require 'qreport' require 'qreport/model' require 'qreport/initialization' module Qreport class ReportRun include Model, Initialization attr_accessor :id attr_accessor :name, :variant, :sql, :additional_columns attr_accessor :description attr_accessor :arguments attr_accessor :report_id attr_accessor :report_sql, :raw_sql attr_accessor :columns, :base_columns, :column_signature attr_accessor :report_table attr_accessor :nrows attr_accessor :created_at, :started_at, :finished_at attr_accessor :verbose # Construct report_table name from column names and types. def report_table @report_table ||= "#{name}_#{column_signature}". gsub(/[^a-z0-9_]/i, '_').freeze end def column_signature @column_signature ||= begin return @column_signature = "ERROR" if base_columns.empty? column_signature_string = columns.to_json @column_signature_hash = Digest::MD5.hexdigest(column_signature_string) Base64.strict_encode64(Digest::MD5.digest(column_signature_string)). sub(/=+$/, ''). gsub(/[^a-z0-9]/i, '_'). downcase. freeze end end def base_columns @base_columns ||= EMPTY_Array end def base_columns= x @base_columns = x @columns = nil end def additional_columns @additional_columns ||= EMPTY_Array end def additional_columns= x @additional_columns ||= EMPTY_Array @columns = nil end def columns @columns ||= base_columns +{|x|} end def run! conn runner = runner.connection = conn!(self) self end def error self.error = @error if String === @error @error end def error= x case x when nil, Hash @error = x when String @error = JSON.parse(x) when Exception @error_object = x @error = { :error_class =>, :error_message => x.message } else raise TypeError end end def error_object; @error_object || @error; end def self.schema! conn, options = { } result = <<"END", options.merge(:capture_error => true) # , :verbose => true CREATE SEQUENCE qr_report_runs_pkey; CREATE TABLE -- IF NOT EXISTS qr_report_runs ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT nextval('qr_report_runs_pkey') , name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL , variant VARCHAR(255) , sql TEXT NOT NULL , description TEXT NOT NULL , arguments TEXT NOT NULL , base_columns TEXT NOT NULL , additional_columns TEXT NOT NULL , report_table VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL , error TEXT , created_at TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE NOT NULL DEFAULT NOW() , started_at TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE , finished_at TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE , nrows INTEGER ); CREATE INDEX qr_report_runs__name ON qr_report_runs (name); CREATE INDEX qr_report_runs__variant ON qr_report_runs (variant); CREATE INDEX qr_report_runs__report_table ON qr_report_runs (report_table); CREATE INDEX qr_report_runs__created_at ON qr_report_runs (created_at); END end def insert! values = { :name => name, :variant => variant, :sql => sql, :description => description, :arguments => (arguments || { }), :base_columns => base_columns, :additional_columns => additional_columns, :report_table => report_table, :error => error, :created_at => created_at, :started_at => started_at, :finished_at => finished_at, :nrows => nrows, } result = 'INSERT INTO qr_report_runs ( :NAMES ) VALUES ( :VALUES ) RETURNING id', :arguments => { :names_and_values => values } # , :verbose => true, :verbose_arguments => true = result.rows[0]["id"] or raise "no id" self end def _options options options ||= EMPTY_Hash arguments = options[:arguments] || EMPTY_Hash arguments = arguments.merge(:qr_run_id => id) options.merge(:arguments => arguments) end def update! options = nil options = _options options values = options[:values] || EMPTY_Hash if Array === values h = { } values.each { | k | h[k] = send(k) } values = h end options[:arguments].update(:names_and_values => values) # options.update :verbose => true, :verbose_result => true # , :dry_run => true <<"END", options UPDATE qr_report_runs SET :SET_VALUES WHERE id = :qr_run_id :WHERE? END end def self.find id obj = new = id obj.reload! end def reload! result ="SELECT * FROM qr_report_runs WHERE id = :id LIMIT 1", :arguments => { :id => id }) result = result.rows.first initialize_from_hash! result @base_columns = JSON.parse(@base_columns) @data = nil self end # Return rows from this report run's report table. def data @data ||= _select end def select options = nil options = _options options _select({:order_by => 'ORDER BY qr_run_row'}.merge(options)) end def _select options = nil options = _options options columns = options[:COLUMNS] || '*' columns = conn.safe_sql(columns) order_by = conn.safe_sql(options[:order_by] || '') options[:arguments].update( :COLUMNS => columns, :ORDER_BY => order_by) "SELECT :COLUMNS FROM #{report_table} WHERE qr_run_id = :qr_run_id :WHERE? :ORDER_BY?", options end # Deletes this report and its rows. def delete! options = nil truncate! options = _options options options.update(:capture_error => true) "DELETE FROM qr_report_runs WHERE id = :qr_run_id", options # .merge(:verbose => true) result = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS \"count\" from qr_report_runs WHERE report_table = :report_table", :arguments => { :report_table => report_table }, :capture_error => true # , :verbose => true if result.rows[0]["count"] <= 0 # drop_table! end end def drop_table! options = nil "DROP TABLE #{report_table}", :capture_error => true # , :verbose => true end # Deletes the actual rows for this report run. def truncate! options = nil options = _options options options.update(:capture_error => true) "DELETE FROM #{report_table} WHERE qr_run_id = :qr_run_id :WHERE?", options self end end end