== 0.8 * reading config/web.xml file (not yet supporting config/web.xml.erb) * supporting /public/WEB-INF dir for custom web resources (config files and taglibs) == 0.7 * Merb 1.0 support! * jruby-rack updated to the latest release (0.9.3) * jetty server update to 6.1.14 * adding known issue with jruby-1.1.4 to the docs * JSP and JSP Expression Language support * some minor bugs == 0.6 * load all java classes inside classes/ by default * command line args to customize lib/ and classes/ directories * -v showing jetty_rails version * each web application context has its own classloader (isolated classpaths) * upgraded to jruby-rack-0.9.2 (no more views being cached in development time) * minor changes and refactorings * improved docs for multi-server support == 0.5 * load all jars inside lib/ by default * using GEM_PATH environment variable, if exists * fix signal handling (ctrl + c) for jetty_merb == 0.4 * Merb support! jruby -S jetty_merb * Changed default ports to 3000 (rails) and 4000 (merb) * More specs == 0.3 * Improved Documentation: rdoc and site. == 0.2 * Running any rails applications with no extra classpath. * Command line options for jett_rails binary executable. See: jruby -S jetty_rails --help for details. == 0.1 * Initial release. * Running default rails applications inside Jetty.