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Celerity is a JRuby wrapper around HtmlUnit – a headless Java browser
with JavaScript support. It provides a simple API for programmatic
navigation through web applications. Celerity aims at being API compatible
with Watir.
<li>Fast: No time-consuming GUI rendering or unessential downloads

<li>Scalable: Java threads lets you run tests in parallel

<li>Easy to use: Simple API

<li>Portable: Cross-platform

<li>Unintrusive: No browser window interrupting your workflow (runs in

<li>JRuby 1.2.0 or higher

<li>Java 6

<pre class="code">
  <span class='xstring val'>`jruby -S gem install celerity`</span>

  <span class='or or kw'>or</span> <span class='from identifier id'>from</span> <span class='GitHub constant id'>GitHub</span>

  <span class='xstring val'>`jruby -S gem install jarib-celerity`</span>
<pre class="code">
  <span class='require identifier id'>require</span> <span class='string val'>&quot;rubygems&quot;</span>
  <span class='require identifier id'>require</span> <span class='string val'>&quot;celerity&quot;</span>

  <span class='browser identifier id'>browser</span> <span class='assign token'>=</span> <span class='Celerity constant id'>Celerity</span><span class='colon2 op'>::</span><span class='Browser constant id'>Browser</span><span class='dot token'>.</span><span class='new identifier id'>new</span>
  <span class='browser identifier id'>browser</span><span class='dot token'>.</span><span class='goto identifier id'>goto</span><span class='lparen token'>(</span><span class='string val'>'http://www.google.com'</span><span class='rparen token'>)</span>
  <span class='browser identifier id'>browser</span><span class='dot token'>.</span><span class='text_field identifier id'>text_field</span><span class='lparen token'>(</span><span class='symbol val'>:name</span><span class='comma token'>,</span> <span class='string val'>'q'</span><span class='rparen token'>)</span><span class='dot token'>.</span><span class='value identifier id'>value</span> <span class='assign token'>=</span> <span class='string val'>'Celerity'</span>
  <span class='browser identifier id'>browser</span><span class='dot token'>.</span><span class='button identifier id'>button</span><span class='lparen token'>(</span><span class='symbol val'>:name</span><span class='comma token'>,</span> <span class='string val'>'btnG'</span><span class='rparen token'>)</span><span class='dot token'>.</span><span class='click identifier id'>click</span>

  <span class='puts identifier id'>puts</span> <span class='string val'>&quot;yay&quot;</span> <span class='if if_mod kw'>if</span> <span class='browser identifier id'>browser</span><span class='dot token'>.</span><span class='text identifier id'>text</span><span class='dot token'>.</span><span class='include? fid id'>include?</span> <span class='string val'>'celerity.rubyforge.org'</span>
The source code is available at

<h2>BUG TRACKER:</h2>

Celerity - JRuby wrapper for HtmlUnit Copyright &#169; 2008 FINN.no AS
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
with this program. If not, see &lt;http://www.gnu.org/licenses/&gt;.
