#include "functions.hpp" #include "ast.hpp" #include "context.hpp" #include "backtrace.hpp" #include "parser.hpp" #include "constants.hpp" #include "to_string.hpp" #include "inspect.hpp" #include "eval.hpp" #include "util.hpp" #include "utf8_string.hpp" #include "utf8.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef __MINGW32__ #include "windows.h" #include "wincrypt.h" #endif #define ARG(argname, argtype) get_arg(argname, env, sig, path, position, backtrace) #define ARGR(argname, argtype, lo, hi) get_arg_r(argname, env, sig, path, position, lo, hi, backtrace) #define ARGM(argname, argtype, ctx) get_arg_m(argname, env, sig, path, position, backtrace, ctx) namespace Sass { using std::stringstream; using std::endl; Definition* make_native_function(Signature sig, Native_Function f, Context& ctx) { Parser sig_parser = Parser::from_c_str(sig, ctx, "[built-in function]"); sig_parser.lex(); string name(Util::normalize_underscores(sig_parser.lexed)); Parameters* params = sig_parser.parse_parameters(); return new (ctx.mem) Definition("[built-in function]", Position(), sig, name, params, f, false); } Definition* make_c_function(Signature sig, Sass_C_Function f, void* cookie, Context& ctx) { Parser sig_parser = Parser::from_c_str(sig, ctx, "[c function]"); // allow to overload generic callback plus @warn, @error and @debug with custom functions sig_parser.lex < alternatives < identifier, exactly <'*'>, exactly < Constants::warn_kwd >, exactly < Constants::error_kwd >, exactly < Constants::debug_kwd > > >(); string name(Util::normalize_underscores(sig_parser.lexed)); Parameters* params = sig_parser.parse_parameters(); return new (ctx.mem) Definition("[c function]", Position(), sig, name, params, f, cookie, false, true); } namespace Functions { template T* get_arg(const string& argname, Env& env, Signature sig, const string& path, Position position, Backtrace* backtrace) { // Minimal error handling -- the expectation is that built-ins will be written correctly! T* val = dynamic_cast(env[argname]); if (!val) { string msg("argument `"); msg += argname; msg += "` of `"; msg += sig; msg += "` must be a "; msg += T::type_name(); error(msg, path, position, backtrace); } return val; } Map* get_arg_m(const string& argname, Env& env, Signature sig, const string& path, Position position, Backtrace* backtrace, Context& ctx) { // Minimal error handling -- the expectation is that built-ins will be written correctly! Map* val = dynamic_cast(env[argname]); if (val) return val; List* lval = dynamic_cast(env[argname]); if (lval && lval->length() == 0) return new (ctx.mem) Map(path, position, 0); // fallback on get_arg for error handling val = get_arg(argname, env, sig, path, position, backtrace); return val; } Number* get_arg_r(const string& argname, Env& env, Signature sig, const string& path, Position position, double lo, double hi, Backtrace* backtrace) { // Minimal error handling -- the expectation is that built-ins will be written correctly! Number* val = get_arg(argname, env, sig, path, position, backtrace); double v = val->value(); if (!(lo <= v && v <= hi)) { stringstream msg; msg << "argument `" << argname << "` of `" << sig << "` must be between "; msg << lo << " and " << hi; error(msg.str(), path, position, backtrace); } return val; } #ifdef __MINGW32__ uint64_t GetSeed() { HCRYPTPROV hp = 0; BYTE rb[8]; CryptAcquireContext(&hp, 0, 0, PROV_RSA_FULL, CRYPT_VERIFYCONTEXT); CryptGenRandom(hp, sizeof(rb), rb); CryptReleaseContext(hp, 0); uint64_t seed; memcpy(&seed, &rb[0], sizeof(seed)); return seed; } #else static random_device rd; uint64_t GetSeed() { return rd(); } #endif // note: the performance of many implementations of // random_device degrades sharply once the entropy pool // is exhausted. For practical use, random_device is // generally only used to seed a PRNG such as mt19937. static mt19937 rand(GetSeed()); // features static set features; //////////////// // RGB FUNCTIONS //////////////// Signature rgb_sig = "rgb($red, $green, $blue)"; BUILT_IN(rgb) { return new (ctx.mem) Color(path, position, ARGR("$red", Number, 0, 255)->value(), ARGR("$green", Number, 0, 255)->value(), ARGR("$blue", Number, 0, 255)->value()); } Signature rgba_4_sig = "rgba($red, $green, $blue, $alpha)"; BUILT_IN(rgba_4) { return new (ctx.mem) Color(path, position, ARGR("$red", Number, 0, 255)->value(), ARGR("$green", Number, 0, 255)->value(), ARGR("$blue", Number, 0, 255)->value(), ARGR("$alpha", Number, 0, 1)->value()); } Signature rgba_2_sig = "rgba($color, $alpha)"; BUILT_IN(rgba_2) { Color* c_arg = ARG("$color", Color); Color* new_c = new (ctx.mem) Color(*c_arg); new_c->a(ARGR("$alpha", Number, 0, 1)->value()); new_c->disp(""); return new_c; } Signature red_sig = "red($color)"; BUILT_IN(red) { return new (ctx.mem) Number(path, position, ARG("$color", Color)->r()); } Signature green_sig = "green($color)"; BUILT_IN(green) { return new (ctx.mem) Number(path, position, ARG("$color", Color)->g()); } Signature blue_sig = "blue($color)"; BUILT_IN(blue) { return new (ctx.mem) Number(path, position, ARG("$color", Color)->b()); } Signature mix_sig = "mix($color-1, $color-2, $weight: 50%)"; BUILT_IN(mix) { Color* color1 = ARG("$color-1", Color); Color* color2 = ARG("$color-2", Color); Number* weight = ARGR("$weight", Number, 0, 100); double p = weight->value()/100; double w = 2*p - 1; double a = color1->a() - color2->a(); double w1 = (((w * a == -1) ? w : (w + a)/(1 + w*a)) + 1)/2.0; double w2 = 1 - w1; return new (ctx.mem) Color(path, position, std::floor(w1*color1->r() + w2*color2->r()), std::floor(w1*color1->g() + w2*color2->g()), std::floor(w1*color1->b() + w2*color2->b()), color1->a()*p + color2->a()*(1-p)); } //////////////// // HSL FUNCTIONS //////////////// // RGB to HSL helper function struct HSL { double h; double s; double l; }; HSL rgb_to_hsl(double r, double g, double b) { // Algorithm from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/wHSL_and_HSV#Conversion_from_RGB_to_HSL_or_HSV r /= 255.0; g /= 255.0; b /= 255.0; double max = std::max(r, std::max(g, b)); double min = std::min(r, std::min(g, b)); double del = max - min; double h = 0, s = 0, l = (max + min) / 2.0; if (max == min) { h = s = 0; // achromatic } else { if (l < 0.5) s = del / (2.0 * l); else s = del / (2.0 - 2.0 * l); if (r == max) h = 60 * (g - b) / del; else if (g == max) h = 60 * (b - r) / del + 120; else if (b == max) h = 60 * (r - g) / del + 240; } HSL hsl_struct; hsl_struct.h = h; hsl_struct.s = s * 100; hsl_struct.l = l * 100; return hsl_struct; } // hue to RGB helper function double h_to_rgb(double m1, double m2, double h) { if (h < 0) h += 1; if (h > 1) h -= 1; if (h*6.0 < 1) return m1 + (m2 - m1)*h*6; if (h*2.0 < 1) return m2; if (h*3.0 < 2) return m1 + (m2 - m1) * (2.0/3.0 - h)*6; return m1; } Color* hsla_impl(double h, double s, double l, double a, Context& ctx, const string& path, Position position) { h /= 360.0; s /= 100.0; l /= 100.0; // Algorithm from the CSS3 spec: http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-color/#hsl-color. double m2; if (l <= 0.5) m2 = l*(s+1.0); else m2 = (l+s)-(l*s); double m1 = (l*2)-m2; // round the results -- consider moving this into the Color constructor double r = (h_to_rgb(m1, m2, h+1.0/3.0) * 255.0); double g = (h_to_rgb(m1, m2, h) * 255.0); double b = (h_to_rgb(m1, m2, h-1.0/3.0) * 255.0); return new (ctx.mem) Color(path, position, r, g, b, a); } Signature hsl_sig = "hsl($hue, $saturation, $lightness)"; BUILT_IN(hsl) { return hsla_impl(ARG("$hue", Number)->value(), ARGR("$saturation", Number, 0, 100)->value(), ARGR("$lightness", Number, 0, 100)->value(), 1.0, ctx, path, position); } Signature hsla_sig = "hsla($hue, $saturation, $lightness, $alpha)"; BUILT_IN(hsla) { return hsla_impl(ARG("$hue", Number)->value(), ARGR("$saturation", Number, 0, 100)->value(), ARGR("$lightness", Number, 0, 100)->value(), ARGR("$alpha", Number, 0, 1)->value(), ctx, path, position); } Signature hue_sig = "hue($color)"; BUILT_IN(hue) { Color* rgb_color = ARG("$color", Color); HSL hsl_color = rgb_to_hsl(rgb_color->r(), rgb_color->g(), rgb_color->b()); return new (ctx.mem) Number(path, position, hsl_color.h, "deg"); } Signature saturation_sig = "saturation($color)"; BUILT_IN(saturation) { Color* rgb_color = ARG("$color", Color); HSL hsl_color = rgb_to_hsl(rgb_color->r(), rgb_color->g(), rgb_color->b()); return new (ctx.mem) Number(path, position, hsl_color.s, "%"); } Signature lightness_sig = "lightness($color)"; BUILT_IN(lightness) { Color* rgb_color = ARG("$color", Color); HSL hsl_color = rgb_to_hsl(rgb_color->r(), rgb_color->g(), rgb_color->b()); return new (ctx.mem) Number(path, position, hsl_color.l, "%"); } Signature adjust_hue_sig = "adjust-hue($color, $degrees)"; BUILT_IN(adjust_hue) { Color* rgb_color = ARG("$color", Color); Number* degrees = ARG("$degrees", Number); HSL hsl_color = rgb_to_hsl(rgb_color->r(), rgb_color->g(), rgb_color->b()); return hsla_impl(hsl_color.h + degrees->value(), hsl_color.s, hsl_color.l, rgb_color->a(), ctx, path, position); } Signature lighten_sig = "lighten($color, $amount)"; BUILT_IN(lighten) { Color* rgb_color = ARG("$color", Color); Number* amount = ARGR("$amount", Number, 0, 100); HSL hsl_color = rgb_to_hsl(rgb_color->r(), rgb_color->g(), rgb_color->b()); //Check lightness is not negative before lighten it double hslcolorL = hsl_color.l; if (hslcolorL < 0) { hslcolorL = 0; } return hsla_impl(hsl_color.h, hsl_color.s, hslcolorL + amount->value(), rgb_color->a(), ctx, path, position); } Signature darken_sig = "darken($color, $amount)"; BUILT_IN(darken) { Color* rgb_color = ARG("$color", Color); Number* amount = ARGR("$amount", Number, 0, 100); HSL hsl_color = rgb_to_hsl(rgb_color->r(), rgb_color->g(), rgb_color->b()); //Check lightness if not over 100, before darken it double hslcolorL = hsl_color.l; if (hslcolorL > 100) { hslcolorL = 100; } return hsla_impl(hsl_color.h, hsl_color.s, hslcolorL - amount->value(), rgb_color->a(), ctx, path, position); } Signature saturate_sig = "saturate($color, $amount: false)"; BUILT_IN(saturate) { // CSS3 filter function overload: pass literal through directly Number* amount = dynamic_cast(env["$amount"]); if (!amount) { To_String to_string(&ctx); return new (ctx.mem) String_Constant(path, position, "saturate(" + env["$color"]->perform(&to_string) + ")"); } ARGR("$amount", Number, 0, 100); Color* rgb_color = ARG("$color", Color); HSL hsl_color = rgb_to_hsl(rgb_color->r(), rgb_color->g(), rgb_color->b()); //Check saturation is not negative before saturate it double hslcolorS = hsl_color.s; if (hslcolorS < 0) { hslcolorS = 0; } return hsla_impl(hsl_color.h, hslcolorS + amount->value(), hsl_color.l, rgb_color->a(), ctx, path, position); } Signature desaturate_sig = "desaturate($color, $amount)"; BUILT_IN(desaturate) { Color* rgb_color = ARG("$color", Color); Number* amount = ARGR("$amount", Number, 0, 100); HSL hsl_color = rgb_to_hsl(rgb_color->r(), rgb_color->g(), rgb_color->b()); //Check saturation is not over 100 before desaturate it double hslcolorS = hsl_color.s; if (hslcolorS > 100) { hslcolorS = 100; } return hsla_impl(hsl_color.h, hslcolorS - amount->value(), hsl_color.l, rgb_color->a(), ctx, path, position); } Signature grayscale_sig = "grayscale($color)"; BUILT_IN(grayscale) { // CSS3 filter function overload: pass literal through directly Number* amount = dynamic_cast(env["$color"]); if (amount) { To_String to_string(&ctx); return new (ctx.mem) String_Constant(path, position, "grayscale(" + amount->perform(&to_string) + ")"); } Color* rgb_color = ARG("$color", Color); HSL hsl_color = rgb_to_hsl(rgb_color->r(), rgb_color->g(), rgb_color->b()); return hsla_impl(hsl_color.h, 0.0, hsl_color.l, rgb_color->a(), ctx, path, position); } Signature complement_sig = "complement($color)"; BUILT_IN(complement) { Color* rgb_color = ARG("$color", Color); HSL hsl_color = rgb_to_hsl(rgb_color->r(), rgb_color->g(), rgb_color->b()); return hsla_impl(hsl_color.h - 180.0, hsl_color.s, hsl_color.l, rgb_color->a(), ctx, path, position); } Signature invert_sig = "invert($color)"; BUILT_IN(invert) { // CSS3 filter function overload: pass literal through directly Number* amount = dynamic_cast(env["$color"]); if (amount) { To_String to_string(&ctx); return new (ctx.mem) String_Constant(path, position, "invert(" + amount->perform(&to_string) + ")"); } Color* rgb_color = ARG("$color", Color); return new (ctx.mem) Color(path, position, 255 - rgb_color->r(), 255 - rgb_color->g(), 255 - rgb_color->b(), rgb_color->a()); } //////////////////// // OPACITY FUNCTIONS //////////////////// Signature alpha_sig = "alpha($color)"; Signature opacity_sig = "opacity($color)"; BUILT_IN(alpha) { String_Constant* ie_kwd = dynamic_cast(env["$color"]); if (ie_kwd) { return new (ctx.mem) String_Constant(path, position, "alpha(" + ie_kwd->value() + ")"); } // CSS3 filter function overload: pass literal through directly Number* amount = dynamic_cast(env["$color"]); if (amount) { To_String to_string(&ctx); return new (ctx.mem) String_Constant(path, position, "opacity(" + amount->perform(&to_string) + ")"); } return new (ctx.mem) Number(path, position, ARG("$color", Color)->a()); } Signature opacify_sig = "opacify($color, $amount)"; Signature fade_in_sig = "fade-in($color, $amount)"; BUILT_IN(opacify) { Color* color = ARG("$color", Color); double alpha = color->a() + ARGR("$amount", Number, 0, 1)->value(); return new (ctx.mem) Color(path, position, color->r(), color->g(), color->b(), alpha > 1.0 ? 1.0 : alpha); } Signature transparentize_sig = "transparentize($color, $amount)"; Signature fade_out_sig = "fade-out($color, $amount)"; BUILT_IN(transparentize) { Color* color = ARG("$color", Color); double alpha = color->a() - ARGR("$amount", Number, 0, 1)->value(); return new (ctx.mem) Color(path, position, color->r(), color->g(), color->b(), alpha < 0.0 ? 0.0 : alpha); } //////////////////////// // OTHER COLOR FUNCTIONS //////////////////////// Signature adjust_color_sig = "adjust-color($color, $red: false, $green: false, $blue: false, $hue: false, $saturation: false, $lightness: false, $alpha: false)"; BUILT_IN(adjust_color) { Color* color = ARG("$color", Color); Number* r = dynamic_cast(env["$red"]); Number* g = dynamic_cast(env["$green"]); Number* b = dynamic_cast(env["$blue"]); Number* h = dynamic_cast(env["$hue"]); Number* s = dynamic_cast(env["$saturation"]); Number* l = dynamic_cast(env["$lightness"]); Number* a = dynamic_cast(env["$alpha"]); bool rgb = r || g || b; bool hsl = h || s || l; if (rgb && hsl) { error("cannot specify both RGB and HSL values for `adjust-color`", path, position); } if (rgb) { return new (ctx.mem) Color(path, position, color->r() + (r ? r->value() : 0), color->g() + (g ? g->value() : 0), color->b() + (b ? b->value() : 0), color->a() + (a ? a->value() : 0)); } if (hsl) { HSL hsl_struct = rgb_to_hsl(color->r(), color->g(), color->b()); return hsla_impl(hsl_struct.h + (h ? h->value() : 0), hsl_struct.s + (s ? s->value() : 0), hsl_struct.l + (l ? l->value() : 0), color->a() + (a ? a->value() : 0), ctx, path, position); } if (a) { return new (ctx.mem) Color(path, position, color->r(), color->g(), color->b(), color->a() + (a ? a->value() : 0)); } error("not enough arguments for `adjust-color`", path, position); // unreachable return color; } Signature scale_color_sig = "scale-color($color, $red: false, $green: false, $blue: false, $hue: false, $saturation: false, $lightness: false, $alpha: false)"; BUILT_IN(scale_color) { Color* color = ARG("$color", Color); Number* r = dynamic_cast(env["$red"]); Number* g = dynamic_cast(env["$green"]); Number* b = dynamic_cast(env["$blue"]); Number* h = dynamic_cast(env["$hue"]); Number* s = dynamic_cast(env["$saturation"]); Number* l = dynamic_cast(env["$lightness"]); Number* a = dynamic_cast(env["$alpha"]); bool rgb = r || g || b; bool hsl = h || s || l; if (rgb && hsl) { error("cannot specify both RGB and HSL values for `scale-color`", path, position); } if (rgb) { double rscale = (r ? ARGR("$red", Number, -100.0, 100.0)->value() : 0.0) / 100.0; double gscale = (g ? ARGR("$green", Number, -100.0, 100.0)->value() : 0.0) / 100.0; double bscale = (b ? ARGR("$blue", Number, -100.0, 100.0)->value() : 0.0) / 100.0; double ascale = (a ? ARGR("$alpha", Number, -100.0, 100.0)->value() : 0.0) / 100.0; return new (ctx.mem) Color(path, position, color->r() + rscale * (rscale > 0.0 ? 255 - color->r() : color->r()), color->g() + gscale * (gscale > 0.0 ? 255 - color->g() : color->g()), color->b() + bscale * (bscale > 0.0 ? 255 - color->b() : color->b()), color->a() + ascale * (ascale > 0.0 ? 1.0 - color->a() : color->a())); } if (hsl) { double hscale = (h ? ARGR("$hue", Number, -100.0, 100.0)->value() : 0.0) / 100.0; double sscale = (s ? ARGR("$saturation", Number, -100.0, 100.0)->value() : 0.0) / 100.0; double lscale = (l ? ARGR("$lightness", Number, -100.0, 100.0)->value() : 0.0) / 100.0; double ascale = (a ? ARGR("$alpha", Number, -100.0, 100.0)->value() : 0.0) / 100.0; HSL hsl_struct = rgb_to_hsl(color->r(), color->g(), color->b()); hsl_struct.h += hscale * (hscale > 0.0 ? 360.0 - hsl_struct.h : hsl_struct.h); hsl_struct.s += sscale * (sscale > 0.0 ? 100.0 - hsl_struct.s : hsl_struct.s); hsl_struct.l += lscale * (lscale > 0.0 ? 100.0 - hsl_struct.l : hsl_struct.l); double alpha = color->a() + ascale * (ascale > 0.0 ? 1.0 - color->a() : color->r()); return hsla_impl(hsl_struct.h, hsl_struct.s, hsl_struct.l, alpha, ctx, path, position); } if (a) { double ascale = (a ? ARGR("$alpha", Number, -100.0, 100.0)->value() : 0.0) / 100.0; return new (ctx.mem) Color(path, position, color->r(), color->g(), color->b(), color->a() + ascale * (ascale > 0.0 ? 1.0 - color->a() : color->a())); } error("not enough arguments for `scale-color`", path, position); // unreachable return color; } Signature change_color_sig = "change-color($color, $red: false, $green: false, $blue: false, $hue: false, $saturation: false, $lightness: false, $alpha: false)"; BUILT_IN(change_color) { Color* color = ARG("$color", Color); Number* r = dynamic_cast(env["$red"]); Number* g = dynamic_cast(env["$green"]); Number* b = dynamic_cast(env["$blue"]); Number* h = dynamic_cast(env["$hue"]); Number* s = dynamic_cast(env["$saturation"]); Number* l = dynamic_cast(env["$lightness"]); Number* a = dynamic_cast(env["$alpha"]); bool rgb = r || g || b; bool hsl = h || s || l; if (rgb && hsl) { error("cannot specify both RGB and HSL values for `change-color`", path, position); } if (rgb) { return new (ctx.mem) Color(path, position, r ? ARGR("$red", Number, 0, 255)->value() : color->r(), g ? ARGR("$green", Number, 0, 255)->value() : color->g(), b ? ARGR("$blue", Number, 0, 255)->value() : color->b(), a ? ARGR("$alpha", Number, 0, 255)->value() : color->a()); } if (hsl) { HSL hsl_struct = rgb_to_hsl(color->r(), color->g(), color->b()); if (h) hsl_struct.h = static_cast(((static_cast(h->value()) % 360) + 360) % 360) / 360.0; if (s) hsl_struct.s = ARGR("$saturation", Number, 0, 100)->value(); if (l) hsl_struct.l = ARGR("$lightness", Number, 0, 100)->value(); double alpha = a ? ARGR("$alpha", Number, 0, 1.0)->value() : color->a(); return hsla_impl(hsl_struct.h, hsl_struct.s, hsl_struct.l, alpha, ctx, path, position); } if (a) { double alpha = a ? ARGR("$alpha", Number, 0, 1.0)->value() : color->a(); return new (ctx.mem) Color(path, position, color->r(), color->g(), color->b(), alpha); } error("not enough arguments for `change-color`", path, position); // unreachable return color; } template static double cap_channel(double c) { if (c > range) return range; else if (c < 0) return 0; else return c; } Signature ie_hex_str_sig = "ie-hex-str($color)"; BUILT_IN(ie_hex_str) { Color* c = ARG("$color", Color); double r = cap_channel<0xff>(c->r()); double g = cap_channel<0xff>(c->g()); double b = cap_channel<0xff>(c->b()); double a = cap_channel<1> (c->a()) * 255; stringstream ss; ss << '#' << std::setw(2) << std::setfill('0'); ss << std::hex << std::setw(2) << static_cast(std::floor(a+0.5)); ss << std::hex << std::setw(2) << static_cast(std::floor(r+0.5)); ss << std::hex << std::setw(2) << static_cast(std::floor(g+0.5)); ss << std::hex << std::setw(2) << static_cast(std::floor(b+0.5)); string result(ss.str()); for (size_t i = 0, L = result.length(); i < L; ++i) { result[i] = std::toupper(result[i]); } return new (ctx.mem) String_Constant(path, position, result); } /////////////////// // STRING FUNCTIONS /////////////////// Signature unquote_sig = "unquote($string)"; BUILT_IN(sass_unquote) { To_String to_string; AST_Node* arg = env["$string"]; string org(arg->perform(&to_string)); string str(unquote(org)); String_Constant* result = new (ctx.mem) String_Constant(path, position, str); // remember if the string was quoted (color tokens) if (org[0] != str[0]) result->needs_unquoting(true); result->is_delayed(true); return result; } Signature quote_sig = "quote($string)"; BUILT_IN(sass_quote) { To_String to_string; AST_Node* arg = env["$string"]; string str(quote(arg->perform(&to_string), String_Constant::double_quote())); String_Constant* result = new (ctx.mem) String_Constant(path, position, str); result->is_delayed(true); return result; } Signature str_length_sig = "str-length($string)"; BUILT_IN(str_length) { size_t len = string::npos; try { String_Constant* s = ARG("$string", String_Constant); string str = s->value(); size_t length_of_s = str.size(); size_t i = 0; if (s->is_quoted()) { ++i; --length_of_s; } len = UTF_8::code_point_count(str, i, length_of_s); } catch (utf8::invalid_code_point) { string msg("utf8::invalid_code_point"); error(msg, path, position, backtrace); } catch (utf8::not_enough_room) { string msg("utf8::not_enough_room"); error(msg, path, position, backtrace); } catch (utf8::invalid_utf8) { string msg("utf8::invalid_utf8"); error(msg, path, position, backtrace); } catch (...) { throw; } // return something even if we had an error (-1) return new (ctx.mem) Number(path, position, len); } Signature str_insert_sig = "str-insert($string, $insert, $index)"; BUILT_IN(str_insert) { string str; try { String_Constant* s = ARG("$string", String_Constant); str = s->value(); char quotemark = s->quote_mark(); str = unquote(str); String_Constant* i = ARG("$insert", String_Constant); string ins = i->value(); ins = unquote(ins); Number* ind = ARG("$index", Number); double index = ind->value(); size_t len = UTF_8::code_point_count(str, 0, str.size()); if (index > 0 && index <= len) { // positive and within string length str.insert(UTF_8::offset_at_position(str, index - 1), ins); } else if (index > len) { // positive and past string length str += ins; } else if (index == 0) { str = ins + str; } else if (std::abs(index) <= len) { // negative and within string length index += len + 1; str.insert(UTF_8::offset_at_position(str, index), ins); } else { // negative and past string length str = ins + str; } if (quotemark) { str = quote(str, String_Constant::double_quote()); } } catch (utf8::invalid_code_point) { string msg("utf8::invalid_code_point"); error(msg, path, position, backtrace); } catch (utf8::not_enough_room) { string msg("utf8::not_enough_room"); error(msg, path, position, backtrace); } catch (utf8::invalid_utf8) { string msg("utf8::invalid_utf8"); error(msg, path, position, backtrace); } catch (...) { throw; } return new (ctx.mem) String_Constant(path, position, str); } Signature str_index_sig = "str-index($string, $substring)"; BUILT_IN(str_index) { size_t index = string::npos; try { String_Constant* s = ARG("$string", String_Constant); String_Constant* t = ARG("$substring", String_Constant); string str = s->value(); str = unquote(str); string substr = t->value(); substr = unquote(substr); size_t c_index = str.find(substr); if(c_index == string::npos) { return new (ctx.mem) Null(path, position); } index = UTF_8::code_point_count(str, 0, c_index) + 1; } catch (utf8::invalid_code_point) { string msg("utf8::invalid_code_point"); error(msg, path, position, backtrace); } catch (utf8::not_enough_room) { string msg("utf8::not_enough_room"); error(msg, path, position, backtrace); } catch (utf8::invalid_utf8) { string msg("utf8::invalid_utf8"); error(msg, path, position, backtrace); } catch (...) { throw; } // return something even if we had an error (-1) return new (ctx.mem) Number(path, position, index); } Signature str_slice_sig = "str-slice($string, $start-at, $end-at:-1)"; BUILT_IN(str_slice) { string newstr; try { String_Constant* s = ARG("$string", String_Constant); Number* n = ARG("$start-at", Number); Number* m = ARG("$end-at", Number); string str = s->value(); char quotemark = s->quote_mark(); str = unquote(str); // normalize into 0-based indices size_t start = UTF_8::offset_at_position(str, UTF_8::normalize_index(n->value(), UTF_8::code_point_count(str))); size_t end = UTF_8::offset_at_position(str, UTF_8::normalize_index(m->value(), UTF_8::code_point_count(str))); // `str-slice` should always return an empty string when $end-at == 0 // `normalize_index` normalizes 1 -> 0 so we need to check the original value if(start == end && m->value() > 0) { newstr = str.substr(start, 1); } else if(end > start) { newstr = str.substr(start, end - start + UTF_8::code_point_size_at_offset(str, end)); } if(quotemark) { newstr = quote(newstr, String_Constant::double_quote()); } } catch (utf8::invalid_code_point) { string msg("utf8::invalid_code_point"); error(msg, path, position, backtrace); } catch (utf8::not_enough_room) { string msg("utf8::not_enough_room"); error(msg, path, position, backtrace); } catch (utf8::invalid_utf8) { string msg("utf8::invalid_utf8"); error(msg, path, position, backtrace); } catch (...) { throw; } return new (ctx.mem) String_Constant(path, position, newstr); } Signature to_upper_case_sig = "to-upper-case($string)"; BUILT_IN(to_upper_case) { String_Constant* s = ARG("$string", String_Constant); string str = s->value(); for (size_t i = 0, L = str.length(); i < L; ++i) { if (Sass::Util::isAscii(str[i])) { str[i] = std::toupper(str[i]); } } return new (ctx.mem) String_Constant(path, position, str); } Signature to_lower_case_sig = "to-lower-case($string)"; BUILT_IN(to_lower_case) { String_Constant* s = ARG("$string", String_Constant); string str = s->value(); for (size_t i = 0, L = str.length(); i < L; ++i) { if (Sass::Util::isAscii(str[i])) { str[i] = std::tolower(str[i]); } } return new (ctx.mem) String_Constant(path, position, str); } /////////////////// // NUMBER FUNCTIONS /////////////////// Signature percentage_sig = "percentage($value)"; BUILT_IN(percentage) { Number* n = ARG("$value", Number); if (!n->is_unitless()) error("argument $value of `" + string(sig) + "` must be unitless", path, position); return new (ctx.mem) Number(path, position, n->value() * 100, "%"); } Signature round_sig = "round($value)"; BUILT_IN(round) { Number* n = ARG("$value", Number); Number* r = new (ctx.mem) Number(*n); r->path(path); r->position(position); r->value(std::floor(r->value() + 0.5)); return r; } Signature ceil_sig = "ceil($value)"; BUILT_IN(ceil) { Number* n = ARG("$value", Number); Number* r = new (ctx.mem) Number(*n); r->path(path); r->position(position); r->value(std::ceil(r->value())); return r; } Signature floor_sig = "floor($value)"; BUILT_IN(floor) { Number* n = ARG("$value", Number); Number* r = new (ctx.mem) Number(*n); r->path(path); r->position(position); r->value(std::floor(r->value())); return r; } Signature abs_sig = "abs($value)"; BUILT_IN(abs) { Number* n = ARG("$value", Number); Number* r = new (ctx.mem) Number(*n); r->path(path); r->position(position); r->value(std::abs(r->value())); return r; } Signature min_sig = "min($x1, $x2...)"; BUILT_IN(min) { Number* x1 = ARG("$x1", Number); List* arglist = ARG("$x2", List); Number* least = x1; for (size_t i = 0, L = arglist->length(); i < L; ++i) { Number* xi = dynamic_cast(arglist->value_at_index(i)); if (!xi) error("`" + string(sig) + "` only takes numeric arguments", path, position); if (lt(xi, least, ctx)) least = xi; } return least; } Signature max_sig = "max($x1, $x2...)"; BUILT_IN(max) { Number* x1 = ARG("$x1", Number); List* arglist = ARG("$x2", List); Number* greatest = x1; for (size_t i = 0, L = arglist->length(); i < L; ++i) { Number* xi = dynamic_cast(arglist->value_at_index(i)); if (!xi) error("`" + string(sig) + "` only takes numeric arguments", path, position); if (lt(greatest, xi, ctx)) greatest = xi; } return greatest; } Signature random_sig = "random($limit:false)"; BUILT_IN(random) { Number* l = dynamic_cast(env["$limit"]); if (l && trunc(l->value()) != l->value()) error("argument $limit of `" + string(sig) + "` must be an integer", path, position); if (l) { uniform_real_distribution<> distributor(1, l->value() + 1); uint_fast32_t distributed = distributor(rand); return new (ctx.mem) Number(path, position, (double)distributed); } else { uniform_real_distribution<> distributor(0, 1); uint_fast32_t distributed = distributor(rand); return new (ctx.mem) Number(path, position, trunc(distributed)); } } ///////////////// // LIST FUNCTIONS ///////////////// Signature length_sig = "length($list)"; BUILT_IN(length) { Expression* v = ARG("$list", Expression); if (v->concrete_type() == Expression::MAP) { Map* map = dynamic_cast(env["$list"]); return new (ctx.mem) Number(path, position, map ? map->length() : 1); } List* list = dynamic_cast(env["$list"]); return new (ctx.mem) Number(path, position, list ? list->length() : 1); } Signature nth_sig = "nth($list, $n)"; BUILT_IN(nth) { Map* m = dynamic_cast(env["$list"]); List* l = dynamic_cast(env["$list"]); Number* n = ARG("$n", Number); if (n->value() == 0) error("argument `$n` of `" + string(sig) + "` must be non-zero", path, position); // if the argument isn't a list, then wrap it in a singleton list if (!m && !l) { l = new (ctx.mem) List(path, position, 1); *l << ARG("$list", Expression); } size_t len = m ? m->length() : l->length(); bool empty = m ? m->empty() : l->empty(); if (empty) error("argument `$list` of `" + string(sig) + "` must not be empty", path, position); double index = std::floor(n->value() < 0 ? len + n->value() : n->value() - 1); if (index < 0 || index > len - 1) error("index out of bounds for `" + string(sig) + "`", path, position); if (m) { l = new (ctx.mem) List(path, position, 1); *l << m->keys()[index]; *l << m->at(m->keys()[index]); return l; } else { return l->value_at_index(index); } } Signature set_nth_sig = "set-nth($list, $n, $value)"; BUILT_IN(set_nth) { List* l = dynamic_cast(env["$list"]); Number* n = ARG("$n", Number); Expression* v = ARG("$value", Expression); if (!l) { l = new (ctx.mem) List(path, position, 1); *l << ARG("$list", Expression); } if (l->empty()) error("argument `$list` of `" + string(sig) + "` must not be empty", path, position); double index = std::floor(n->value() < 0 ? l->length() + n->value() : n->value() - 1); if (index < 0 || index > l->length() - 1) error("index out of bounds for `" + string(sig) + "`", path, position); List* result = new (ctx.mem) List(path, position, l->length(), l->separator()); for (size_t i = 0, L = l->length(); i < L; ++i) { *result << ((i == index) ? v : (*l)[i]); } return result; } Signature index_sig = "index($list, $value)"; BUILT_IN(index) { List* l = dynamic_cast(env["$list"]); Expression* v = ARG("$value", Expression); if (!l) { l = new (ctx.mem) List(path, position, 1); *l << ARG("$list", Expression); } for (size_t i = 0, L = l->length(); i < L; ++i) { if (eq(l->value_at_index(i), v, ctx)) return new (ctx.mem) Number(path, position, i+1); } return new (ctx.mem) Null(path, position); } Signature join_sig = "join($list1, $list2, $separator: auto)"; BUILT_IN(join) { List* l1 = dynamic_cast(env["$list1"]); List* l2 = dynamic_cast(env["$list2"]); String_Constant* sep = ARG("$separator", String_Constant); List::Separator sep_val = (l1 ? l1->separator() : List::SPACE); if (!l1) { l1 = new (ctx.mem) List(path, position, 1); *l1 << ARG("$list1", Expression); sep_val = (l2 ? l2->separator() : List::SPACE); } if (!l2) { l2 = new (ctx.mem) List(path, position, 1); *l2 << ARG("$list2", Expression); } size_t len = l1->length() + l2->length(); string sep_str = unquote(sep->value()); if (sep_str == "space") sep_val = List::SPACE; else if (sep_str == "comma") sep_val = List::COMMA; else if (sep_str != "auto") error("argument `$separator` of `" + string(sig) + "` must be `space`, `comma`, or `auto`", path, position); List* result = new (ctx.mem) List(path, position, len, sep_val); *result += l1; *result += l2; return result; } Signature append_sig = "append($list, $val, $separator: auto)"; BUILT_IN(append) { List* l = dynamic_cast(env["$list"]); Expression* v = ARG("$val", Expression); String_Constant* sep = ARG("$separator", String_Constant); if (!l) { l = new (ctx.mem) List(path, position, 1); *l << ARG("$list", Expression); } List* result = new (ctx.mem) List(path, position, l->length() + 1, l->separator()); string sep_str(unquote(sep->value())); if (sep_str == "space") result->separator(List::SPACE); else if (sep_str == "comma") result->separator(List::COMMA); else if (sep_str != "auto") error("argument `$separator` of `" + string(sig) + "` must be `space`, `comma`, or `auto`", path, position); *result += l; *result << v; return result; } Signature zip_sig = "zip($lists...)"; BUILT_IN(zip) { List* arglist = new (ctx.mem) List(*ARG("$lists", List)); size_t shortest = 0; for (size_t i = 0, L = arglist->length(); i < L; ++i) { List* ith = dynamic_cast(arglist->value_at_index(i)); if (!ith) { ith = new (ctx.mem) List(path, position, 1); *ith << arglist->value_at_index(i); if (arglist->is_arglist()) { ((Argument*)(*arglist)[i])->value(ith); } else { (*arglist)[i] = ith; } } shortest = (i ? std::min(shortest, ith->length()) : ith->length()); } List* zippers = new (ctx.mem) List(path, position, shortest, List::COMMA); size_t L = arglist->length(); for (size_t i = 0; i < shortest; ++i) { List* zipper = new (ctx.mem) List(path, position, L); for (size_t j = 0; j < L; ++j) { *zipper << (*static_cast(arglist->value_at_index(j)))[i]; } *zippers << zipper; } return zippers; } Signature compact_sig = "compact($values...)"; BUILT_IN(compact) { List* arglist = ARG("$values", List); List::Separator sep = List::COMMA; if (arglist->length() == 1) { Expression* the_arg = arglist->value_at_index(0); arglist = dynamic_cast(the_arg); if (!arglist) { List* result = new (ctx.mem) List(path, position, 1, List::COMMA); *result << the_arg; return result; } sep = arglist->separator(); } List* result = new (ctx.mem) List(path, position, 0, sep); for (size_t i = 0, L = arglist->length(); i < L; ++i) { Boolean* ith = dynamic_cast(arglist->value_at_index(i)); if (ith && ith->value() == false) continue; *result << arglist->value_at_index(i); } return result; } Signature list_separator_sig = "list_separator($list)"; BUILT_IN(list_separator) { List* l = dynamic_cast(env["$list"]); if (!l) { l = new (ctx.mem) List(path, position, 1); *l << ARG("$list", Expression); } return new (ctx.mem) String_Constant(path, position, l->separator() == List::COMMA ? "comma" : "space"); } ///////////////// // MAP FUNCTIONS ///////////////// Signature map_get_sig = "map-get($map, $key)"; BUILT_IN(map_get) { Map* m = ARGM("$map", Map, ctx); Expression* v = ARG("$key", Expression); try { return m->at(v); } catch (const std::out_of_range&) { return new (ctx.mem) Null(path, position); } catch (...) { throw; } } Signature map_has_key_sig = "map-has-key($map, $key)"; BUILT_IN(map_has_key) { Map* m = ARGM("$map", Map, ctx); Expression* v = ARG("$key", Expression); return new (ctx.mem) Boolean(path, position, m->has(v)); } Signature map_keys_sig = "map-keys($map)"; BUILT_IN(map_keys) { Map* m = ARGM("$map", Map, ctx); List* result = new (ctx.mem) List(path, position, m->length(), List::COMMA); for ( auto key : m->keys()) { *result << key; } return result; } Signature map_values_sig = "map-values($map)"; BUILT_IN(map_values) { Map* m = ARGM("$map", Map, ctx); List* result = new (ctx.mem) List(path, position, m->length(), List::COMMA); for ( auto key : m->keys()) { *result << m->at(key); } return result; } Signature map_merge_sig = "map-merge($map1, $map2)"; BUILT_IN(map_merge) { Map* m1 = ARGM("$map1", Map, ctx); Map* m2 = ARGM("$map2", Map, ctx); size_t len = m1->length() + m2->length(); Map* result = new (ctx.mem) Map(path, position, len); *result += m1; *result += m2; return result; } Signature map_remove_sig = "map-remove($map, $keys...)"; BUILT_IN(map_remove) { bool remove; Map* m = ARGM("$map", Map, ctx); List* arglist = ARG("$keys", List); Map* result = new (ctx.mem) Map(path, position, 1); for (auto key : m->keys()) { remove = false; for (size_t j = 0, K = arglist->length(); j < K && !remove; ++j) { remove = eq(key, arglist->value_at_index(j), ctx); } if (!remove) *result << make_pair(key, m->at(key)); } return result; } Signature keywords_sig = "keywords($args)"; BUILT_IN(keywords) { List* arglist = new (ctx.mem) List(*ARG("$args", List)); Map* result = new (ctx.mem) Map(path, position, 1); // The parser ensures the ordering of arguments so we can assert this // isn't keyword argument list the first argument isn't a keyword argument if (!(arglist->empty() || ((Argument*)(*arglist)[0])->is_keyword_argument())) return result; for (size_t i = 0, L = arglist->length(); i < L; ++i) { string name = string(((Argument*)(*arglist)[i])->name()); string sanitized_name = string(name, 1); *result << make_pair(new (ctx.mem) String_Constant(path, position, sanitized_name), ((Argument*)(*arglist)[i])->value()); } return result; } ////////////////////////// // INTROSPECTION FUNCTIONS ////////////////////////// Signature type_of_sig = "type-of($value)"; BUILT_IN(type_of) { Expression* v = ARG("$value", Expression); if (v->concrete_type() == Expression::STRING) { To_String to_string; string str(v->perform(&to_string)); if (ctx.names_to_colors.count(str)) { return new (ctx.mem) String_Constant(path, position, "color"); } } return new (ctx.mem) String_Constant(path, position, ARG("$value", Expression)->type()); } Signature unit_sig = "unit($number)"; BUILT_IN(unit) { return new (ctx.mem) String_Constant(path, position, quote(ARG("$number", Number)->unit(), '"')); } Signature unitless_sig = "unitless($number)"; BUILT_IN(unitless) { return new (ctx.mem) Boolean(path, position, ARG("$number", Number)->is_unitless()); } Signature comparable_sig = "comparable($number-1, $number-2)"; BUILT_IN(comparable) { Number* n1 = ARG("$number-1", Number); Number* n2 = ARG("$number-2", Number); if (n1->is_unitless() || n2->is_unitless()) { return new (ctx.mem) Boolean(path, position, true); } Number tmp_n2(*n2); tmp_n2.normalize(n1->find_convertible_unit()); return new (ctx.mem) Boolean(path, position, n1->unit() == tmp_n2.unit()); } Signature variable_exists_sig = "variable-exists($name)"; BUILT_IN(variable_exists) { string s = unquote(ARG("$name", String_Constant)->value()); if(d_env.has("$"+s)) { return new (ctx.mem) Boolean(path, position, true); } else { return new (ctx.mem) Boolean(path, position, false); } } Signature global_variable_exists_sig = "global-variable-exists($name)"; BUILT_IN(global_variable_exists) { string s = unquote(ARG("$name", String_Constant)->value()); if(d_env.global_frame_has("$"+s)) { return new (ctx.mem) Boolean(path, position, true); } else { return new (ctx.mem) Boolean(path, position, false); } } Signature function_exists_sig = "function-exists($name)"; BUILT_IN(function_exists) { string s = unquote(ARG("$name", String_Constant)->value()); if(d_env.global_frame_has(s+"[f]")) { return new (ctx.mem) Boolean(path, position, true); } else { return new (ctx.mem) Boolean(path, position, false); } } Signature mixin_exists_sig = "mixin-exists($name)"; BUILT_IN(mixin_exists) { string s = unquote(ARG("$name", String_Constant)->value()); if(d_env.global_frame_has(s+"[m]")) { return new (ctx.mem) Boolean(path, position, true); } else { return new (ctx.mem) Boolean(path, position, false); } } Signature feature_exists_sig = "feature-exists($name)"; BUILT_IN(feature_exists) { string s = unquote(ARG("$name", String_Constant)->value()); if(features.find(s) == features.end()) { return new (ctx.mem) Boolean(path, position, false); } else { return new (ctx.mem) Boolean(path, position, true); } } Signature call_sig = "call($name, $args...)"; BUILT_IN(call) { string name = unquote(ARG("$name", String_Constant)->value()); List* arglist = new (ctx.mem) List(*ARG("$args", List)); Arguments* args = new (ctx.mem) Arguments(path, position); for (size_t i = 0, L = arglist->length(); i < L; ++i) { Argument* arg = new (ctx.mem) Argument(path, position, arglist->value_at_index(i)); *args << arg; } Function_Call* func = new (ctx.mem) Function_Call(path, position, name, args); Eval eval(ctx, &d_env, backtrace); return func->perform(&eval); } //////////////////// // BOOLEAN FUNCTIONS //////////////////// Signature not_sig = "not($value)"; BUILT_IN(sass_not) { return new (ctx.mem) Boolean(path, position, ARG("$value", Expression)->is_false()); } Signature if_sig = "if($condition, $if-true, $if-false)"; // BUILT_IN(sass_if) // { return ARG("$condition", Expression)->is_false() ? ARG("$if-false", Expression) : ARG("$if-true", Expression); } BUILT_IN(sass_if) { Eval eval(ctx, &d_env, backtrace); bool is_true = !ARG("$condition", Expression)->perform(&eval)->is_false(); if (is_true) { return ARG("$if-true", Expression)->perform(&eval); } else { return ARG("$if-false", Expression)->perform(&eval); } } //////////////// // URL FUNCTIONS //////////////// Signature image_url_sig = "image-url($path, $only-path: false, $cache-buster: false)"; BUILT_IN(image_url) { String_Constant* ipath = ARG("$path", String_Constant); bool only_path = !ARG("$only-path", Expression)->is_false(); string full_path(quote(ctx.image_path + "/" + unquote(ipath->value()), '"')); if (!only_path) full_path = "url(" + full_path + ")"; return new (ctx.mem) String_Constant(path, position, full_path); } ////////////////////////// // MISCELLANEOUS FUNCTIONS ////////////////////////// Signature inspect_sig = "inspect($value)"; BUILT_IN(inspect) { Expression* v = ARG("$value", Expression); if (v->concrete_type() == Expression::NULL_VAL) { return new (ctx.mem) String_Constant(path, position, "null"); } else if (v->concrete_type() == Expression::BOOLEAN && *v == 0) { return new (ctx.mem) String_Constant(path, position, "false"); } return v; } Signature unique_id_sig = "unique-id()"; BUILT_IN(unique_id) { std::stringstream ss; uniform_real_distribution<> distributor(0, 4294967296); // 16^8 uint_fast32_t distributed = distributor(rand); ss << "u" << setfill('0') << setw(8) << std::hex << distributed; return new (ctx.mem) String_Constant(path, position, ss.str()); } } }