require "#{File.dirname __FILE__}/../lib/asciidoctor" require 'rspec/expectations' require 'tilt' require 'slim' Given /the AsciiDoc source/ do |source| @source = source end When /it is converted to html/ do @output = Asciidoctor.convert @source'/tmp/test.adoc', 'w') {|f| f.write @source } #@output = %x{asciidoc -f compat/asciidoc.conf -o - -s /tmp/test.adoc | XMLLINT_INDENT='' xmllint --format - | tail -n +2}.rstrip ##@output = %x{asciidoc -f compat/asciidoc.conf -o - -s /tmp/test.adoc} end When /it is converted to docbook/ do @output = Asciidoctor.convert @source, :backend => :docbook end Then /the result should match the (HTML|XML) source/ do |format, expect| @output.should == expect end Then /the result should match the (HTML|XML) structure/ do |format, expect| case format when 'HTML' options = {:format => :html5} when 'XML' options = {:format => :xhtml} else options = {} end slim_friendly_output = {|line| if line.start_with? '<' line else %(|#{line}) end }.join { slim_friendly_output }.render.should == { expect }.render end