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Assembly: ()



Attribute Type Description Required

Framework-configurable parameters

Attribute Type Description Required

Nested Elements:


Deprecated. Deprecated. Deprecated. Deprecated. ../index.html <xsl:value-of select="$name" /> enum


Assembly: ()



Field Description
Deprecated. top
 Function Documenting :: <xsl:value-of select="$name" /> Function



(, )


Name Type Description

Return Value




Assembly: ()


The function will fail in any of the following circumstances:
7 Element Element Array Collection NestedElementArray=

<> <>

</> </>




<> <>

</> </>

top required

This attribute's properties will not be automatically expanded!

E) Function Reference

Function Reference

# Functions


Name Summary
:: ::
| Task Reference

Task Reference

Task Summary
.html .html
 Data Type Reference

Type Reference

Type Summary
.html .html
& Filter Reference

Filter Reference

Filter Summary
.html .html
= A normal paragraph. This ends up being a p tag. (Did we really need the extra three letters?)

Use the lang attribute to indicate that the text of the paragraph is only appropriate for a specific language.

[ ]  

Multiple lines of code.
Use the lang attribute to indicate that the code sample is only appropriate for a specific language.
See XmlDocument.Load for an example of a note.

CAUTION: Notes to Inheritors: Notes to Implementers: Note:

  • -
  • -
    task functions a null reference ( Nothing in Visual Basic) sealed ( NotInheritable in Visual Basic) static ( Shared in Visual Basic) abstract ( MustInherit in Visual Basic) virtual ( CanOverride in Visual Basic)
    Z byte byte sbyte sbyte short short ushort ushort int int uint uint long long ulong ulong float float double double decimal decimal string string char char bool bool void void object object file directory datetime timespan
  • See Also

    Functions |

    [This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

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