-work_with = true if work_with.nil?
-if work_with
    %li.dropdown{:id => "#menu#bulkactions"}
      =icon_link_to('Work with...', "#menu#bulkactions", 'icon-asterisk', 'dropdown-toggle dropdown btn', '')
          =link_to "Send Receipt", "#receipt", 'data-toggle' => 'modal'
        - if order.assignable?
            = link_to "Assign Person", new_order_assignment_path(order)
          -if order.editable?
            =link_to "Edit Donation", edit_contribution_path(order, :format => :html), :id => 'edit-order-link', "data-remote" => "true"
          =link_to "Edit Order Notes", "#notes", 'data-toggle' => 'modal'
          -if order.destroyable?
            =link_to "Delete", "#confirm-delete", 'data-toggle' => 'modal'

    %h6.key Order Number
  - unless order.parent.nil?
      %h6.key Parent order
      .value=link_to order.parent.id, order_path(order.parent)
    %h6.key Ordered by
    .value=link_to_person person
    %h6.key Date
    .value #{(l order.created_at_local_to_organization) unless order.created_at.nil?}
    %h6.key Amount
    .value #{number_as_cents(total)}
  - if order.nongift_amount > 0
      %h6.key Non-deductible
      .value #{number_as_cents(order.nongift_amount)}
    %h6.key Payment method
    .value=(order.payment_method || "")
    %h6.key Order location
  - if !order.fa_id.nil?
      %h6.key FA ID
    %h6.key Details
    .value= order.details
    %h6.key-full Special Instructions
    .value= order.special_instructions
    %h6.key-full Order Notes
    .value= order.notes
-if order.destroyable?  
      Are you sure you want to delete this order?  The order and associated actions will be deleted.  This cannot be undone.  The #{@person.type.downcase} record will not be deleted.
      =link_to "Delete", contribution_path(order), :class => 'btn btn-danger', :id => 'destroy-order-link', 'data-method' => :delete
      =link_to "Cancel", "#", :class => "btn", 'data-dismiss'=>'modal'  

  -if order.is_fafs?
      %p Artful.ly cannot resend a receipt because this donation was made through Fractured Atlas.  We'll have this feature in place soon!  
      =link_to "OK", "#", :class => "btn", 'data-dismiss'=>'modal'
  -elsif person.email.blank?
      %p Artful.ly cannot email a receipt because we do not have an email address on file for this #{@person.type.downcase}.
        =link_to "Update the #{@person.type.downcase} record", person_path(@person)
        to add an email, then try again.
      =link_to "OK", "#", :class => "btn", 'data-dismiss'=>'modal' 
      Click "Resend Receipt" to email a duplicate receipt to  
      =link_to "Resend Receipt", resend_order_path(order), :class => "btn btn-success"
      =link_to "Cancel", "#", :class => "btn btn-danger", 'data-dismiss'=>'modal'

    .close{'data-dismiss'=>'modal'} x
    %h3 Edit Order Notes
  = form_tag order_url(order), :method => :put do
      = text_area_tag "order[notes]", order.notes, :rows => "5", :class => "block"
      = submit_tag "Save", :class => "btn btn-success"
      = link_to "Cancel", "#", :class => "btn", 'data-dismiss'=>'modal'