# frozen_string_literal: true require 'securerandom' module Glueby module Internal class Wallet # ActiveRecordWalletAdapter # # This class represents a wallet adapter that use Active Record to manage wallet and utxos. # To use this wallet adapter, you should do the following steps: # # (1) Generate migrations for wallets, keys, utxos tables. # The generator `glueby:contract:wallet_adapter` is available for migration. # ``` # rails g glueby:contract:wallet_adapter # ``` # this generator generates 3 files to create tables used by ActiveRecordWalletAdatper. # then, migrate them # ``` # $ rails db:migrate # ``` # # (2) Add configuration for activerecord # ``` # config = {adapter: 'activerecord', schema: 'http', host: '', port: 12381, user: 'user', password: 'pass'} # Glueby::Wallet.configure(config) # ``` # # (3) Generate wallet and receive address # ``` # alice_wallet = Glueby::Wallet.create # address = alice_wallet.internal_wallet.receive_address # ``` # `Glueby::Internal::Wallet#receive_address` returns Base58 encoded Tapyrus address like '1CY6TSSARn8rAFD9chCghX5B7j4PKR8S1a'. # # (4) Send TPC to created address and import into wallet. # In general, ActiveRecordWalletAdapter handle only utxos generated by glueby. # So, to start to use wallet, some external utxo should be imported into the wallet first. # This step should be done by external transaction without Glueby::Wallet, such as 'sendtoaddress' or 'generatetoaddress' RPC command of Tapyrus Core # ``` # $ tapyrus-cli sendtoaddress 1CY6TSSARn8rAFD9chCghX5B7j4PKR8S1a 1 # 1740af9f65ffd8537bdd06ccfa911bf1f4d6833222807d29c99d72b47838917d # ``` # # then, import into wallet by rake task `glueby:contract:wallet_adapter:import_tx` or `glueby:contract:wallet_adapter:import_block` # ``` # $ rails "glueby:contract:wallet_adapter:import_tx[1740af9f65ffd8537bdd06ccfa911bf1f4d6833222807d29c99d72b47838917d]"" # ``` # # (5) You are ready to use ActiveRecordWalletAdatper, check `Glueby::Internal::Wallet#list_unspent` or `Glueby::Wallet#balances` # ``` # alice_wallet = Glueby::Wallet.create # alice_wallet.balances # ``` class ActiveRecordWalletAdapter < AbstractWalletAdapter autoload :Syncer, 'glueby/internal/wallet/active_record_wallet_adapter/syncer' def create_wallet(wallet_id = nil) wallet_id = SecureRandom.hex(16) unless wallet_id begin AR::Wallet.create!(wallet_id: wallet_id) rescue ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid => _ raise Errors::WalletAlreadyCreated, "wallet_id '#{wallet_id}' is already exists" end wallet_id end def delete_wallet(wallet_id) AR::Wallet.destroy_by(wallet_id: wallet_id) end def load_wallet(wallet_id) raise Errors::WalletNotFound, "Wallet #{wallet_id} does not found" unless AR::Wallet.where(wallet_id: wallet_id).exists? end def unload_wallet(wallet_id) end def wallets AR::Wallet.all.map(&:wallet_id).sort end def balance(wallet_id, only_finalized = true) wallet = AR::Wallet.find_by(wallet_id: wallet_id) utxos = wallet.utxos.where(locked_at: nil) utxos = utxos.where(status: :finalized) if only_finalized utxos.sum(&:value) end def list_unspent(wallet_id, only_finalized = true, label = nil) wallet = AR::Wallet.find_by(wallet_id: wallet_id) utxos = wallet.utxos.where(locked_at: nil) utxos = utxos.where(status: :finalized) if only_finalized if [:unlabeled, nil].include?(label) utxos = utxos.where(label: nil) elsif label && (label != :all) utxos = utxos.where(label: label) else utxos end utxos.map do |utxo| { txid: utxo.txid, vout: utxo.index, script_pubkey: utxo.script_pubkey, color_id: utxo.color_id, amount: utxo.value, finalized: utxo.status == 'finalized', label: utxo.label } end end def sign_tx(wallet_id, tx, prevtxs = [], sighashtype: Tapyrus::SIGHASH_TYPE[:all]) wallet = AR::Wallet.find_by(wallet_id: wallet_id) wallet.sign(tx, prevtxs, sighashtype: sighashtype) end def broadcast(wallet_id, tx, &block) ::ActiveRecord::Base.transaction do AR::Utxo.destroy_for_inputs(tx) AR::Utxo.create_or_update_for_outputs(tx, status: :broadcasted) block.call(tx) if block Glueby::Internal::RPC.client.sendrawtransaction(tx.to_hex) end end def receive_address(wallet_id, label = nil) wallet = AR::Wallet.find_by(wallet_id: wallet_id) key = wallet.keys.create(purpose: :receive, label: label) key.address end def change_address(wallet_id) wallet = AR::Wallet.find_by(wallet_id: wallet_id) key = wallet.keys.create(purpose: :change) key.address end def create_pubkey(wallet_id) wallet = AR::Wallet.find_by(wallet_id: wallet_id) key = wallet.keys.create(purpose: :receive) Tapyrus::Key.new(pubkey: key.public_key, key_type: Tapyrus::Key::TYPES[:compressed]) end def get_addresses(wallet_id, label = nil) wallet = AR::Wallet.find_by(wallet_id: wallet_id) keys = wallet.keys keys = keys.where(label: label) if label keys.map(&:address) end def get_addresses_info(addresses) unless addresses.is_a?(Array) addresses = [addresses] end script_pubkeys = addresses.map do |address| Tapyrus::Script.parse_from_addr(address).to_hex rescue ::ArgumentError => e raise Glueby::ArgumentError, "\"#{address}\" is invalid address. #{e.message}" rescue RuntimeError => e if e.message == 'Invalid version bytes.' || e.message == 'Invalid address.' raise Glueby::ArgumentError, "\"#{address}\" is invalid address. #{e.message}" else raise e end end keys = AR::Key.where(script_pubkey: script_pubkeys) keys.map do |key| { address: key.address, public_key: key.public_key, wallet_id: key.wallet.wallet_id, label: key.label, purpose: key.purpose, script_pubkey: key.script_pubkey } end end def create_pay_to_contract_address(wallet_id, contents) pubkey = create_pubkey(wallet_id) [pay_to_contract_key(wallet_id, pubkey, contents).to_p2pkh, pubkey.pubkey] end def pay_to_contract_key(wallet_id, pubkey, contents) # Calculate P + H(P || contents)G group = ECDSA::Group::Secp256k1 p = pubkey.to_point # P commitment = create_pay_to_contract_commitment(pubkey, contents) point = p + group.generator.multiply_by_scalar(commitment) # P + H(P || contents)G Tapyrus::Key.new(pubkey: point.to_hex(true), key_type: Tapyrus::Key::TYPES[:compressed]) end def sign_to_pay_to_contract_address(wallet_id, tx, utxo, payment_base, contents) key = create_pay_to_contract_private_key(wallet_id, payment_base, contents) sighash = tx.sighash_for_input(utxo[:vout], Tapyrus::Script.parse_from_payload(utxo[:script_pubkey].htb)) sig = key.sign(sighash, algo: :schnorr) + [Tapyrus::SIGHASH_TYPE[:all]].pack('C') script_sig = Tapyrus::Script.parse_from_payload(Tapyrus::Script.pack_pushdata(sig) + Tapyrus::Script.pack_pushdata(key.pubkey.htb)) tx.inputs[utxo[:vout]].script_sig = script_sig tx end def has_address?(wallet_id, address) script_pubkey = Tapyrus::Script.parse_from_addr(address) wallet = AR::Wallet.find_by(wallet_id: wallet_id) wallet.keys.exists?(script_pubkey: script_pubkey.to_hex) end private # Calculate commitment = H(P || contents) # @param [Tapyrus::Key] pubkey The public key # @param [String] contents # @return Integer def create_pay_to_contract_commitment(pubkey, contents) contents = (+contents).force_encoding('binary') group = ECDSA::Group::Secp256k1 p = pubkey.to_point # P Tapyrus.sha256(p.to_hex(true).htb + contents).bth.to_i(16) % group.order # H(P || contents) end # @param [String] wallet_id # @param [String] payment_base The public key hex string # @param [String] contents # @return [Tapyrus::Key] pay to contract private key # @raise [Errors::InvalidSigner] raises when the wallet don't have any private key of the specified payment_base def create_pay_to_contract_private_key(wallet_id, payment_base, contents) group = ECDSA::Group::Secp256k1 wallet = AR::Wallet.find_by(wallet_id: wallet_id) ar_key = wallet.keys.where(public_key: payment_base).first raise Errors::InvalidSigner, "The wallet don't have any private key of the specified payment_base" unless ar_key key = Tapyrus::Key.new(pubkey: payment_base, key_type: Tapyrus::Key::TYPES[:compressed]) commitment = create_pay_to_contract_commitment(key, contents) p2c_private_key = (ar_key.private_key.to_i(16) + commitment) % group.order # K + commitment Tapyrus::Key.new( priv_key: ECDSA::Format::IntegerOctetString.encode(p2c_private_key, 32).bth, key_type: Tapyrus::Key::TYPES[:compressed] ) end end end end end