= RelatonIeee RelatonIeee is a Ruby gem that implements the https://github.com/relaton/relaton-model-ieee#ieee-bibliographic-item-model[IeeeBibliographicItem model]. You can use it to retrieve metadata of IEEE Standards from standards.ieee.org, and access such metadata through the `IeeeBibliographicItem` object. == Installation Add this line to your application's Gemfile: [sourse,ruby] ---- gem 'relaton-ieee' ---- And then execute: $ bundle install Or install it yourself as: $ gem install relaton-ieee == Usage === Search for a standard using keywords ---- > require 'relaton_ieee' => true > hits = RelatonIeee::IeeeBibliography.search("IEEE 528-2019") => > item = hits[0].fetch => # item.to_xml => " 2020-06-01 528-2019 - IEEE Standard for Inertial Sensor Terminology https://standards.ieee.org/content/ieee-standards/en/standard/528-2019.html 528-2019 2019 2019 Ashley Moran en Terms and definitions relating to inertial sensors are presented in this standard. Usage as understood by the inertial sensor community is given preference over general technical usage of the terms herein. The criterion for inclusion of a term and its definition in this standard is usefulness as related to inertial sensor technology. Active " ---- With argument `bibdata: true` it ouputs XML wrapped by `bibdata` element and adds flavour `ext` element. ---- > item.to_xml bibdata: true => " 2020-06-01 528-2019 - IEEE Standard for Inertial Sensor Terminology https://standards.ieee.org/content/ieee-standards/en/standard/528-2019.html 528-2019 2019 2019 Ashley Moran en Terms and definitions relating to inertial sensors are presented in this standard. Usage as understood by the inertial sensor community is given preference over general technical usage of the terms herein. The criterion for inclusion of a term and its definition in this standard is usefulness as related to inertial sensor technology. Active AES/GA - Gyro Accelerometer Panel SENSR_WG - Sensors Working Group Harry Davis IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Society " ---- === Get document by reference ---- > RelatonIeee::IeeeBibliography.get("IEEE 528-2019") [relaton-ieee] ("IEEE 528-2019") fetching... [relaton-ieee] ("IEEE 528-2019") found 528-2019 => # RelatonIeee::IeeeBibliography.get("IEEE 528", "2019") [relaton-ieee] ("IEEE 528") fetching... [relaton-ieee] ("IEEE 528") found 528-2019 => # RelatonIeee::IeeeBibliography.get("IEEE 528") [relaton-ieee] ("IEEE 528") fetching... [relaton-ieee] ("IEEE 528") found 528-2019 => # RelatonIeee::XMLParser.from_xml File.read "spec/fixtures/ieee_528_2019.xml" => # hash = YAML.load_file 'spec/fixtures/ieee_528_2019.yaml' => {"id"=>"528-2019", "title"=>{ ... > bib_hash = RelatonIeee::HashConverter.hash_to_bib hash => {:id=>"528-2019", :title=>[{ ... > RelatonIeee::IeeeBibliographicItem.new bib_hash => #