Calagator.setup do |config| # Site name config.title = 'Calagator' # Site tagline config.tagline = 'A Tech Calendar' # Site URL with trailing slash config.url = '' # Email address of administrator that will get exception notifications # and requests for assistance from users: config.administrator_email = 'your@email.addr' # Optional username and password to use when accessing /admin pages # config.admin_username = 'admin' # config.admin_password = 'kitties!' # API key for, get your own from: config.meetup_api_key = '' # Search engine to use for searching events. # Values: :sql, :sunspot. config.search_engine = :sql # Set the iCalendar SEQUENCE, which should be increased each time an event # is updated. If an admin needs to forcefully increment the SEQUENCE for all # events, they can set this icalendar_sequence_offset value to something # greater than 0. config.icalendar_sequence_offset = 0 # Configure a mapping provider # Stamen's terrain tiles will be used by default. # Map marker color # Values: red, darkred, orange, green, darkgreen, blue, purple, darkpuple, cadetblue config.mapping_marker_color = 'green' # A Google Maps API key is required to use Google's geocoding service # as well as to display maps using their API. # Get one at: config.mapping_google_maps_api_key = '' # The tile provider to use when rendering maps with Leaflet. # One of: leaflet, stamen, mapbox, google config.mapping_provider = 'stamen' # The tiles to use for the map, see the docs for individual Leaflet plugins. config.mapping_tiles = 'terrain' # Other mapping examples: # # Stamen # (available tiles: terrain, toner, watercolor) # config.mapping_provider = 'stamen' # config.mapping_tiles = 'watercolor' # # MapBox Streets (use a map from your own account) # config.mapping_provider = 'mapbox' # config.mapping_tiles = '' # # Google Maps # config.mapping_provider = 'google' # config.mapping_tiles = 'ROADMAP' # # OpenStreetMap # config.mapping_provider = 'leaflet' # config.mapping_tiles = 'http://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png' # # Esri # (available tiles: Gray, Streets, Oceans, Topographic) # config.mapping_provider = 'esri' # config.mapping_tiles = 'Gray' # Map to display on /venues page: config.venues_map_options = { # Zoom magnification level: zoom: 12, # Center of the map, in latitude and longitude. # If no center is specified, the map will zoom to fit all markers. # center: [45.518493, -122.660737] } # Patterns for detecting spam events and venues config.blacklist_patterns = [ /\b(online|overseas).+(drugstore|pharmacy)\b/, /\bcialis\b/, ] end