require 'optparse' options = {} # App options are options that the application can supply to extend this command app_options = @application_options || [] opt_parser = do |opts| opts.banner = 'Usage: origen g [space separated patterns or lists] [options]' opts.on('-e', '--environment NAME', String, 'Override the default environment, NAME can be a full path or a fragment of an environment file name') { |e| options[:environment] = e } opts.on('-t', '--target NAME', String, 'Override the default target, NAME can be a full path or a fragment of a target file name') { |t| options[:target] = t } opts.on('-l', '--lsf [ACTION]', [:clear, :add], "Submit jobs to the LSF, optionally specify whether to 'clear' or 'add' to existing jobs") { |a| options[:lsf] = true; options[:lsf_action] = a } opts.on('-w', '--wait', 'Wait for LSF processing to complete') { options[:wait_for_lsf_completion] = true } opts.on('-c', '--continue', 'Continue on error (to the next pattern)') { options[:continue] = true } opts.on('-pl', '--plugin PLUGIN_NAME', String, 'Set current plugin') { |pl_n| options[:current_plugin] = pl_n } opts.on('-f', '--file FILE', String, 'Override the default log file') { |o| options[:log_file] = o } opts.on('-o', '--output DIR', String, 'Override the default output directory') { |o| options[:output] = o } opts.on('-r', '--reference DIR', String, 'Override the default reference directory') { |o| options[:reference] = o } opts.on('-q', '--queue NAME', String, 'Specify the LSF queue, default is short') { |o| options[:queue] = o } opts.on('-p', '--project NAME', String, 'Specify the LSF project, default is msg.te') { |o| options[:project] = o } opts.on('--doc', 'Generate into doc format') { options[:doc] = true } opts.on('--html', 'Generate into html format') { options[:html] = true } opts.on('--nocom', 'No comments in the generated pattern') { options[:no_comments] = true } opts.on('-d', '--debugger', 'Enable the debugger') { options[:debugger] = true } opts.on('-m', '--mode MODE', Origen::Mode::MODES, 'Force the Origen operating mode:', ' ' + Origen::Mode::MODES.join(', ')) { |_m| } app_options.each do |app_option| opts.on(*app_option) {} end opts.separator '' opts.on('-h', '--help', 'Show this message') { puts opts; exit } end opt_parser.parse! ARGV options[:patterns] = ARGV def self._with_doc_tester(options) if options[:doc] || options[:html] do yield end else yield end end Origen.load_application if options[:queue] Origen.config.lsf.queue = options.delete(:queue) end if options[:project] Origen.config.lsf.project = options.delete(:project) end _with_doc_tester(options) do = options[:current_plugin] if options[:current_plugin] Origen.environment.temporary = options[:environment] if options[:environment] = options[:target] if options[:target]! # This initial load is required to apply any configuration # options present in the target, it will loaded again before # each generate/compile job Origen.lsf.wait_for_completion if options[:wait_for_lsf_completion] end # method_option :vector_comments, :default => false, :aliases => "-v", :type => :boolean, # :desc => "Add vector and cycle number comments to the pattern, disabled by default to make diff viewing easier" # === Task: $ origen g [patname/patlist] [options] # Generate a pattern or list of patterns. # # ==== Supplying a pattern name # Multiple pattern name arguments can be supplied on the command line. The generator is non-strict # about pre and post-fixes to the pattern names so the following all work; use whichever is most # convenient: # # origen g prb_ers_mas_atuf # origen g prb_ers_mas_atuf.rb # origen g nvm_prb_ers_mas_atuf.atp # origen g pattern/erase/prb_ers_mas_atuf.rb # # For patterns that use iterators you can supply either the pattern source name or the generated name, # for example these are equivalent: # # origen g prb_ers_mas_bx.rb # origen g prb_ers_mas_b0.atp # # Multiple patterns can be supplied on the command line and should be comma separated with no spaces # in between: # # origen g prb_ers_mas_atuf,prb_ers_mas_bx # # A pattern list is simply the name of any file that resides in the /list directory and which contains # a list of patname arguments (same rules apply as for the command line version). # The list files can be commented with '#' and can reference other list files. For example it is # common to make a production.list or master.list file that references other sub lists: probe.list, # ft.list, etc. # # ==== Generator output # The command line output is as follows: # # Generating... nvm_prb_ers_mas_atuf.atp 3039 0.201732 # | | | # Created output file, can be found in Number of Execution time # output// vectors on the tester # # All output from the last run can be found in log.txt, this is just a direct copy of the output in # the console. # # ==== Tracking changes # Upon completion you will be alerted if there are some new or changed files and will prompted to # save these. It is recommended that you perform the save if you know why the change happened (or if # you are running in a brand new workspace). You can then use the automatic pattern diff feature to # be alerted to any change in the pattern content the next time you generate a given pattern. Note that # a tkdiff executable is automatically output to allow you to inspect the differences. # # To allow you to locate changed or new patterns easily they are automatically copied to: # output//changed/ # # The reference files are stored in $ORIGEN_WORK/.ref
# Very often you will want to compare the output of the current generator to a previous version, # to do this remove the .ref and replace it with a link to the .ref in another workspace. # rm -fr .ref # ln -s /.ref .ref # After that generate and save the patterns in the reference workspace and re-run the patterns in the original # workspace to see if there are any differences. # # ==== Options # For a list of options run: # origen help g