== Installation == TaskJuggler III is written in [http://www.ruby-lang.org Ruby]. It should run on any platform that Ruby is available on. It uses the standard Ruby mechanism for distribution. The package format is called [http://docs.rubygems.org Ruby Gems]. Alternatively, you can install from a the source code using ''''setup.rb''''. This is a prototype. Consider it being alpha quality at best! === Requirements === Ruby applications are platform independent. There is no need to compile anything. But TaskJuggler has a very small set of dependencies that you have to take care of first. Please make sure you have the minimum required version installed. * ''Ruby'' TaskJuggler III is written in Ruby. You need a Ruby runtime environment to run it. This can be downloaded from [http://www.ruby-lang.org/en/downloads/ here]. Most Linux distributions usually have Ruby already included. So does MacOS X Leopard. For Windows, there is a one-click installer available. TaskJuggler currently needs at least Ruby version 1.8.5. * ''RubyGems'' If it did not come with your OS or Ruby package, see [http://docs.rubygems.org here] how to get and install it. * ''TaskJuggler'' Get TaskJuggler III from the [http://www.taskjuggler.org/download.php Download Page]. === Installation Process === If you have downloaded the gem package, you can skip to the next paragraph. If you have checked-out the git repository, you need to build the Gem package first. Make sure, you have removed all other instances of TaskJuggler from you system before doing so. It is a common mistake to have an old version of the TaskJuggler installed and then use parts of the old and new version together. In addition to the above listed dependencies, you need to have the following packages installed: * [http://rake.rubyforge.org Rake] The Ruby build tool. * [http://eigenclass.org/hiki.rb?rcov rcov] The rcov code coverage analysis tool. The following command will create an archive file called a gem package. cd taskjuggler3; rake gem A gem package is an operating system and architecture independent archive file for Ruby programs. You can install it on any system that has Ruby and ruby-gems installed. Normally, you should be logged-in as root or administrator to run the following installation command. gem install pkg/taskjuggler-X.X.X.gem It will install all components of the Gem in the appropriate place. === Update from previous versions === Updates work just like the installation. gem update pkg/taskjuggler-X.X.X.gem