* UI development toolkit for HTML5 (OpenUI5)
* (c) Copyright 2009-2018 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 - see LICENSE.txt.
], function (library, FlexibleColumnLayout, assert) {
"use strict";
// shortcut for sap.f.LayoutType
var LT = library.LayoutType;
* Constructor for an sap.f.FlexibleColumnLayoutSemanticHelper.
* @class
* Helper class, facilitating the implementation of the recommended UX design of a sap.f.FlexibleColumnLayout
-based app.
* Note: Using this class is not mandatory in order to build an app with sap.f.FlexibleColumnLayout
, but exists for convenience only.
revolves around two main methods:
* getCurrentUIState
Suggests which action buttons to show in each sap.f.FlexibleColumnLayout
* based on the current control state (number and visibility of columns, layout, etc..)getNextUIState
Suggests which layout
to use when navigating to another view level (e.g. from one view to two views).
* var helper = sap.f.FlexibleColumnLayoutSemanticHelper.getInstanceFor(myFlexibleColumnLayout);
* helper.getCurrentUIState();
* helper.getNextUIState(2);
* helper.getNextUIState(0);
* Calling getCurrentUIState()
will return information which action buttons (Close, FullScreen, ExitFullScreen)
* must be currently shown in which column, according to UX guidelines, as well as to what layout clicking them should lead.
* Calling getNextUIState(2)
will return information about the expected layout and action buttons if the
* application should display three views (master-detail-detail), based on the current state.
* Similarly, calling getNextUIState(0)
will return information about the expected layout and action buttons
* if the application should display the initial view only (master), based on the current state.
* For more information, see {@link sap.f.FlexibleColumnLayoutSemanticHelper#getCurrentUIState} and {@link sap.f.FlexibleColumnLayoutSemanticHelper#getNextUIState}
* @version 1.60.23
* @param {sap.f.FlexibleColumnLayout} oFlexibleColumnLayout
* The sap.f.FlexibleColumnLayout
object whose state will be manipulated.
* @param {object} oSettings Determines the rules that will be used by the helper.
* @param {sap.f.LayoutType} oSettings.defaultTwoColumnLayoutType
* Determines what two-column layout type will be suggested by default:
* sap.f.LayoutType.TwoColumnsBeginExpanded
(default) or sap.f.LayoutType.TwoColumnsMidExpanded
* @param {sap.f.LayoutType} oSettings.defaultThreeColumnLayoutType
* Determines what three-column layout type will be suggested by default:
* sap.f.LayoutType.ThreeColumnsMidExpanded
(default) or sap.f.LayoutType.ThreeColumnsEndExpanded
* @param {int} oSettings.maxColumnsCount
* Determines the maximum number of columns that will be displayed side by side.
* 1
only single-column layouts will be suggested.2
Up to 2-column layouts will be suggested.3
(default) - Up to 3-column layouts will be suggested.1
(default) - A single-column layout will be suggested
* for logical level 0.2
- A 2-column layout will be suggested for logical level 0.maxColumnsCount
* instead.
* Determines the suggested layout types: Normal
(3-column layouts),
* MasterDetail
(2-column layouts for the first two pages, all other
* pages will open in fullscreen), and SingleColumn
(one page at a
* time only).
* @public
* @since 1.46.0
* @alias sap.f.FlexibleColumnLayoutSemanticHelper
var FlexibleColumnLayoutSemanticHelper = function (oFlexibleColumnLayout, oSettings) {
var oModeToMaxColumnsCountMapping = {
Normal: 3,
MasterDetail: 2,
SingleColumn: 1
oSettings || (oSettings = {});
this._oFCL = oFlexibleColumnLayout;
// Layout types
this._defaultLayoutType = LT.OneColumn;
this._defaultTwoColumnLayoutType = [LT.TwoColumnsBeginExpanded, LT.TwoColumnsMidExpanded].indexOf(oSettings.defaultTwoColumnLayoutType) !== -1 ?
oSettings.defaultTwoColumnLayoutType : LT.TwoColumnsBeginExpanded;
this._defaultThreeColumnLayoutType = [LT.ThreeColumnsMidExpanded, LT.ThreeColumnsEndExpanded].indexOf(oSettings.defaultThreeColumnLayoutType) !== -1 ?
oSettings.defaultThreeColumnLayoutType : LT.ThreeColumnsMidExpanded;
// Maximum number of columns and mode (deprecated)
if (["Normal", "MasterDetail", "SingleColumn"].indexOf(oSettings.mode) !== -1 && !oSettings.maxColumnsCount) {
iMax = oModeToMaxColumnsCountMapping[oSettings.mode];
} else {
iMax = oSettings.maxColumnsCount ? parseInt(oSettings.maxColumnsCount, 10) : 3;
if (iMax < 1 || iMax > 3) {
iMax = 3;
this._maxColumnsCount = iMax;
// Initial number of columns (1 by default, can be set to 2 for MasterDetail or Normal modes only)
iInitial = oSettings.initialColumnsCount ? parseInt(oSettings.initialColumnsCount, 10) : 1;
if (iInitial < 1 || iInitial > 2 || this._maxColumnsCount === 1) {
iInitial = 1;
this._initialColumnsCount = iInitial;
* Instances of the class per flexible column layout object.
* @type {{}}
* @private
FlexibleColumnLayoutSemanticHelper._oInstances = {};
* Returns an instance of the sap.f.FlexibleColumnLayoutSemanticHelper
class for a given sap.f.FlexibleColumnLayout
* @param {sap.f.FlexibleColumnLayout} oFlexibleColumnLayout The sap.f.FlexibleColumnLayout
object to get a semantic helper instance for
* @param {object} [oSettings] An optional settings object to be used when creating the instance.
* Note: will be considered only for the first getInstanceFor
call for the given sap.f.FlexibleColumnLayout
* @public
* @static
* @returns {sap.f.FlexibleColumnLayoutSemanticHelper} The sap.f.FlexibleColumnLayoutSemanticHelper
FlexibleColumnLayoutSemanticHelper.getInstanceFor = function (oFlexibleColumnLayout, oSettings) {
assert(oFlexibleColumnLayout instanceof FlexibleColumnLayout, "Passed control is not FlexibleColumnLayout");
var sId = oFlexibleColumnLayout.getId();
if (typeof FlexibleColumnLayoutSemanticHelper._oInstances[sId] === "undefined") {
FlexibleColumnLayoutSemanticHelper._oInstances[sId] = new FlexibleColumnLayoutSemanticHelper(oFlexibleColumnLayout, oSettings);
var oDelegate = {
onDestroy: function() {
delete FlexibleColumnLayoutSemanticHelper._oInstances[sId];
return FlexibleColumnLayoutSemanticHelper._oInstances[sId];
* Returns an object, describing the current state of the control and the expected action buttons for each column.
* layout
propertybeginColumn, midColumn, endColumn
, representing the relative percentage sizes of the three columns as integersbeginColumn, midColumn, endColumn
, representing the visibility of the three columnstrue
if only one column is visible at the moment, false
* Note: This may be due to small screen size (phone) or due to a layout, for which a single column takes up the whole widthtrue
if the current layout
is one of the following: sap.f.LayoutType.OneColumn, sap.f.LayoutType.MidColumnFullScreen, sap.f.LayoutType.EndColumnFullScreen
, false
* Note: While isFullScreen
can be true
for any layout, due to small screen size, isLogicallyFullScreen
will only be true
for the layout values, listed above.midColumn, endColumn
, each containing an object, telling whether action buttons should be shown in the mid
and end
columns, and what value of the layout
property should be set upon clicking these buttons.
* Each of these objects has the following fields: closeColumn, fullScreen, exitFullScreen
. If null
, then the respective action button should not be shown, otherwise provides the value of layout
property for the action button.
* {
* "layout":"ThreeColumnsMidExpanded",
* "maxColumnsCount":3,
* "columnsSizes":{
* "beginColumn":25,
* "midColumn":50,
* "endColumn":25
* },
* "columnsVisibility":{
* "beginColumn":true,
* "midColumn":true,
* "endColumn":true
* },
* "isFullScreen":false,
* "isLogicallyFullScreen":false,
* "actionButtonsInfo":{
* "midColumn":{
* "fullScreen":null,
* "exitFullScreen":null,
* "closeColumn":null
* },
* "endColumn":{
* "fullScreen":"EndColumnFullScreen",
* "exitFullScreen":null,
* "closeColumn":"TwoColumnsBeginExpanded"
* }
* }
* }
* @public
* @returns {Object} The object describing the current UI state
FlexibleColumnLayoutSemanticHelper.prototype.getCurrentUIState = function () {
var sCurrentLayout = this._oFCL.getLayout();
return this._getUIStateForLayout(sCurrentLayout);
* Returns an object, describing the state that the control will have after navigating to a different view level.
* About the format of return value, see: {@link sap.f.FlexibleColumnLayoutSemanticHelper#getCurrentUIState}
* @param {int} iNextLevel - the view level that should be represented. 0 means initial (master only), 1 - master-detail,
* 2 - master-detail-detail, 3 and above - subsequent views
* @public
* @returns {Object} The object describing the next UI state
FlexibleColumnLayoutSemanticHelper.prototype.getNextUIState = function (iNextLevel) {
var sCurrentLayout = this._oFCL.getLayout(),
iInitial = this._initialColumnsCount,
// Level 0 - the first page
if (iNextLevel === 0) {
// From any layout, going to level 0 is always showing the begin column only, unless initialColumnsCount=2. Then a 2-column layout is suggested even for level 0
// However, a 2-column layout should only be suggested if there is enough space for 2 columns, hence the additional check
if (iInitial === 2 && this._canShowTwoColumns()) {
sNextLayout = this._defaultTwoColumnLayoutType;
} else {
sNextLayout = LT.OneColumn;
// Level 1 - the second page
if (iNextLevel === 1) {
if (this._maxColumnsCount === 1) {
sNextLayout = LT.MidColumnFullScreen;
} else {
if ([LT.TwoColumnsBeginExpanded, LT.TwoColumnsMidExpanded].indexOf(sCurrentLayout) !== -1) {
// From a 2-column layout - preserve
sNextLayout = sCurrentLayout;
} else if ([LT.MidColumnFullScreen, LT.EndColumnFullScreen].indexOf(sCurrentLayout) !== -1) {
// From any fullscreen layout - should go to mid fullscreen
sNextLayout = LT.MidColumnFullScreen;
} else {
// From 1-column layout or any 3-column layout - default 2-column layout
sNextLayout = this._defaultTwoColumnLayoutType;
// Level 2 - the third page
if (iNextLevel === 2) {
if (this._maxColumnsCount < 3) {
// Clicking the mid column when in 2-column layout should open the third column in fullscreen mode
sNextLayout = LT.EndColumnFullScreen;
} else {
if ([LT.ThreeColumnsMidExpandedEndHidden, LT.ThreeColumnsBeginExpandedEndHidden].indexOf(sCurrentLayout) !== -1) {
// From a 3-column layout where end column is hidden, should reveal the end column again
sNextLayout = this._defaultThreeColumnLayoutType;
} else if ([LT.ThreeColumnsMidExpanded, LT.ThreeColumnsEndExpanded].indexOf(sCurrentLayout) !== -1) {
// From a 3-column layout where end column is visible, should preserve the current layout
sNextLayout = sCurrentLayout;
} else if ([LT.MidColumnFullScreen, LT.EndColumnFullScreen].indexOf(sCurrentLayout) !== -1) {
// From any fullscreen layout, should go to end fullscreen
sNextLayout = LT.EndColumnFullScreen;
} else {
// From 1-column layout or any 2-column layout - should go to default 3-column layout
sNextLayout = this._defaultThreeColumnLayoutType;
// Level 3 and above - further pages
if (iNextLevel > 2) {
// Any level above 2 is unconditionally shown in end fullscreen
sNextLayout = LT.EndColumnFullScreen;
return this._getUIStateForLayout(sNextLayout);
* Returns information about the current layout
* @param {sap.f.LayoutType} sLayout
* @returns {{layout: string, maxColumnsCount: number, columnsSizes: {beginColumn, midColumn, endColumn}, columnsVisibility: {beginColumn, midColumn, endColumn}, isFullScreen, isLogicallyFullScreen, actionButtonsInfo: {midColumn, endColumn}}}
* @private
FlexibleColumnLayoutSemanticHelper.prototype._getUIStateForLayout = function (sLayout) {
var aSizes = this._oFCL._getColumnWidthDistributionForLayout(sLayout, true),
sColumnWidthDistribution = aSizes.join("/"),
iMaxColumnsCount = this._oFCL.getMaxColumnsCount();
return {
layout: sLayout,
maxColumnsCount: iMaxColumnsCount,
columnsSizes: this._getColumnsSizes(aSizes),
columnsVisibility: this._getColumnsVisibility(aSizes),
isFullScreen: this._getIsFullScreen(aSizes),
isLogicallyFullScreen: this._getIsLogicallyFullScreen(sLayout),
actionButtonsInfo: this._getActionButtonsInfo(sColumnWidthDistribution, iMaxColumnsCount)
FlexibleColumnLayoutSemanticHelper.prototype._getColumnsSizes = function (aSizes) {
return {
beginColumn: aSizes[0],
midColumn: aSizes[1],
endColumn: aSizes[2]
FlexibleColumnLayoutSemanticHelper.prototype._getColumnsVisibility = function (aSizes) {
return {
beginColumn: aSizes[0] !== 0,
midColumn: aSizes[1] !== 0,
endColumn: aSizes[2] !== 0
FlexibleColumnLayoutSemanticHelper.prototype._getIsFullScreen = function (aSizes) {
return aSizes.indexOf(100) !== -1;
FlexibleColumnLayoutSemanticHelper.prototype._getIsLogicallyFullScreen = function (sLayout) {
return [LT.OneColumn, LT.MidColumnFullScreen, LT.EndColumnFullScreen].indexOf(sLayout) !== -1;
FlexibleColumnLayoutSemanticHelper.prototype._getActionButtonsInfo = function (sColumnWidthDistribution, iMaxColumnsCount) {
var oMidColumn = {
fullScreen: null,
exitFullScreen: null,
closeColumn: null
oEndColumn = {
fullScreen: null,
exitFullScreen: null,
closeColumn: null
if (this._maxColumnsCount === 1) {
return {
midColumn: oMidColumn,
endColumn: oEndColumn
if (iMaxColumnsCount === 1) {
oMidColumn.closeColumn = this._defaultLayoutType;
oEndColumn.closeColumn = this._defaultTwoColumnLayoutType;
} else {
if (sColumnWidthDistribution === "67/33/0" || sColumnWidthDistribution === "33/67/0") {
oMidColumn.fullScreen = LT.MidColumnFullScreen;
oMidColumn.closeColumn = this._defaultLayoutType;
if (sColumnWidthDistribution === "25/50/25" || sColumnWidthDistribution === "25/25/50" || sColumnWidthDistribution === "0/67/33" || sColumnWidthDistribution === "0/33/67") {
oEndColumn.fullScreen = LT.EndColumnFullScreen;
oEndColumn.closeColumn = this._defaultTwoColumnLayoutType;
if (sColumnWidthDistribution === "0/100/0") {
aEligibleLayouts = [LT.TwoColumnsBeginExpanded, LT.TwoColumnsMidExpanded, LT.ThreeColumnsBeginExpandedEndHidden, LT.ThreeColumnsMidExpandedEndHidden];
sExitFullScreen = this._oFCL._getLayoutHistory().getClosestEntryThatMatches(aEligibleLayouts) || this._defaultTwoColumnLayoutType;
oMidColumn.exitFullScreen = sExitFullScreen;
oMidColumn.closeColumn = this._defaultLayoutType;
if (sColumnWidthDistribution === "0/0/100") {
if (this._maxColumnsCount !== 2) {
aEligibleLayouts = [LT.ThreeColumnsMidExpanded, LT.ThreeColumnsEndExpanded];
sExitFullScreen = this._oFCL._getLayoutHistory().getClosestEntryThatMatches(aEligibleLayouts) || this._defaultThreeColumnLayoutType;
oEndColumn.exitFullScreen = sExitFullScreen;
oEndColumn.closeColumn = this._defaultTwoColumnLayoutType;
return {
midColumn: oMidColumn,
endColumn: oEndColumn
* Returns the default layout types for the different numbers of columns.