# encoding: UTF-8 require 'rubygems' require 'benchmark' require 'yajl_ext' require 'json' # JSON section filename = 'benchmark/subjects/contacts.json' marshal_filename = 'benchmark/subjects/contacts.marshal_dump' json = File.new(filename, 'r') marshal_file = File.new(marshal_filename, 'r') # warm up the filesystem json.read json.rewind marshal_file.read marshal_file.rewind hash = {} times = ARGV[0] ? ARGV[0].to_i : 1 puts "Starting benchmark parsing #{File.size(filename)} bytes of JSON data #{times} times\n\n" Benchmark.bm { |x| x.report { puts "Yajl::Parser#parse" times.times { json.rewind hash = Yajl::Parser.new.parse(json) } } x.report { puts "JSON.parse" times.times { json.rewind JSON.parse(json.read, :max_nesting => false) } } x.report { puts "Marshal.load" times.times { marshal_file.rewind Marshal.load(marshal_file) } } } json.close marshal_file.close