%%{ machine graphql_lexer; IDENTIFIER = [_A-Za-z][_0-9A-Za-z]*; NEWLINE = [\c\r\n]; BLANK = [, \t]+; COMMENT = '#' [^\n\r]*; INT = '-'? ('0'|[1-9][0-9]*); FLOAT_DECIMAL = '.'[0-9]+; FLOAT_EXP = ('e' | 'E')?('+' | '-')?[0-9]+; FLOAT = INT FLOAT_DECIMAL? FLOAT_EXP?; ON = 'on'; FRAGMENT = 'fragment'; TRUE = 'true'; FALSE = 'false'; NULL = 'null'; RCURLY = '{'; LCURLY = '}'; RPAREN = '('; LPAREN = ')'; RBRACKET = '['; LBRACKET = ']'; COLON = ':'; QUOTE = '"'; ESCAPED_QUOTE = '\\"'; STRING_CHAR = (ESCAPED_QUOTE | ^'"'); VAR_SIGN = '$'; DIR_SIGN = '@'; ELLIPSIS = '...'; EQUALS = '='; BANG = '!'; QUOTED_STRING = QUOTE STRING_CHAR* QUOTE; # catch-all for anything else. must be at the bottom for precedence. UNKNOWN_CHAR = /./; main := |* INT => { emit_token.call(:INT) }; FLOAT => { emit_token.call(:FLOAT) }; ON => { emit_token.call(:ON) }; FRAGMENT => { emit_token.call(:FRAGMENT) }; TRUE => { emit_token.call(:TRUE) }; FALSE => { emit_token.call(:FALSE) }; NULL => { emit_token.call(:NULL) }; RCURLY => { emit_token.call(:RCURLY) }; LCURLY => { emit_token.call(:LCURLY) }; RPAREN => { emit_token.call(:RPAREN) }; LPAREN => { emit_token.call(:LPAREN) }; RBRACKET => { emit_token.call(:RBRACKET) }; LBRACKET => { emit_token.call(:LBRACKET) }; COLON => { emit_token.call(:COLON) }; QUOTED_STRING => { emit_string(ts + 1, te - 1, meta) }; VAR_SIGN => { emit_token.call(:VAR_SIGN) }; DIR_SIGN => { emit_token.call(:DIR_SIGN) }; ELLIPSIS => { emit_token.call(:ELLIPSIS) }; EQUALS => { emit_token.call(:EQUALS) }; BANG => { emit_token.call(:BANG) }; IDENTIFIER => { emit_token.call(:IDENTIFIER) }; NEWLINE => { meta[:line] += 1 meta[:col] = 1 }; BLANK => { meta[:col] += te - ts }; COMMENT => { meta[:col] += te - ts }; UNKNOWN_CHAR => { emit_token.call(:UNKNOWN_CHAR) }; *|; }%% module GraphQL module Language module Lexer def self.tokenize(query_string) run_lexer(query_string) end # Replace any escaped unicode or whitespace with the _actual_ characters # To avoid allocating more strings, this modifies the string passed into it def self.replace_escaped_characters_in_place(raw_string) raw_string.gsub!(ESCAPES, ESCAPES_REPLACE) raw_string.gsub!(UTF_8, &UTF_8_REPLACE) nil end private %% write data; def self.run_lexer(query_string) data = query_string.unpack("c*") eof = data.length meta = { line: 1, col: 1, data: data, tokens: [] } %% write init; emit_token = -> (name) { emit(name, ts, te, meta) } %% write exec; meta[:tokens] end def self.emit(token_name, ts, te, meta) meta[:tokens] << GraphQL::Language::Token.new( name: token_name, value: meta[:data][ts...te].pack("c*"), line: meta[:line], col: meta[:col], ) # Bump the column counter for the next token meta[:col] += te - ts end ESCAPES = /\\["\\\/bfnrt]/ ESCAPES_REPLACE = { '\\"' => '"', "\\\\" => "\\", "\\/" => '/', "\\b" => "\b", "\\f" => "\f", "\\n" => "\n", "\\r" => "\r", "\\t" => "\t", } UTF_8 = /\\u[\dAa-f]{4}/i UTF_8_REPLACE = -> (m) { [m[-4..-1].to_i(16)].pack('U'.freeze) } def self.emit_string(ts, te, meta) value = meta[:data][ts...te].pack("c*").force_encoding("UTF-8") if value =~ /\\u|\\./ && value !~ ESCAPES meta[:tokens] << GraphQL::Language::Token.new( name: :BAD_UNICODE_ESCAPE, value: value, line: meta[:line], col: meta[:col], ) else replace_escaped_characters_in_place(value) meta[:tokens] << GraphQL::Language::Token.new( name: :STRING, value: value, line: meta[:line], col: meta[:col], ) end meta[:col] += te - ts end end end end