module Generators module Hobo module Routes class Router # specify that an id CANNOT be null - needed to disambiguate /models from /models/[nil] ID_REQUIREMENT = "{ :id => %r([^#{ActionController::Routing::SEPARATORS.join}]+) }" attr_reader :subsite, :controller, :model, :record, :records def initialize(subsite, controller) raise ::Hobo::Error, "#{controller} is not a Hobo::Controller::Model" unless controller < ::Hobo::Controller::Model @subsite = subsite @controller = controller @model = controller.model @records = controller.controller_name @record = @records.singularize end def index_action_routes do |action| link( "get '#{records}/#{action}(.:format)', :as => '#{action}_#{records}'", action ) end.compact end def lifecycle_routes(subsite) return [] unless defined? model::Lifecycle routes = [] model::Lifecycle.creators.values.where.routable_for?(subsite).*.name.each do |creator| routes << link("post '#{records}/#{creator}(.:format)' => '#{records}#do_#{creator}', :as => 'do_#{record}_#{creator}'", creator, :post) routes << link("get '#{records}/#{creator}(.:format)' => '#{records}##{creator}', :as => '#{record}_#{creator}'", creator) end model::Lifecycle.transitions.where.routable_for?(subsite).*.name.each do |transition| routes << link("put '#{records}/:id/#{transition}(.:format)' => '#{records}#do_#{transition}', :as => 'do_#{record}_#{transition}'", transition, :put) routes << link("get '#{records}/:id/#{transition}(.:format)' => '#{records}##{transition}', :as => '#{record}_#{transition}'", transition) end routes.compact end def resource_routes [ link("get '#{records}(.:format)' => '#{records}#index', :as => '#{records}'", 'index'), link("get '#{records}/new(.:format)', :as => 'new_#{record}'", 'new'), link("get '#{records}/:id/edit(.:format)' => '#{records}#edit', :as => 'edit_#{record}'", 'edit'), link("get '#{records}/:id(.:format)' => '#{records}#show', :as => '#{record}', :constraints => #{ID_REQUIREMENT}", 'show'), link("post '#{records}(.:format)' => '#{records}#create', :as => 'create_#{record}'", 'create', :post), link("put '#{records}/:id(.:format)' => '#{records}#update', :as => 'update_#{record}', :constraints => #{ID_REQUIREMENT}", 'update', :put), link("delete '#{records}/:id(.:format)' => '#{records}#destroy', :as => 'destroy_#{record}', :constraints => #{ID_REQUIREMENT}", 'destroy', :delete) ].compact end def owner_routes routes = [] controller.owner_actions.each_pair do |owner, actions| collection_refl = model.reverse_reflection(owner) raise ::Hobo::Error, "Hob routing error -- can't find reverse association for #{model}##{owner} " + "(e.g. the :has_many that corresponds to a :belongs_to)" if collection_refl.nil? collection = owner_class = model.reflections[owner] owner = owner.to_s.singularize if model.reflections[owner].macro == :has_many collection_path = "#{owner_class.pluralize}/:#{owner}_id/#{collection}" actions.each do |action| action_for_owner = "#{action}_for_#{owner}" case action when :index routes << link("get '#{collection_path}(.:format)' => '#{records}##{action_for_owner}', :as => '#{records}_for_#{owner}'", action_for_owner) when :new routes << link("get '#{collection_path}/new(.:format)' => '#{records}##{action_for_owner}', :as => 'new_#{record}_for_#{owner}'", action_for_owner) when :create routes << link("post '#{collection_path}(.:format)' => '#{records}##{action_for_owner}', :as => 'create_#{record}_for_#{owner}'", action_for_owner, :post) end end end routes.compact end def web_method_routes do |action| link("post '#{records}/:id/#{action}(.:format)' => '#{records}##{action}', :as => '#{record}_#{action}'", action, :post) end.compact end def show_action_routes do |action| link("get '#{records}/:id/#{action}(.:format)' => '#{records}##{action}', :as => '#{record}_#{action}'", action) end.compact end def reorder_routes [ link("post '#{records}/reorder(.:format)', :as => 'reorder_#{records}'", 'reorder', :post) ].compact end def user_routes return [] unless controller < ::Hobo::Controller::User prefix = records == "users" ? "" : "#{record}_" [ link("match '#{prefix}login(.:format)' => '#{records}#login', :as => '#{record}_login'", 'login'), link("get '#{prefix}logout(.:format)' => '#{records}#logout', :as => '#{record}_logout'", 'logout'), link("match '#{prefix}forgot_password(.:format)' => '#{records}#forgot_password', :as => '#{record}_forgot_password'", 'forgot_password'), ].compact end private def link(route, action, method=:get) return unless controller.public_method_defined?(action) ::Hobo::Routes.linkable!( model, action, :subsite => subsite, :method => method ) route end end end end end