%= javascript_tag do %> <%= render partial: "edit", formats: [:js] %> <% end %>
The information you provide for Title will be applied to the corresponding file only; however all other information you provide will be applied to the entire set of files that were uploaded together you have just deposited into <%= t('curation_concerns.product_name') %>. You may edit individual files from <%= link_to " #{t('curation_concerns.bread_crumb.works_list')}".html_safe, main_app.curation_concerns_generic_works_path %> once this step is finished. * indicates required fields.
<%= simple_form_for [main_app, @form], html: { multipart: true }, builder: CurationConcerns::FormBuilder do |f| %> <%= render 'metadata', f: f %> <%#= render 'file_sets/permission_form', f: f, upload_set: @upload_set %>