module Yammer module Api module User # @see # @rate_limited Yes # @authentication Requires user context # @raise [Yammer::Error::Unauthorized] Error raised when supplied user credentials are not valid. # @return [Yammer::ApiResponse] # @param opts [Hash] A customizable set of options. # @option opts [String] :email # @option opts [String] :full_name # @option opts [String] :guid # @option opts [String] :job_title # @option opts [String] :location # @option opts [String] :im_provider # @option opts [String] :im_username # @option opts [String] :work_telephone # @option opts [String] :work_extension # @option opts [String] :mobile_telephone # @option opts [String] :external_profiles # @option opts [String] :significant_other # @option opts [String] :kids_names # @option opts [String] :interests # @option opts [String] :summary # @option opts [String] :expertise # @option opts [String] :schools_csv # @option opts [String] :previous_companies_csv # @option opts [String] :preferred_my_feed # @option opts [String] :sticky_my_feed # @option opts [String] :prescribed_my_feed # @example create a user with the email `` # Yammer.create_user('') def create_user(opts={}) post("/api/v1/users", opts) end # @see # @rate_limited Yes # @authentication Requires user context # @raise [Yammer::Error::Unauthorized] Error raised when supplied user credentials are not valid. # @return [Yammer::ApiResponse] # @param opts [Hash] A customizable set of options. # @option opts [String] :email # @option opts [String] :full_name # @option opts [String] :guid # @option opts [String] :job_title # @option opts [String] :location # @option opts [String] :im_provider # @option opts [String] :im_username # @option opts [String] :work_telephone # @option opts [String] :work_extension # @option opts [String] :mobile_telephone # @option opts [String] :external_profiles # @option opts [String] :significant_other # @option opts [String] :kids_names # @option opts [String] :interests # @option opts [String] :summary # @option opts [String] :expertise # @option opts [String] :schools_csv # @option opts [String] :previous_companies_csv # @option opts [String] :preferred_my_feed # @option opts [String] :sticky_my_feed # @option opts [String] :prescribed_my_feed # @example update info for a user with the email `` # Yammer.update_user(1, :job_title => 'software engineer') def update_user(id, opts={}) put("/api/v1/users/#{id}", opts) end # @see # @rate_limited Yes # @authentication Requires user context # @raise [Yammer::Error::Unauthorized] Error raised when supplied user credentials are not valid. # @return [Yammer::ApiResponse] # @param id [Integer, String] A Yammer user ID # @example Delete user with ID 2 # Yammer.delete_user(2) def delete_user(id) delete("/api/v1/users/#{id}") end # @see # @rate_limited Yes # @authentication Requires user context # @raise [Yammer::Error::Unauthorized] Error raised when supplied user credentials are not valid. # @return [Yammer::ApiResponse] # @param id [Integer, String] A Yammer user ID # @example Fetch data user with ID 2 # Yammer.get_user(2) def get_user(id) get("/api/v1/users/#{id}") end # @see # @rate_limited Yes # @authentication Requires user context # @raise [Yammer::Error::Unauthorized] Error raised when supplied user credentials are not valid. # @return [Yammer::ApiResponse] # @param email [Integer, String] A Yammer user ID # @example Fetch data user with email `` # Yammer.get_user_by_email('') def get_user_by_email(email) get("/api/v1/users/by_email", :email => email) end # @see # @rate_limited Yes # @authentication Requires user context # @raise [Yammer::Error::Unauthorized] Error raised when supplied user credentials are not valid. # @return [Yammer::ApiResponse] # @example Fetch data for the authenticated user # Yammer.current_user def current_user get("/api/v1/users/current") end # @see # @rate_limited Yes # @authentication Requires user context # @raise [Yammer::Error::Unauthorized] Error raised when supplied user credentials are not valid. # @return [Yammer::ApiResponse] # @param opts [Hash] A customizable set of opts. # @option opts [Integer] :page # @example Fetch users from the authenticated user's network # Yammer.all_users def all_users(opts={}) get("/api/v1/users", opts) end # @rate_limited Yes # @authentication Requires user context # @raise [Yammer::Error::Unauthorized] Error raised when supplied user credentials are not valid. # @return [Yammer::ApiResponse] # @param id [Integer] the ID of the user whose followers you want to get # @example Fetch users from the authenticated user's network following user whose ID is provided # Yammer.users_following(1) def users_following(id) get("/api/v1/users/following/#{id}") end # @rate_limited Yes # @authentication Requires user context # @raise [Yammer::Error::Unauthorized] Error raised when supplied user credentials are not valid. # @return [Yammer::ApiResponse] # @param id [Integer] the ID of the user for whom you want to get the users being followed # @example Fetch users from the authenticated user's network followed by the user whose ID is provided # Yammer.users_followed(1) def users_followed_by(id) get("/api/v1/users/followed_by/#{id}") end end end end