RSpec.describe 'ROM::SQL::Attribute', :postgres do include_context 'database setup' jsonb_hash = -> v { } jsonb_array = -> v { } before do conn.drop_table?(:pg_people) conn.drop_table?(:people) conf.relation(:people) do schema(:pg_people, infer: true) end end let(:people) { relations[:people] } let(:create_person) { commands[:people].create } describe 'using arrays' do before do conn.create_table :pg_people do primary_key :id String :name column :fields, :jsonb end conf.commands(:people) do define(:create) define(:update) end create_person.(name: 'John Doe', fields: [{ name: 'age', value: '30' }, { name: 'height', value: 180 }]) create_person.(name: 'Jade Doe', fields: [{ name: 'age', value: '25' }]) end it 'allows to query jsonb by inclusion' do expect( { fields.contain([value: '30']) }.one). to eql(name: 'John Doe') end it 'cat project result of contains' do expect( { fields.contain([value: '30']).as(:contains) }.to_a). to eql([{ contains: true }, { contains: false }]) end it 'fetches data from jsonb array by index' do expect( { [fields.get(1).as(:field)] }.where(name: 'John Doe').one). to eql(field: jsonb_hash['name' => 'height', 'value' => 180]) end it 'fetches data from jsonb array' do expect( { fields.get(1).get_text('value').as(:height) }.where(name: 'John Doe').one). to eql(height: '180') end it 'fetches data with path' do expect([:fields].get_text('1', 'value').as(:height)).to_a). to eql([{ height: '180' }, { height: nil }]) end it 'deletes key from result' do expect( { fields.delete(0).as(:result) }.limit(1).one). to eq(result: jsonb_array[['name' => 'height', 'value' => 180]]) end it 'deletes by path' do expect( { fields.delete('0', 'name').delete('1', 'name').as(:result) }.limit(1).one). to eq(result: jsonb_array[[{ 'value' => '30' }, { 'value' => 180 }]]) end it 'concatenates JSON values' do expect( { (fields + [name: 'height', value: 165]).as(:result) }.by_pk(2).one). to eq(result: jsonb_array[[{ 'name' => 'age', 'value' => '25' }, { 'name' => 'height', 'value' => 165 }]]) end end describe 'using map' do before do conn.create_table :pg_people do primary_key :id String :name column :data, :jsonb end conf.commands(:people) do define(:create) define(:update) end create_person.(name: 'John Doe', data: { age: 30, height: 180 }) create_person.(name: 'Jade Doe', data: { age: 25 }) end it 'queries data by inclusion' do expect( { data.contain(age: 30) }.one). to eql(name: 'John Doe') end it 'queries data by left inclusion' do expect( { data.contained_by(age: 25, foo: 'bar') }.one). to eql(name: 'Jade Doe') end it 'checks for key presence' do expect( { data.has_key('height').as(:there) }.to_a). to eql([{ there: true }, { there: false }]) expect( { data.has_any_key('height', 'width') }.one). to eql(name: 'John Doe') expect( { data.has_all_keys('height', 'age') }.one). to eql(name: 'John Doe') end it 'concatenates JSON values' do expect( { data.merge(height: 165).as(:result) }.by_pk(2).one). to eql(result: jsonb_hash['age' => 25, 'height' => 165]) end it 'deletes key from result' do expect( { data.delete('height').as(:result) }.to_a). to eql([{ result: jsonb_hash['age' => 30] }, { result: jsonb_hash['age' => 25] }]) end end describe 'using array types' do before do conn.create_table :pg_people do primary_key :id String :name column :emails, 'text[]' column :bigids, 'bigint[]' end conf.commands(:people) do define(:create) define(:update) end create_person.(name: 'John Doe', emails: %w(, bigids: [84]) create_person.(name: 'Jade Doe', emails: %w(, bigids: [42]) end it 'filters by email inclusion' do expect( { emails.contain(['']) }.one). to eql(name: 'John Doe') end it 'coerces values so that PG does not complain' do expect( { bigids.contain([84]) }.one). to eql(name: 'John Doe') end it 'fetches element by index' do expect( { [name, emails.get(2).as(:second_email)] }.to_a). to eql([{ name: 'John Doe', second_email: '' }, { name: 'Jade Doe', second_email: nil }]) end it 'restricts with ANY' do expect( { bigids.any(84)}.one). to eql(name: 'John Doe') end it 'restricts by <@' do expect( { bigids.contained_by((30..50).to_a) }.one). to eql(name: 'Jade Doe') end it 'returns array length' do expect( { [name,] }.to_a). to eql([{ name: 'John Doe', size: 2 }, { name: 'Jade Doe', size: 1 }]) end it 'restrict by overlapping with other array' do expect( { emails.overlaps(%w( }.one). to eql(name: 'Jade Doe') expect( { bigids.overlaps([42]) }.one). to eql(name: 'Jade Doe') end it 'removes element by value' do expect( { emails.remove_value('').as(:emails) }.to_a). to eq([{ emails: %w( }, { emails: %w( }]) pending "doesn't have auto-casting yet" expect( { bigids.remove_value(100).contains([42]) }.one). to eql(name: 'Jade Doe') end it 'joins values' do expect( { emails.join(',').as(:emails) }.to_a). to eql([{ emails: ',' }, { emails: '' }]) end it 'concatenates arrays' do expect( { (emails + %w( }.where {'Jade Doe') }.one). to eq(emails: %w( end end end