module Hungry class Geolocation attr_accessor :latitude, :longitude def self.parse(input) # input is already a Geolocation, so we can return it early: return input if input.is_a?(self) if input.respond_to?(:geolocation) # input has a geolocation attribute, so try to use that one first: geolocation = parse(input.geolocation) return geolocation if geolocation end coordinates = [] if input.respond_to?(:latitude) && input.respond_to?(:longitude) # input has latitude and longitude attributes, so use those: coordinates = [input.latitude, input.longitude] elsif input.respond_to?(:lat) && input.respond_to?(:lng) # input has lat and lng attributes, so use those: coordinates = [, input.lng] elsif input.respond_to?(:match) # Example: "50.8469397,5.6927505" # # input is a String, so we can use a regular expression to extract # latitude and longitude: if match = input.match(/^(?[0-9\.]+),\s?(?[0-9\.]+)$/) coordinates = [match[:latitude], match[:longitude]] end elsif input.respond_to?(:keys) # Example: { latitude: 50.8469397, longitude: 5.6927505 } # # input is a Hash, so we can extract values with the keys: coordinates = [input[:latitude] || input[:lat], input[:longitude] || input[:lng]] elsif input.respond_to?(:[]) # Example: [50.8469397, 5.6927505] # # input is an Array, so we need the first and second value: coordinates = input[0], input[1] end coordinates = if coordinates.length == 2 && coordinates.all? { |coordinate| Util.is_numeric?(coordinate) } new(*coordinates) end end def initialize(latitude, longitude) self.latitude = latitude.to_f self.longitude = longitude.to_f end def to_s [latitude, longitude].join(',') end end end