### Copyright 2016 Pixar ### ### Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "Apache License") ### with the following modification; you may not use this file except in ### compliance with the Apache License and the following modification to it: ### Section 6. Trademarks. is deleted and replaced with: ### ### 6. Trademarks. This License does not grant permission to use the trade ### names, trademarks, service marks, or product names of the Licensor ### and its affiliates, except as required to comply with Section 4(c) of ### the License and to reproduce the content of the NOTICE file. ### ### You may obtain a copy of the Apache License at ### ### http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 ### ### Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software ### distributed under the Apache License with the above modification is ### distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY ### KIND, either express or implied. See the Apache License for the specific ### language governing permissions and limitations under the Apache License. ### ### ### module JSS ##################################### ### Module Variables ##################################### ##################################### ### Module Methods ##################################### ##################################### ### Classes ##################################### ### ### This class represents a Mobile Device stored in the JSS. ### ### --- ### ===Adding devices to the JSS ### ### This class cannot be used to add new mobile devices to the JSS. That can only be done ### via the enrollment process. See JSS::MobileDeviceInvitation for sending ### an enrollment invite to a device. ### ### --- ### ===Editing values ### ### Only a few values can be changed via the API, using these methods, q.v: ### - #asset_tag= String ### - #extension_attribute= Hash of :name or :id, and :value ### - #location= Hash of values in @location, not all are required ### - #purchasing= Hash of values in @purchasing, not all are required ### ### After modfying any values, #save must be called to save changes to the JSS. ### ### --- ### ===MDM Commands ### ### The following methods can be used to send an APNS command to the device represented by an ### instance of JSS::MobileDevice, equivalent to clicking one of the buttons on ### the Management Commands section of the Management tab of the Mobile Device details page in the JSS UI. ### ### The methods supported are: ### - blank_push (aliases blank, noop, send_blank_push) ### - update_inventory (alias recon) ### - device_lock (aliases lock, lock_device) ### - erase_device (aliases wipe) ### - clear_passcode ### - unmanage_device (alias unmanage) ### ### Each returns true if the command as sent. ### ### @see JSS::APIObject ### ### class MobileDevice < JSS::APIObject ##################################### ### Mix-Ins ##################################### include JSS::Updatable include JSS::Locatable include JSS::Purchasable include JSS::Uploadable include JSS::Extendable extend JSS::Matchable ##################################### ### Class Methods ##################################### ### @return [Array] all mobiledevice serial_numbers def self.all_serial_numbers(refresh = false) self.all(refresh).map{|i| i[:serial_number]} end ### @return [Array] all mobiledevice phone numbers def self.all_phone_numbers(refresh = false) self.all(refresh).map{|i| i[:phone_number]}.select{|p| not p.empty?} end ### @return [Array] all mobiledevice wifi mac addrs def self.all_wifi_mac_addresses(refresh = false) self.all(refresh).map{|i| i[:wifi_mac_address]} end ### @return [Array] all mobiledevice udids def self.all_udids(refresh = false) self.all(refresh).map{|i| i[:udid]} end ### @return [Array] the list of all managed mobile devices def self.all_managed(refresh = false) self.all(refresh).select{|d| d[:managed] } end ### @return [Array] the list of all unmanaged mobile devices def self.all_unmanaged(refresh = false) self.all(refresh).select{|d| not d[:managed] } end ### @return [Array] the list of all iPhones def self.all_iphones(refresh = false) self.all(refresh).select{|d| d[:model].start_with? "iPhone" } end ### @return [Array] the list of all iPads def self.all_ipads(refresh = false) self.all(refresh).select{|d| d[:model].start_with? "iPad" } end ### ### Send an MDM command to a managed mobile device. ### ### @param dev[Integer,String] the id, name, serialnum, udid, phone num, or wifi macaddr of the device ### ### @param command[Symbol] the command to send, one of the keys of MOBILE_DEV_MDM_COMMANDS ### ### @return [Boolean] true if command was sent successfully ### ### See also {#blank_push}, {#update_inventory}, {#device_lock}, ### {#erase_device}, {#clear_passcode}, and {#unmanage_device} ### def self.send_mdm_command(dev,command) raise JSS::NoSuchItemError, "Unknown command '#{command}'" unless MOBILE_DEV_MDM_COMMANDS.keys.include? command command_xml ="#{JSS::APIConnection::XML_HEADER}#{MOBILE_DEV_MDM_COMMANDS[command]}" the_id = nil self.all_managed.each do |mmd| if [mmd[:id], mmd[:name], mmd[:serial_number], mmd[:phone_number], mmd[:udid], mmd[:wifi_mac_address]].include? dev the_id = mmd[:id] break end end # each do mmd if the_id response = JSS::API.put_rsrc( "#{RSRC_BASE}/id/#{the_id}", command_xml) response =~ %r{(.+)} return ($1 and $1 == "true") end raise JSS::UnmanagedError, "Cannot send command to unknown/unmanaged device '#{dev}'" end ##################################### ### Class Constants ##################################### ### The base for REST resources of this class RSRC_BASE = "mobiledevices" ### the hash key used for the JSON list output of all objects in the JSS RSRC_LIST_KEY = :mobile_devices ### The hash key used for the JSON object output. ### It's also used in various error messages RSRC_OBJECT_KEY = :mobile_device ### these keys, as well as :id and :name, are present in valid API JSON data for this class VALID_DATA_KEYS = [:device_name, :capacity, :tethered ] ### This class lets us seach for computers SEARCH_CLASS = JSS::AdvancedMobileDeviceSearch ### This is the class for relevant Extension Attributes EXT_ATTRIB_CLASS = JSS::MobileDeviceExtensionAttribute ####### ### The MDM commands sendable via the api ### and alternative versions ### MOBILE_DEV_MDM_COMMANDS = { :blank_push => "BlankPush", :send_blank_push => "BlankPush", :blank => "BlankPush", :noop => "BlankPush", :update_inventory => "UpdateInventory", :recon => "UpdateInventory", :device_lock => "DeviceLock", :lock => "DeviceLock", :lock_device => "DeviceLock", :erase_device => "EraseDevice", :erase => "EraseDevice", :wipe => "EraseDevice", :clear_passcode => "ClearPasscode", :unmanage_device => "UnmanageDevice", :unmanage => "UnmanageDevice" } ##################################### ### Attributes ##################################### ############ ### The values returned in the General and Location subset are stored as direct attributes ### Here are the Location values ### @return [String] the airplay passwd on devices that can receive AirPlay (i.e. apple tvs) attr_reader :airplay_password ### @return [String] the asset tag attr_reader :asset_tag ### @return [Intger] how much space available on the device? attr_reader :available_mb ### @return [Integer] total storage on the device attr_reader :capacity_mb ### @return [Integer] how much of the capacity is in use? attr_reader :percentage_used ### @return [Integer] what percentage of the battery is remaining attr_reader :battery_level ### @return [String] the bluetooth mac addr attr_reader :bluetooth_mac_address ### @return [String] the wifi mac addr attr_reader :wifi_mac_address ### @return [Hash] !{:name=>"xxx", :id=>nnn} the computer associated with this device attr_reader :computer ### @return [String] what is this?? attr_reader :device_id ### @return [String] the API's device_name and display_name are not used. attr_reader :name ### @return [Time] uses the value from the API's initial_entry_date_epoch attr_reader :initial_entry_date ### @return [String] the IP addr attr_reader :ip_address ### @return [String] the language setting attr_reader :languages ### @return [Time] uses the value from the API's last_backup_time_epoch attr_reader :last_backup_time ### @return [Time] uses the value from the API's last_inventory_update_utc attr_reader :last_inventory_update ### @return [String] the locales attr_reader :locales ### @return [Boolean] is this device managed? attr_reader :managed ### @return [String] the display name of the model attr_reader :model_display ### @return [String] the model identifier attr_reader :model_identifier ### @return [String] the model firmware attr_reader :modem_firmware ### @return [String] the OS version attr_reader :os_version ### @return [String] the OS build attr_reader :os_build ### @return [String] the phone number of the device's SIM card attr_reader :phone_number ### @return [String] the serial numbee attr_reader :serial_number ### @return [String] the site associated with this device attr_reader :site ### @return [Boolean] Is this device supervised? attr_reader :supervised ### @return [String] the tether state of the device attr_reader :tethered ### @return [String] the udid attr_reader :udid ### @return [Array] the applications on the devices attr_reader :applications ### @return [Array] ### ### The certificates on the device ### ### Each has has two keys: ### - :identity => Boolean ### - :common_name => String, possibly a udid attr_reader :certificates ### @return [Array] ### ### One for each ConfigurationProfile on the device ### ### The Hash keys are: ### - :identifier => a unique id, often the sams as the uuid ### - :display_name => its name in the JSS ### - :uuid => the ConfigurationProfile uuid ### - :version => a String attr_reader :configuration_profiles ### @return [Array] ### ### One for each group to which the device belongs ### ### The Hash keys are: ### - :name => the group name ### - :id => the group id in the JSS attr_reader :mobile_device_groups ### @return [Hash] ### ### A Hash of network data ### ### The Hash keys are: ### - :voice_roaming_enabled=>"Disabled", ### - :current_mobile_network_code=>"nnn", ### - :imei=>"nn nnnnnn nnnnnn n", ### - :home_mobile_country_code=>"nnn", ### - :iccid=>"nnnn nnnn nnnn nnnn nnnn", ### - :home_mobile_network_code=>"nnn", ### - :current_carrier_network=>"", ### - :data_roaming_enabled=>false, ### - :home_carrier_network=>"AT&T", ### - :carrier_settings_version=>"16.0", ### - :roaming=>false, ### - :cellular_technology=>"GSM", ### - :current_mobile_country_code=>"nnn" attr_reader :network ### @return [Array] ### ### One per provisioning profile ### attr_reader :provisioning_profiles ### @return [Hash] ### ### A Hash of security data ### ### The Hash has these keys, all of which are Boolean ### - :passcode_present=>true, ### - :passcode_compliant=>true, ### - :passcode_compliant_with_profile=>true, ### - :data_protection=>true, ### - :block_level_encryption_capable=>true, ### - :file_level_encryption_capable=>true attr_reader :security ##################################### ### Instance Methods ##################################### ### ### @see APIObject#initialize ### def initialize(args = {}) super args, [:udid, :serialnumber, :macaddress] gen = @init_data[:general] @airplay_password = gen[:airplay_password] @asset_tag = gen[:asset_tag] @available_mb = gen[:available_mb] @battery_level = gen[:battery_level] @bluetooth_mac_address = gen[:bluetooth_mac_address] @capacity_mb = gen[:capacity_mb] @computer = gen[:computer] @device_id = gen[:device_id] @device_name = gen[:device_name] @display_name = gen[:display_name] @initial_entry_date = JSS.epoch_to_time gen[:initial_entry_date_epoch] @ip_address = gen[:ip_address] @languages = gen[:languages] @last_backup_time = JSS.epoch_to_time gen[:last_backup_time_epoch] @last_inventory_update = JSS.epoch_to_time gen[:last_inventory_update_epoch] @locales = gen[:locales] @managed = gen[:managed] @model_display = gen[:model_display] @model_identifier = gen[:model_identifier] @modem_firmware = gen[:modem_firmware] @os_build = gen[:os_build] @os_version = gen[:os_version] @percentage_used = gen[:percentage_used] @phone_number = gen[:phone_number] @serial_number = gen[:serial_number] @site = JSS::APIObject.get_name(gen[:site]) @supervised = gen[:supervised] @tethered = gen[:tethered] @udid = gen[:udid] @wifi_mac_address = gen[:wifi_mac_address] parse_location parse_purchasing parse_ext_attrs @mobile_device_groups = @init_data[:mobile_device_groups] @network = @init_data[:network] @extension_attributes = @init_data[:extension_attributes] @certificates = @init_data[:certificates] @configuration_profiles = @init_data[:configuration_profiles] @provisioning_profiles = @init_data[:provisioning_profiles] @security = @init_data[:security] end # initialize ### ### Send a blank_push MDM command ### ### @see MobileDevice.send_mdm_command ### ### @return [Boolean] ### def blank_push self.class.send_mdm_command @id, :blank_push end ### ### Send an update_inventory MDM command ### ### @see MobileDevice.send_mdm_command ### ### @return [Boolean] ### def update_inventory self.class.send_mdm_command @id, :update_inventory end ### ### Send a device_lock MDM command ### ### @see MobileDevice.send_mdm_command ### ### @return [Boolean] ### def device_lock self.class.send_mdm_command @id, :device_lock end ### ### Send an erase_device MDM command ### ### @see MobileDevice.send_mdm_command ### ### @return [Boolean] ### def erase_device self.class.send_mdm_command @id, :erase_device end ### ### Send a clear_passcode MDM command ### ### @see MobileDevice.send_mdm_command ### ### @return [Boolean] ### def clear_passcode self.class.send_mdm_command @id, :clear_passcode end ### ### Send a unmanage_device MDM command ### ### @see MobileDevice.send_mdm_command ### ### @return [Boolean] ### def unmanage_device @managed = false if self.class.send_mdm_command(@id, :unmanage_device) end ### Aliases alias battery_percent battery_level alias managed? managed alias sn serial_number alias serialnumber serial_number alias noop blank_push alias send_blank_push blank_push alias recon update_inventory alias lock device_lock alias lock_device device_lock alias erase erase_device alias wipe erase_device alias unmanage unmanage_device alias make_unmanaged unmanage_device ############################## # private methods ############################## private def rest_xml doc = REXML::Document.new APIConnection::XML_HEADER md = doc.add_element self.class::RSRC_OBJECT_KEY.to_s md << ext_attr_xml if has_location? md << location_xml end if has_purchasing? md << purchasing_xml end return doc.to_s end end # class Mobile Device end # module