require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../spec_helper') describe RePlanWorkflowsController do extend RulesEngineMacros render_views before(:each) do controller.instance_eval { flash.stub!(:sweep) } controller.stub!(:rules_engine_reader_access_required).and_return(true) controller.stub!(:rules_engine_editor_access_required).and_return(true) @re_plan = RePlan.make end describe "show" do it_should_require_rules_engine_reader_access(:show, :re_plan_id => 123, :id => 456) it "should get the workflow record with the ID" do re_workflow = ReWorkflow.make(:re_plans => [@re_plan]) get :show, :re_plan_id =>, :id => assigns[:re_plan].should == @re_plan assigns[:re_workflow].should == re_workflow end end describe "new" do it_should_require_rules_engine_editor_access(:new, :re_plan_id => 123) it "should assign a new workflow record" do get :new, :re_plan_id => assigns[:re_workflow].should be_instance_of(ReWorkflow) end it "should render the 'new' template" do get :new, :re_plan_id => response.should render_template(:new) end end describe "create" do it_should_require_rules_engine_editor_access(:create, :re_plan_id => 123, :re_workflow => {}) before do @re_workflow = ReWorkflow.make ReWorkflow.stub!(:new).and_return(@re_workflow) end it "should assign the re_workflow parameters" do ReWorkflow.should_receive(:new).with("code" => "name", "title" => "value") post :create, :re_plan_id =>, :re_workflow => { :code => "name", :title => "value" } end it "should save the re_workflow" do @re_workflow.should_receive(:save) post :create, :re_plan_id =>, :re_workflow => { :title => "name" } end describe "save failed" do before(:each) do @re_workflow.stub!(:save).and_return(false) end it "should render the 'new' template" do post :create, :re_plan_id =>, :re_workflow => { :title => "name" } response.should render_template(:new) end end describe "save succeeded" do before(:each) do @re_workflow.stub!(:save).and_return(true) end it "should add the workflow to the plan" do post :create, :re_plan_id =>, :re_workflow => { :title => "name" } @re_plan.re_workflows.should include(@re_workflow) end it "should display a flash success message" do post :create, :re_plan_id =>, :re_workflow => { :title => "name" } flash[:success].should_not be_blank end it "should redirect to the change re_workflow page for HTML" do post :create, :re_plan_id =>, :re_workflow => { :title => "name" } response.should redirect_to(change_re_plan_path(@re_plan)) end it "should render 're_plans/update' template for JAVASCRIPT" do xhr :post, :create, :re_plan_id =>, :re_workflow => { :title => "name" } response.should render_template('re_plans/update') end end end describe "edit" do it_should_require_rules_engine_editor_access(:edit, :re_plan_id => 123, :id => 456) it "should get the workflow record with the ID" do re_workflow = ReWorkflow.make(:re_plans => [@re_plan]) get :edit, :re_plan_id =>, :id => assigns[:re_plan].should == @re_plan assigns[:re_workflow].should == re_workflow end end describe "update" do it_should_require_rules_engine_editor_access(:update, :re_plan_id => 123, :id => 456, :re_workflow => {}) before do @re_workflow = ReWorkflow.make(:re_plans => [@re_plan]) end it "should get the workflow record with the ID" do ReWorkflow.should_receive(:find).with(123).and_return(@re_workflow) put :update, :re_plan_id =>, :id => 123, :re_workflow => { :title => "value" } assigns[:re_workflow].should == @re_workflow end it "should assign the re_workflow parameters" do ReWorkflow.stub!(:find).and_return(@re_workflow) @re_workflow.should_receive(:attributes=).with("title" => "name") put :update, :re_plan_id =>, :id =>, :re_workflow => { :title => "name" } end it "should not assign the re_workflow parameters :code" do ReWorkflow.stub!(:find).and_return(@re_workflow) @re_workflow.should_receive(:attributes=).with("title" => "name") put :update, :re_plan_id =>, :id =>, :re_workflow => { :title => "name", :code => "code" } end it "should save the re_workflow" do put :update, :re_plan_id =>, :id =>, :re_workflow => { :title => "new name" } @re_workflow.reload @re_workflow.title.should == 'new name' end describe "save failed" do it "should render the 'edit' template" do put :update, :re_plan_id =>, :id =>, :re_workflow => { :title => nil } response.should render_template(:edit) end end describe "save succeeded" do it "should display a flash success message" do put :update, :re_plan_id =>, :id =>, :re_workflow => { :title => "name" } flash[:success].should_not be_blank end it "should redirect to the change re_workflow page for HTML" do put :update, :re_plan_id =>, :id =>, :re_workflow => { :title => "name" } response.should redirect_to(change_re_plan_workflow_path(@re_plan, @re_workflow)) end it "should render 'update' template for JAVASCRIPT" do xhr :put, :update, :re_plan_id =>, :id =>, :re_workflow => { :title => "name" } response.should render_template(:update) end end end describe "destroy" do it_should_require_rules_engine_editor_access(:destroy, :re_plan_id => 123, :id => 456) before do @re_workflow = ReWorkflow.make(:re_plans => [@re_plan]) ReWorkflow.stub!(:find).and_return(@re_workflow) end it "should get the workflow record with the ID" do ReWorkflow.should_receive(:find).with(123).and_return(@re_workflow) delete :destroy, :re_plan_id =>, :id => 123 assigns[:re_workflow].should == @re_workflow end it "should destroy the re_workflow" do @re_workflow.should_receive(:destroy) delete :destroy, :re_plan_id =>, :id => 123 end it "should display a flash success message" do delete :destroy, :re_plan_id =>, :id => 123 flash[:success].should_not be_blank end it "should redirect to the change re_plan page for HTML" do delete :destroy, :re_plan_id =>, :id => 123 response.should redirect_to(change_re_plan_path(@re_plan)) end it "should redirect to the change re_plan page page for JAVASCRIPT" do xhr :delete, :destroy, :re_plan_id =>, :id => 123 response.body.should == "window.location.href = '#{change_re_plan_path(@re_plan)}';" end end describe "change" do it_should_require_rules_engine_editor_access(:change, :re_plan_id => 123, :id => 456) before(:each) do @re_workflow = ReWorkflow.make(:re_plans => [@re_plan]) end it "should rediscover all of the rules" do RulesEngine::Discovery.should_receive(:discover!) get :change, :re_plan_id =>, :id => end it "should get the workflow record with the ID" do get :change, :re_plan_id =>, :id => assigns[:re_plan].should == @re_plan assigns[:re_workflow].should == @re_workflow end end describe "default" do it_should_require_rules_engine_editor_access(:default, :re_plan_id => 123, :id => 456) before(:each) do @re_workflow_one = ReWorkflow.make(:re_plans => [@re_plan]) @re_workflow_two = ReWorkflow.make(:re_plans => [@re_plan]) end it "should set the default workflow" do @re_plan.default_workflow.should == @re_workflow_one put :default, :re_plan_id =>, :id => @re_plan.reload @re_plan.default_workflow.should == @re_workflow_two end it "should redirect to the change re_plan page for HTML" do put :default, :re_plan_id =>, :id => response.should redirect_to(change_re_plan_path(@re_plan)) end it "should render to the update re_plan page page for JAVASCRIPT" do xhr :put, :default, :re_plan_id =>, :id => response.should render_template('re_plans/update') end end describe "add" do it_should_require_rules_engine_editor_access(:add, :re_plan_id => 123, :id => 456) before(:each) do @re_workflow_one = ReWorkflow.make(:re_plans => [@re_plan]) @re_workflow_two = ReWorkflow.make end it "should add the workflow" do put :add, :re_plan_id =>, :id => @re_plan.reload @re_plan.re_workflows.should == [@re_workflow_one, @re_workflow_two] end it "should redirect to the change re_plan page for HTML" do put :add, :re_plan_id =>, :id => response.should redirect_to(change_re_plan_path(@re_plan)) end it "should render to the update re_plan page page for JAVASCRIPT" do xhr :put, :add, :re_plan_id =>, :id => response.should render_template('re_plans/update') end end describe "remove" do it_should_require_rules_engine_editor_access(:remove, :re_plan_id => 123, :id => 456) before(:each) do @re_workflow_one = ReWorkflow.make(:re_plans => [@re_plan]) @re_workflow_two = ReWorkflow.make(:re_plans => [@re_plan]) end it "should remove the workflow" do put :remove, :re_plan_id =>, :id => @re_plan.reload @re_plan.re_workflows.should == [@re_workflow_one] flash[:success].should_not be_blank end it "should redirect to the change re_plan page for HTML" do put :remove, :re_plan_id =>, :id => response.should redirect_to(change_re_plan_path(@re_plan)) end it "should render to the update re_plan page page for JAVASCRIPT" do xhr :put, :remove, :re_plan_id =>, :id => response.should render_template('re_plans/update') end end describe "copy" do it_should_require_rules_engine_editor_access(:copy, :re_plan_id => 123, :id => 456) before(:each) do @re_workflow = ReWorkflow.make(:re_plans => [@re_plan]) end it "should assign an empty workflow copy" do get :copy, :re_plan_id =>, :id => assigns[:re_workflow_copy].should be_instance_of(ReWorkflow) end end describe "duplicate" do it_should_require_rules_engine_editor_access(:duplicate, :re_plan_id => 123, :id => 456) before(:each) do @re_workflow = ReWorkflow.make(:re_plans => [@re_plan]) ReWorkflow.stub!(:find).and_return(@re_workflow) @re_workflow_copy = ReWorkflow.make ReWorkflow.stub!(:new).and_return(@re_workflow_copy) end it "should use the revert and publish method to copy the parameters" do @re_workflow.should_receive(:publish).and_return({:published => "mock value"}) @re_workflow_copy.should_receive(:revert!).with({:published => "mock value"}) post :duplicate, :re_plan_id =>, :id =>, :re_workflow => {:title => 'new title'} end it "should update the attributes of the new workflow" do post :duplicate, :re_plan_id =>, :id =>, :re_workflow => {:title => 'new title'} @re_workflow_copy.title.should == 'new title' end describe "the copied workflow was saved" do before(:each) do @re_workflow_copy.stub!(:save).and_return(true) end it "should add the copied workflow to the re_plan" do RePlan.stub!(:find).and_return(@re_plan) @re_plan.should_receive(:add_workflow).with(@re_workflow_copy) post :duplicate, :re_plan_id =>, :id =>, :re_workflow => {:title => 'new title'} end it "should display a flash success message" do post :duplicate, :re_plan_id =>, :id =>, :re_workflow => {:title => 'new title'} flash[:success].should_not be_blank end it "should redirect to the change re_plan workflow page for HTML" do post :duplicate, :re_plan_id =>, :id =>, :re_workflow => {:title => 'new title'} response.should redirect_to(change_re_plan_workflow_path(@re_plan, @re_workflow_copy)) end it "should redirect to the change re_workflows page for JAVASCRIPT" do xhr :post, :duplicate, :re_plan_id =>, :id =>, :re_workflow => {:title => 'new title'} response.body.should == "window.location.href = '#{change_re_plan_workflow_path(@re_plan, @re_workflow_copy)}';" end end describe "the copied workflow was not saved" do it "should render the 'copy' template" do post :duplicate, :re_plan_id =>, :id =>, :re_workflow => {:title => nil} response.should render_template(:copy) end end end # describe "publish" do # it_should_require_rules_engine_editor_access(:publish, :id => 123) # # before do # @re_plan = RePlan.make # @re_plan.stub!(:plan_error).and_return(nil) # RePlan.stub!(:find).and_return(@re_plan) # # @publisher = mock('publisher') # @publisher.stub!(:publish) # RulesEngine::Publish.stub!(:publisher).and_return(@publisher) # end # # describe "tag is blank" do # it "should display a flash error message" do # put :publish, :id => 123, :tag => "" # flash[:error].should_not be_blank # end # end # # it "should publish the plan" do # @publisher.should_receive(:publish).with(@re_plan.code, "publish tag", @re_plan.publish) # put :publish, :id => 123, :tag => "publish tag" # end # # it "should update the plan to published" do # put :publish, :id => 123, :tag => "publish tag" # @re_plan.plan_status.should == RePlan::PLAN_STATUS_PUBLISHED # end # # it "should display a flash success message" do # put :publish, :id => 123, :tag => "publish tag" # flash[:success].should_not be_blank # end # # it "should redirect to the change_re_plan page for HTML" do # put :publish, :id => 123, :tag => "publish tag" # response.should redirect_to(change_re_plan_path(@re_plan)) # end # # it "should render the update page for JAVASCRIPT" do # xhr :put, :publish, :id => 123, :tag => "publish tag" # response.should render_template(:update) # end # end # describe "revert" do # it_should_require_rules_engine_editor_access(:revert, :id => 123) # # before do # @publisher = mock('publisher') # @publisher.stub!(:get) # RulesEngine::Publish.stub!(:publisher).and_return(@publisher) # # @re_plan = RePlan.make # RePlan.stub!(:find).and_return(@re_plan) # end # # it "should get the plan record with the ID" do # RePlan.should_receive(:find).with(123).and_return(@re_plan) # put :revert, :id => 123 # assigns[:re_plan].should == @re_plan # end # # it "should get the plan from the publisher" do # @publisher.should_receive(:get).with(@re_plan.code) # put :revert, :id => 123 # end # # describe "the publisher does not have the plan" do # it "should set an error message" do # put :revert, :id => 123 # flash[:error].should_not be_blank # end # end # # describe "the publisher has the plan" do # before(:each) do # @plan = {:code => 'mock plan'} # @publisher.stub!(:get).and_return(@plan) # @publisher.stub!(:revert!) # @re_plan.stub!(:save!) # end # # it "should revert the plan" do # @re_plan.should_receive(:revert!).with(@plan) # put :revert, :id => 123 # end # # it "should save the plan" do # @re_plan.should_receive(:save!) # put :revert, :id => 123 # end # # it "should display a flash success message" do # put :revert, :id => 123 # flash[:success].should_not be_blank # end # end # # it "should redirect to the change re_plan page for HTML" do # put :revert, :id => 123 # response.should redirect_to(change_re_plan_path(@re_plan)) # end # # it "should render 'update' template for JAVASCRIPT" do # xhr :put, :revert, :id => 123 # response.should render_template(:update) # end # end # end