AR = (<<-AR) unless defined?(AR) ## # You can use other adapters like: # # ActiveRecord::Base.configurations[:development] = { # :adapter => 'mysql', # :encoding => 'utf8', # :reconnect => true, # :database => 'your_database', # :pool => 5, # :username => 'root', # :password => '', # :host => 'localhost', # :socket => '/tmp/mysql.sock' # } # ActiveRecord::Base.configurations[:development] = { !DB_DEVELOPMENT! } ActiveRecord::Base.configurations[:production] = { !DB_PRODUCTION! } ActiveRecord::Base.configurations[:test] = { !DB_TEST! } # Setup our logger ActiveRecord::Base.logger = logger # Raise exception on mass assignment protection for Active Record models ActiveRecord::Base.mass_assignment_sanitizer = :strict # Log the query plan for queries taking more than this (works # with SQLite, MySQL, and PostgreSQL) ActiveRecord::Base.auto_explain_threshold_in_seconds = 0.5 # Include Active Record class name as root for JSON serialized output. ActiveRecord::Base.include_root_in_json = false # Store the full class name (including module namespace) in STI type column. ActiveRecord::Base.store_full_sti_class = true # Use ISO 8601 format for JSON serialized times and dates. ActiveSupport.use_standard_json_time_format = true # Don't escape HTML entities in JSON, leave that for the #json_escape helper. # if you're including raw json in an HTML page. ActiveSupport.escape_html_entities_in_json = false # Now we can estabilish connection with our db ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection(ActiveRecord::Base.configurations[Padrino.env]) AR MYSQL = (<<-MYSQL) unless defined?(MYSQL) :adapter => 'mysql', :encoding => 'utf8', :reconnect => true, :database => !DB_NAME!, :pool => 5, :username => 'root', :password => '', :host => 'localhost', :socket => '/tmp/mysql.sock' MYSQL MYSQL2 = (<<-MYSQL2) unless defined?(MYSQL2) :adapter => 'mysql2', :encoding => 'utf8', :reconnect => true, :database => !DB_NAME!, :pool => 5, :username => 'root', :password => '', :host => 'localhost', :socket => '/tmp/mysql.sock' MYSQL2 POSTGRES = (<<-POSTGRES) unless defined?(POSTGRES) :adapter => 'postgresql', :database => !DB_NAME!, :username => 'root', :password => '', :host => 'localhost', :port => 5432 POSTGRES SQLITE = (<<-SQLITE) unless defined?(SQLITE) :adapter => 'sqlite3', :database => !DB_NAME! SQLITE def setup_orm ar = AR db = @app_name.underscore case options[:adapter] when 'mysql' ar.gsub! /!DB_DEVELOPMENT!/, MYSQL.gsub(/!DB_NAME!/,"'#{db}_development'") ar.gsub! /!DB_PRODUCTION!/, MYSQL.gsub(/!DB_NAME!/,"'#{db}_production'") ar.gsub! /!DB_TEST!/, MYSQL.gsub(/!DB_NAME!/,"'#{db}_test'") require_dependencies 'mysql' when 'mysql2' ar.gsub! /!DB_DEVELOPMENT!/, MYSQL2.gsub(/!DB_NAME!/,"'#{db}_development'") ar.gsub! /!DB_PRODUCTION!/, MYSQL2.gsub(/!DB_NAME!/,"'#{db}_production'") ar.gsub! /!DB_TEST!/, MYSQL2.gsub(/!DB_NAME!/,"'#{db}_test'") require_dependencies 'mysql2' when 'postgres' ar.gsub! /!DB_DEVELOPMENT!/, POSTGRES.gsub(/!DB_NAME!/,"'#{db}_development'") ar.gsub! /!DB_PRODUCTION!/, POSTGRES.gsub(/!DB_NAME!/,"'#{db}_production'") ar.gsub! /!DB_TEST!/, POSTGRES.gsub(/!DB_NAME!/,"'#{db}_test'") require_dependencies 'pg' else ar.gsub! /!DB_DEVELOPMENT!/, SQLITE.gsub(/!DB_NAME!/,"Padrino.root('db', '#{db}_development.db')") ar.gsub! /!DB_PRODUCTION!/, SQLITE.gsub(/!DB_NAME!/,"Padrino.root('db', '#{db}_production.db')") ar.gsub! /!DB_TEST!/, SQLITE.gsub(/!DB_NAME!/,"Padrino.root('db', '#{db}_test.db')") require_dependencies 'sqlite3' end require_dependencies 'activerecord', :require => 'active_record' insert_middleware 'ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::ConnectionManagement' create_file("config/database.rb", ar) end AR_MODEL = (<<-MODEL) unless defined?(AR_MODEL) class !NAME! < ActiveRecord::Base end MODEL # options => { :fields => ["title:string", "body:string"], :app => 'app' } def create_model_file(name, options={}) model_path = destination_root(options[:app], 'models', "#{name.to_s.underscore}.rb") model_contents = AR_MODEL.gsub(/!NAME!/, name.to_s.underscore.camelize) create_file(model_path, model_contents,:skip => true) end AR_MIGRATION = (<<-MIGRATION) unless defined?(AR_MIGRATION) class !FILECLASS! < ActiveRecord::Migration def self.up !UP! end def self.down !DOWN! end end MIGRATION AR_MODEL_UP_MG = (<<-MIGRATION).gsub(/^/, ' ') unless defined?(AR_MODEL_UP_MG) create_table :!TABLE! do |t| !FIELDS! t.timestamps end MIGRATION AR_MODEL_DOWN_MG = (<<-MIGRATION) unless defined?(AR_MODEL_DOWN_MG) drop_table :!TABLE! MIGRATION def create_model_migration(migration_name, name, columns) output_model_migration(migration_name, name, columns, :base => AR_MIGRATION, :column_format => { |field, kind| "t.#{kind.underscore.gsub(/_/, '')} :#{field}" }, :up => AR_MODEL_UP_MG, :down => AR_MODEL_DOWN_MG) end AR_CHANGE_MG = (<<-MIGRATION).gsub(/^/, ' ') unless defined?(AR_CHANGE_MG) change_table :!TABLE! do |t| !COLUMNS! end MIGRATION def create_migration_file(migration_name, name, columns) output_migration_file(migration_name, name, columns, :base => AR_MIGRATION, :change_format => AR_CHANGE_MG, :add => { |field, kind| "t.#{kind.underscore.gsub(/_/, '')} :#{field}" }, :remove => { |field, kind| "t.remove :#{field}" } ) end