# Cloudstack CLI Cloudstack CLI is a [CloudStack](http://cloudstack.apache.org/) API client written in Ruby. ## Installation Install the cloudstack-cli gem: $ gem install cloudstack-cli ## Setup Create the initial configuration: $ cs setup cloudstack-cli expects to find a configuartion file with the API URL and your CloudStack credentials in your home directory named .cloudstack-cli.yml. If the file is located elsewhere you can specify the loaction using the --config option. Example content of the configuration file: :url: "https://my-cloudstack-server/client/api/" :api_key: "cloudstack-api-key" :secret_key: "cloudstack-api-secret" ## Usage Please see http://rubydoc.info/gems/cloudstack-cli/0.0.3/frames See the help screen: $ cs ### Example 1 Bootsrap a server: $ cs server create server01 --zone ZUERICH_IX --port-forwarding --template CentOS-6.4-x64-v1.4 --offering 1cpu_1gb --networks M_Demo ### Example 2 Run a custom API command: $ cs command listAlerts type=8 ### Example 3 Create a stack of servers: $ cs stack create my_stackfile.json An example stackfile looks like this { "name": "web_stack-a", "description": "Web Application Stack", "version": "1.0", "zone": "DC-BIE-1", "servers": [ { "name": "web-d1, web-d2", "description": "Web nodes", "template": "CentOS-6.4-x64-v1.2", "offering": "1cpu_1gb", "networks": "server_network", "port_rules": ":80, :443" }, { "name": "db-01", "description": "PostgreSQL Master", "template": "CentOS-6.4-x64-v1.2", "offering": "2cpu_4gb", "networks": "server_network, storage_network" } ] } ### Example 4 Sort all computing offerings by CPU and Memory grouped my Domain: $ cs offering sort ### Example 5 Stop all virtual routers of project Demo (you could filter by Zone too): (This command is helpful if you have to deploy new versions of Cloudstack when using redumdant routers) $ cs router list --project Demo --status running --redundant-state BACKUP --command stop Hint: You can watch the status of the command with watch. $ watch -n cs router list --project Demo ## References - [Cloudstack API documentation](http://cloudstack.apache.org/docs/api/apidocs-4.1/TOC_Root_Admin.html) - This tool was inspired by the Knife extension for Cloudstack: [knife-cloudstack](https://github.com/CloudStack-extras/knife-cloudstack) ## Contributing 1. Fork it 2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`) 3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Add some feature'`) 4. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`) 5. Create new Pull Request ## License Released under the MIT License. See the [LICENSE](https://bitbucket.org/swisstxt/cloudstack-cli/raw/master/LICENSE.txt) file for further details.