module Awetestlib module Regression module Waits def sleep_for(seconds, dbg = true, desc = '') msg = "Sleeping for #{seconds} seconds." msg << " #{desc}" if desc.length > 0 info_to_log(msg) sleep(seconds) end # howLong is integer, whatFor is a browser object =begin rdoc :tags:wait howLong is the number of seconds, text is a string to be found, threshold is the number of seconds after which a fail message is generated even though the text was detected within the howLong limit. Use this in place of wait_until_by_text when the wait time needs to be longer than the test automation default. =end def hold_for_text(browser, howLong, text, desc = '', threshold = 20, interval = 0.25) countdown = howLong while ((not browser.contains_text(text)) and countdown > 0) sleep(interval) countdown = countdown - interval end if countdown < howLong waittime = howLong - countdown passed_tolog("#{__method__} '#{text}' found after #{waittime} second(s) #{desc}") if waittime > threshold failed_tolog("#{__method__} '#{text}' took #{waittime} second(s). (threshold: #{threshold} seconds) #{desc}") end true else failed_tolog("#{__method__} '#{text}' not found after #{howLong} second(s) #{desc}") false end rescue failed_tolog("Unable to #{__method__} '#{text}'. '#{$!}' #{desc}") end alias wait_for_text hold_for_text # howLong is integer, whatFor is a browser object def wait_for_text(browser, howLong, text) countdown = howLong while ((not browser.contains_text(text)) and countdown > 0) sleep(1) countdown = countdown - 1 end if countdown passed_tolog("wait_for_text '#{text}' found after #{howLong} second(s)") else failed_tolog("wait_for_text '#{text}' not foundafter #{howLong} second(s)") end countdown end def wait_for_element_to_reappear(browser, how, what, desc = '', timeout = 20) msg = "Element #{how}=#{what} exists. #{desc}" wait_while(browser, "While: #{msg}", timeout) { browser.element(how, what).exists? } wait_until(browser, "Until: #{msg}", timeout) { browser.element(how, what).exists? } end # howLong is integer, whatFor is a browser object def wait_for_exists(howLong, whatFor) wait_for(howLong, whatFor) end def wait_for(howLong, whatFor) countdown = howLong while ((not whatFor.exists?) and countdown > 0) sleep(1) puts whatFor.inspect+':'+countdown.to_s countdown = countdown - 1 end if countdown puts 'found '+whatFor.inspect passed_tolog("wait_for (#{howLong} found "+whatFor.inspect) else puts 'Did not find '+whatFor.inspect failed_tolog("wait_for (#{howLong} did not find "+whatFor.inspect) end countdown end def wait_the_hard_way(browser, how, what, wait = 6, intvl = 0.25) count = (wait / intvl).to_i + 1 tally = 0 ok = (1 / intvl).to_i + 1 debug_to_log("#{__method__}: wait: #{wait} secs; intvl: #{intvl} secs; count; #{count}; thresh: #{ok}") (1..count).each do |x| begin if browser.element(how, what).exists? tally += 1 debug_to_log("#{x}: #{(x - 1) * intvl}: #{what} exists.") else tally = 0 debug_to_log("#{x}: #{(x - 1) * intvl}: #{what} does not exist.") end rescue tally = 0 debug_to_log("#{x}: #{(x - 1) * intvl}: #{what} rescue: #{$!}") end if tally >= ok return true end sleep(intvl) end end def wait_until_exists(browser, element, how, what, desc = '') msg = "Wait until (#{element} :#{how}=>#{what}) exists." msg << " #{desc}" if desc.length > 0 start = # TODO: try Watir::Wait.until { browser.element(how, what).exists? } instead of this (cumbersome) case statement # TODO: above fails on frame begin case element when :link Watir::Wait.until {, what).exists? } when :button Watir::Wait.until { browser.button(how, what).exists? } when :radio Watir::Wait.until {, what).exists? } when :checkbox Watir::Wait.until { browser.checkbox(how, what).exists? } when :div Watir::Wait.until { browser.div(how, what).exists? } when :select_list Watir::Wait.until { browser.select_list(how, what).exists? } when :text_field Watir::Wait.until { browser.text_field(how, what).exists? } when :frame Watir::Wait.until { browser.frame(how, what).exists? } when :form Watir::Wait.until { browser.form(how, what).exists? } when :cell Watir::Wait.until { browser.cell(how, what).exists? } when :image Watir::Wait.until { browser.image(how, what).exists? } else Watir::Wait.until { browser.element(how, what).exists? } end rescue => e if e.class.to_s =~ /TimeOutException/ failed_to_log("#{msg}: '#{$!}'") return false elsif not rescue_me(e, __method__, "#{block.to_s}", "#{browser.class}") raise e end end stop = #debug_to_log("#{__method__}: start:#{start} stop:#{stop}") # sleep 1 if validate(browser, @myName, __LINE__) passed_to_log("#{msg} (#{stop - start} seconds)") true end rescue failed_to_log("Unable to complete #{msg}: '#{$!}'") end def wait_while(browser, desc, timeout = 45, &block) #TODO: Would like to be able to see the block code in the log message instead of the identification msg = "Wait while #{desc}:" start = begin #Watir::Wait.until(timeout) { } if Watir::Wait.while(timeout) { } end rescue => e if e.class.to_s =~ /TimeOutException/ or e.message =~ /timed out/ failed_to_log("#{msg}: '#{$!}' ") return false elsif not rescue_me(e, __method__, "#{block.to_s}", "#{browser.class}") raise e end end stop = #debug_to_log("#{__method__}: start:#{start} stop:#{stop} block: #{block.to_s}") # sleep 1 if validate(browser, @myName, __LINE__) passed_to_log("#{msg} (#{"%.5f" % (stop - start)} seconds)") # {#{block.to_s}}") true end rescue failed_to_log("Unable to complete #{msg}. '#{$!}'") end alias wait_while_true wait_while def wait_until(browser, desc, timeout = 45, skip_pass = false, &block) #TODO: Would like to be able to see the block code in the log message instead of the identification msg = "Wait until #{desc}" start = begin Watir::Wait.until(timeout) { } rescue => e if e.class.to_s =~ /TimeOutException/ or e.message =~ /timed out/ failed_to_log("#{msg} '#{$!}'") return false elsif not rescue_me(e, __method__, "#{block.to_s}", "#{browser.class}") raise e end end stop = #debug_to_log("#{__method__}: start:#{start} stop:#{stop} block: #{block.to_s}") # sleep 1 if validate(browser, @myName, __LINE__) passed_to_log("#{msg} (#{"%.5f" % (stop - start)} seconds)") unless skip_pass # {#{block.to_s}}") true end rescue failed_to_log("Unable to complete #{msg} '#{$!}'") end alias wait_until_true wait_until def wait_until_by_radio_value(browser, strg, desc = '') wait_until_exists(browser, :radio, :value, strg, desc) end def wait_until_ready(browser, how, what, desc = '', timeout = 90, verbose = false) msg = "#{__method__.to_s.titleize}: element: #{how}='#{what}'" msg << " #{desc}" if desc.length > 0 proc_exists = { browser.element(how, what).exists? } proc_enabled = { browser.element(how, what).enabled? } case how when :href proc_exists = {, what).exists? } proc_enabled = {, what).enabled? } end if verbose if wait_until(browser, "#{msg} Element exists.", timeout) { } if wait_until(browser, "#{msg} Element enabled.", timeout) { } passed_to_log(msg) true else failed_to_log(msg) end else failed_to_log(msg) end else start = if Watir::Wait.until(timeout) { } if Watir::Wait.until(timeout) { } stop = #debug_to_log("#{__method__}: start:#{"%.5f" % start} stop:#{"%.5f" % stop}") passed_to_log("#{msg} (#{"%.5f" % (stop - start)} seconds)") true else failed_to_log(msg) end else failed_to_log(msg) end end rescue failed_to_log("Unable to #{msg}. '#{$!}'") end def wait_until_ready_quiet(browser, how, what, desc = '', timeout = 45, quiet = true) msg = "#{__method__.to_s.titleize}: element: #{how}='#{what}'" msg << " #{desc}" if desc.length > 0 proc_exists = { browser.element(how, what).exists? } proc_enabled = { browser.element(how, what).enabled? } case how when :href proc_exists = {, what).exists? } proc_enabled = {, what).enabled? } end start = if Watir::Wait.until(timeout) { } if Watir::Wait.until(timeout) { } stop = #debug_to_log("#{msg}: start:#{"%.5f" % start} stop:#{"%.5f" % stop}") passed_to_log("#{msg} (#{"%.5f" % (stop - start)} seconds)") unless quiet true else failed_to_log(msg) end else failed_to_log(msg) end rescue failed_to_log("Unable to #{msg}. '#{$!}'") end def wait_until_text(browser, strg, desc = '', timeout = 60) if not strg.class.to_s.match('String') raise "#{__method__} requires String for search target. #{strg.class} is not supported." end wait_until(browser, "'#{strg}' #{desc}", timeout) { browser.text.include? strg } end alias wait_until_by_text wait_until_text def wait_until_by_link_text(browser, strg, desc = '') wait_until_exists(browser, :link, :text, strg, desc) end def wait_until_enabled(browser, what, how, value, desc = '') # TODO: This can be simplified start = begin case what when :link Watir::Wait.until {, value).enabled? } when :button Watir::Wait.until { browser.button(how, value).enabled? } when :radio Watir::Wait.until {, value).enabled? } when :checkbox Watir::Wait.until { browser.checkbox(how, value).enabled? } when :div Watir::Wait.until { browser.div(how, value).enabled? } when :select_list Watir::Wait.until { browser.select_list(how, value).enabled? } when :text_field Watir::Wait.until { browser.text_field(how, value).enabled? } when :table Watir::Wait.until { browser.table(how, value).enabled? } else raise "#{__method__}: Element #{what} not supported." end rescue => e if e.class.to_s =~ /TimeOutException/ failed_to_log("Wait until (#{what} :#{how}=>#{value}) enabled. #{desc}: '#{$!}' #{desc}") return false elsif not rescue_me(e, __method__, "#{block.to_s}", "#{browser.class}") raise e end end stop = #debug_to_log("#{__method__}: start:#{start} stop:#{stop}") # sleep 1 if validate(browser, @myName, __LINE__) passed_to_log("Wait until (#{what} :#{how}=>#{value}) enabled. #{desc} (#{stop - start} seconds)") true end rescue failed_to_log("Unable to complete wait until (#{what} :#{how}=>#{value}) enabled. #{desc}: '#{$!}'") end def wait_until_visible(browser, element, how, what, desc = '') start = Watir::Wait.until(20) { browser.element(how, what).exists? } begin case element when :link Watir::Wait.until {, what).visible? } when :button Watir::Wait.until { browser.button(how, what).visible? } when :radio Watir::Wait.until {, what).visible? } when :checkbox Watir::Wait.until { browser.checkbox(how, what).visible? } when :div Watir::Wait.until { browser.div(how, what).visible? } when :select_list Watir::Wait.until { browser.select_list(how, what).visible? } when :text_field Watir::Wait.until { browser.text_field(how, what).visible? } else Watir::Wait.until { browser.element(how, what).visible? } # raise "#{__method__}: Element #{what} not supported." end rescue => e if e.class.to_s =~ /TimeOutException/ failed_to_log("Wait until (#{what} :#{how}=>#{what}) visible. #{desc}: '#{$!}' #{desc}") return false elsif not rescue_me(e, __method__, '', "#{browser.class}") raise e end end stop = #debug_to_log("#{__method__}: start:#{start} stop:#{stop}") # sleep 1 if validate(browser, @myName, __LINE__) passed_to_log("Wait until (#{element} :#{how}=>#{what}) visible. #{desc} (#{stop - start} seconds)") true end rescue failed_to_log("Unable to complete wait until (#{element} :#{how}=>#{what}) visible. #{desc}: '#{$!}'") end end end end