RuntimeError/ end end describe "when no arguments given" do describe "when at the top-level" do # rubinius has a bug that means local_variables of "main" aren't reported inside eval() unless Pry::Helpers::BaseHelpers.rbx? it "should show local variables" do mock_pry("ls").should =~ /_pry_/ mock_pry("arbitrar = 1", "ls").should =~ /arbitrar/ end end end describe "when in a class" do it "should show constants" do mock_pry("class GeFromulate1; FOOTIFICATE=1.3; end", "cd GeFromulate1", "ls").should =~ /FOOTIFICATE/ end it "should show class variables" do mock_pry("class GeFromulate2; @@flurb=1.3; end", "cd GeFromulate2", "ls").should =~ /@@flurb/ end it "should show methods" do mock_pry("class GeFromulate3; def self.mooflight; end ; end", "cd GeFromulate3", "ls").should =~ /mooflight/ end end describe "when in an object" do it "should show methods" do mock_pry("cd{ def self.fooerise; end; self }", "ls").should =~ /fooerise/ end it "should show instance variables" do mock_pry("cd", "@alphooent = 1", "ls").should =~ /@alphooent/ end end end end