@spawn Feature: Scenario outlines Copying and pasting scenarios to use different values quickly becomes tedious and repetitive. Scenario outlines allow us to more concisely express these examples through the use of a template with placeholders, using Scenario Outline, Examples with tables and < > delimited parameters. The Scenario Outline steps provide a template which is never directly run. A Scenario Outline is run once for each row in the Examples section beneath it (not counting the first row). The way this works is via placeholders. Placeholders must be contained within < > in the Scenario Outline's steps - see the examples below. **IMPORTANT:** Your step definitions will never have to match a placeholder. They will need to match the values that will replace the placeholder. Background: Given a file named "features/outline_sample.feature" with: """ Feature: Outline Sample Scenario: I have no steps Scenario Outline: Test state Given without a table Given without a table Examples: Rainbow colours | state | other_state | | missing | passing | | passing | passing | | failing | passing | Examples:Only passing | state | other_state | | passing | passing | """ And a file named "features/step_definitions/steps.rb" with: """ Given(/^passing without a table$/) { } Given(/^failing without a table$/) { raise RuntimeError } """ @todo-windows Scenario: Run scenario outline with filtering on outline name When I run `cucumber -q features/outline_sample.feature` Then it should fail with: """ Feature: Outline Sample Scenario Outline: Test state Given without a table Given without a table Examples: Rainbow colours | state | other_state | | missing | passing | | passing | passing | | failing | passing | RuntimeError (RuntimeError) ./features/step_definitions/steps.rb:2:in `/^failing without a table$/' features/outline_sample.feature:12:in `Given failing without a table' features/outline_sample.feature:6:in `Given without a table' Examples: Only passing | state | other_state | | passing | passing | Failing Scenarios: cucumber features/outline_sample.feature:12 4 scenarios (1 failed, 1 undefined, 2 passed) 8 steps (1 failed, 2 skipped, 1 undefined, 4 passed) """ @todo-windows Scenario: Run scenario outline steps only When I run `cucumber -q features/outline_sample.feature:7` Then it should fail with: """ Feature: Outline Sample Scenario Outline: Test state Given without a table Given without a table Examples: Rainbow colours | state | other_state | | missing | passing | | passing | passing | | failing | passing | RuntimeError (RuntimeError) ./features/step_definitions/steps.rb:2:in `/^failing without a table$/' features/outline_sample.feature:12:in `Given failing without a table' features/outline_sample.feature:6:in `Given without a table' Examples: Only passing | state | other_state | | passing | passing | Failing Scenarios: cucumber features/outline_sample.feature:12 4 scenarios (1 failed, 1 undefined, 2 passed) 8 steps (1 failed, 2 skipped, 1 undefined, 4 passed) """ @todo-windows Scenario: Run single failing scenario outline table row When I run `cucumber -q features/outline_sample.feature:12` Then it should fail with: """ Feature: Outline Sample Scenario Outline: Test state Given without a table Given without a table Examples: Rainbow colours | state | other_state | | failing | passing | RuntimeError (RuntimeError) ./features/step_definitions/steps.rb:2:in `/^failing without a table$/' features/outline_sample.feature:12:in `Given failing without a table' features/outline_sample.feature:6:in `Given without a table' Failing Scenarios: cucumber features/outline_sample.feature:12 1 scenario (1 failed) 2 steps (1 failed, 1 skipped) """ @todo-windows Scenario: Run all with progress formatter When I run `cucumber -q --format progress features/outline_sample.feature` Then it should fail with exactly: """ U-..F-.. (::) failed steps (::) RuntimeError (RuntimeError) ./features/step_definitions/steps.rb:2:in `/^failing without a table$/' features/outline_sample.feature:12:in `Given failing without a table' features/outline_sample.feature:6:in `Given without a table' Failing Scenarios: cucumber features/outline_sample.feature:12 4 scenarios (1 failed, 1 undefined, 2 passed) 8 steps (1 failed, 2 skipped, 1 undefined, 4 passed) """