// This file was automatically generated and should not be edited. /* tslint:disable */ export interface AddCommentMutationVariables { commentableId: string; commentableType: string; body: string; alignment: number | null; userGroupId: string | null; } export interface AddCommentMutation { // A commentable commentable: { // Add a new comment to a commentable addComment: CommentThreadFragment & CommentFragment & CommentDataFragment & UpVoteButtonFragment & DownVoteButtonFragment, } | null; } export interface DownVoteMutationVariables { id: string; } export interface DownVoteMutation { // A comment comment: { downVote: CommentFragment & CommentDataFragment & UpVoteButtonFragment & DownVoteButtonFragment, } | null; } export interface UpVoteMutationVariables { id: string; } export interface UpVoteMutation { // A comment comment: { upVote: CommentFragment & CommentDataFragment & UpVoteButtonFragment & DownVoteButtonFragment, } | null; } export interface GetCommentsQueryVariables { commentableId: string; commentableType: string; orderBy: string | null; } export interface GetCommentsQuery { // Return's information about the logged in user session: AddCommentFormSessionFragment & { // The current user user: { // The user's name name: string, // The user's avatar url avatarUrl: string, // The user's organization name organizationName: string, } | null, } | null; commentable: AddCommentFormCommentableFragment & { // Whether the object can have new comments or not acceptsNewComments: boolean, // Whether the object comments have alignment or not commentsHaveAlignment: boolean, // Whether the object comments have votes or not commentsHaveVotes: boolean, comments: Array< CommentThreadFragment & CommentFragment & CommentDataFragment & UpVoteButtonFragment & DownVoteButtonFragment & { // The Comment's unique ID id: string, } >, }; } export interface AddCommentFormCommentableFragment { // The commentable's ID id: string; // The commentable's class name. i.e. `Decidim::ParticipatoryProcess` type: string; } export interface AddCommentFormSessionFragment { // The current user verified user groups verifiedUserGroups: Array< { // The user group's id id: string, // The user group's name name: string, } >; } export interface CommentFragment extends CommentDataFragment, UpVoteButtonFragment, DownVoteButtonFragment { comments: Array< CommentDataFragment & UpVoteButtonFragment & DownVoteButtonFragment & { comments: Array< CommentDataFragment & UpVoteButtonFragment & DownVoteButtonFragment & { comments: Array, } >, } >; } export interface CommentDataFragment extends UpVoteButtonFragment, DownVoteButtonFragment { // The Comment's unique ID id: string; // The Comment's signed global id sgid: string; // The commentable's class name. i.e. `Decidim::ParticipatoryProcess` type: string; // The comment message body: string; // The creation date of the comment createdAt: string; // The comment's author author: { // The author's name name: string, // The author's avatar url avatarUrl: string, // Whether the author is verified or not isVerified: boolean, // Whether the author is a user or another kind of author (User Group) isUser: boolean, // Whether the author's account has been deleted or not deleted: boolean, }; // Check if the commentable has comments hasComments: boolean; // Whether the object can have new comments or not acceptsNewComments: boolean; // The comment's alignment. Can be 0 (neutral), 1 (in favor) or -1 (against)' alignment: number | null; // Check if the current user has reported the comment alreadyReported: boolean; } export interface CommentThreadFragment extends CommentFragment, CommentDataFragment, UpVoteButtonFragment, DownVoteButtonFragment { // Check if the commentable has comments hasComments: boolean; } export interface DownVoteButtonFragment { // The Comment's unique ID id: string; // The number of comment's downVotes downVotes: number; // Check if the current user has downvoted the comment downVoted: boolean; // Check if the current user has upvoted the comment upVoted: boolean; } export interface UpVoteButtonFragment { // The Comment's unique ID id: string; // The number of comment's upVotes upVotes: number; // Check if the current user has upvoted the comment upVoted: boolean; // Check if the current user has downvoted the comment downVoted: boolean; } /* tslint:enable */