= {ianwhite}[http://github.com/ianwhite] / {inherit_views}[http://github.com/ianwhite/inherit_views] >>{info}[http://ianwhite.github.com/inherit_views] >>{api}[http://ianwhite.github.com/inherit_views/doc] == Status inherit_views works with rails 2.x If you're on rails 2.3 or rails edge, you want {inherit_views/master}[http://github.com/ianwhite/inherit_views/tree/master] If you're on rails 2.2, you want {inherit_views/rails-2.2}[http://github.com/ianwhite/inherit_views/tree/rails-2.2] If you're on rails 2.0, or 2.1, you want {inherit_views/rails-2.0-2.1}[http://github.com/ianwhite/inherit_views/tree/rails-2.0-2.1] == what does it do? This rails plugin allows your controllers/mailers to inherit their views from parent controllers/mailers. The default behaviour is to inherit along the ancestor path of the controller/mailer, but you can also specify custom inherit view paths to search. Example: class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base inherit_views end class FooController < ApplicationController # will look for views in 'views/foo', then 'views/application' end class BarController < FooController # will look for views in 'views/bar', then 'views/foo', then 'view/application' end See InheritViews for more details NOTE: this plugin is not aimed at having multiple view paths for your controllers, which is addressed with the view_paths addition to ActionController::Base for rails 2.0. Rather, within these view paths, you can inherit views from other controller paths. == In templates You can render the 'parent' template from within a template if you so choose. This works for partials and top-level templates alike. foo/view.html.erb