package org.embulk.plugin.maven; import; import; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.nio.file.Paths; import org.embulk.plugin.MavenPluginType; import org.embulk.plugin.PluginClassLoaderFactory; import org.embulk.plugin.PluginSource; import org.embulk.plugin.PluginSourceNotMatchException; import org.embulk.plugin.PluginType; import org.embulk.plugin.jar.JarPluginLoader; import org.embulk.plugin.jar.InvalidJarPluginException; import org.embulk.spi.DecoderPlugin; import org.embulk.spi.EncoderPlugin; import org.embulk.spi.ExecutorPlugin; import org.embulk.spi.FileInputPlugin; import org.embulk.spi.FileInputRunner; import org.embulk.spi.FileOutputPlugin; import org.embulk.spi.FileOutputRunner; import org.embulk.spi.FilterPlugin; import org.embulk.spi.FormatterPlugin; import org.embulk.spi.GuessPlugin; import org.embulk.spi.InputPlugin; import org.embulk.spi.OutputPlugin; import org.embulk.spi.ParserPlugin; public class MavenPluginSource implements PluginSource { @Inject public MavenPluginSource(Injector injector) { this.injector = injector; } @Override public T newPlugin(Class pluginInterface, PluginType pluginType) throws PluginSourceNotMatchException { final String category; if (InputPlugin.class.isAssignableFrom(pluginInterface)) { category = "input"; } else if (OutputPlugin.class.isAssignableFrom(pluginInterface)) { category = "output"; } else if (ParserPlugin.class.isAssignableFrom(pluginInterface)) { category = "parser"; } else if (FormatterPlugin.class.isAssignableFrom(pluginInterface)) { category = "formatter"; } else if (DecoderPlugin.class.isAssignableFrom(pluginInterface)) { category = "decoder"; } else if (EncoderPlugin.class.isAssignableFrom(pluginInterface)) { category = "encoder"; } else if (FilterPlugin.class.isAssignableFrom(pluginInterface)) { category = "filter"; } else if (GuessPlugin.class.isAssignableFrom(pluginInterface)) { category = "guess"; } else if (ExecutorPlugin.class.isAssignableFrom(pluginInterface)) { category = "executor"; } else { // unsupported plugin category throw new PluginSourceNotMatchException("Plugin interface " + pluginInterface + " is not supported."); } if (pluginType.getSourceType() != PluginSource.Type.MAVEN) { throw new PluginSourceNotMatchException(); } final MavenPluginType mavenPluginType = (MavenPluginType) pluginType; final PluginClassLoaderFactory pluginClassLoaderFactory = this.injector.getInstance(PluginClassLoaderFactory.class); final MavenArtifactFinder mavenArtifactFinder; try { mavenArtifactFinder = MavenArtifactFinder.create(getLocalMavenRepository()); } catch (MavenRepositoryNotFoundException ex) { throw new PluginSourceNotMatchException(ex); } final Path jarPath; try { jarPath = mavenArtifactFinder.findMavenArtifactJar( mavenPluginType.getGroup(), "embulk-" + category + "-" + mavenPluginType.getName(), mavenPluginType.getClassifier(), mavenPluginType.getVersion()); } catch (MavenArtifactNotFoundException ex) { throw new PluginSourceNotMatchException(ex); } final Class pluginMainClass; try (JarPluginLoader loader = JarPluginLoader.load(jarPath, pluginClassLoaderFactory)) { pluginMainClass = loader.getPluginMainClass(); } catch (InvalidJarPluginException ex) { throw new PluginSourceNotMatchException(ex); } final Object pluginMainObject; try { // Unlike InjectedPluginSource and JRubyPluginSource, // MavenPluginSource does not have "registration" before creating an instance of the plugin class. // FileInputPlugin and FileOutputPlugin are wrapped with FileInputRunner and FileOutputRunner here. if (FileInputPlugin.class.isAssignableFrom(pluginMainClass)) { final FileInputPlugin fileInputPluginMainObject; try { fileInputPluginMainObject = (FileInputPlugin) this.injector.getInstance(pluginMainClass); } catch (ClassCastException ex) { throw new PluginSourceNotMatchException( "[FATAL/INTERNAL] Plugin class \"" + pluginMainClass.getName() + "\" is not file-input.", ex); } pluginMainObject = new FileInputRunner(fileInputPluginMainObject); } else if (FileOutputPlugin.class.isAssignableFrom(pluginMainClass)) { final FileOutputPlugin fileOutputPluginMainObject; try { fileOutputPluginMainObject = (FileOutputPlugin) this.injector.getInstance(pluginMainClass); } catch (ClassCastException ex) { throw new PluginSourceNotMatchException( "[FATAL/INTERNAL] Plugin class \"" + pluginMainClass.getName() + "\" is not file-output.", ex); } pluginMainObject = new FileOutputRunner(fileOutputPluginMainObject); } else { if (!pluginInterface.isAssignableFrom(pluginMainClass)) { throw new PluginSourceNotMatchException( "Plugin class \"" + pluginMainClass.getName() + "\" is not a valid " + category + " plugin."); } pluginMainObject = this.injector.getInstance(pluginMainClass); } } catch (ExceptionInInitializerError ex) { throw new PluginSourceNotMatchException( "Plugin class \"" + pluginMainClass.getName() + "\" is not instantiatable due to exception in initialization.", ex); } catch (SecurityException ex) { throw new PluginSourceNotMatchException( "Plugin class \"" + pluginMainClass.getName() + "\" is not instantiatable due to security manager.", ex); } try { return pluginInterface.cast(pluginMainObject); } catch (ClassCastException ex) { throw new PluginSourceNotMatchException( "[FATAL/INTERNAL] Plugin class \"" + pluginMainClass.getName() + "\" is not " + category + " actually.", ex); } } private Path getLocalMavenRepository() throws PluginSourceNotMatchException { String env; try { env = System.getenv("M2_REPO"); } catch (NullPointerException | SecurityException ex) { // The Exceptions are just ignored, and the default local Maven repository is used. // TODO: Log? env = null; } if (env == null) { return getEmbulkHome().resolve("m2").resolve("repository"); } return Paths.get(env); } private Path getEmbulkHome() throws PluginSourceNotMatchException { final String propertyHome = System.getProperty("user.home"); if (propertyHome == null) { throw new PluginSourceNotMatchException(); } return Paths.get(propertyHome, ".embulk"); } private final Injector injector; }