(function (global, factory) { if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) { define(['exports', 'moment', 'Draggabilly'], factory); } else if (typeof exports !== "undefined") { factory(exports, require('moment'), require('Draggabilly')); } else { var mod = { exports: {} }; factory(mod.exports, global.moment, global.Draggabilly); global.mdDateTimePicker = mod.exports; } })(this, function (exports, _moment, _Draggabilly) { 'use strict'; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); var _moment2 = _interopRequireDefault(_moment); var _Draggabilly2 = _interopRequireDefault(_Draggabilly); function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; } function _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } } var _createClass = function () { function defineProperties(target, props) { for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { var descriptor = props[i]; descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || !1; descriptor.configurable = !0; if ("value" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = !0; Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); } } return function (Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); if (staticProps) defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); return Constructor; }; }(); var mdDateTimePicker = function () { /** * [constructor of the mdDateTimePicker] * * @method constructor * * @param {String} type = 'date' or 'time [type of dialog] * @param {moment} init [initial value for the dialog date or time, defaults to today] [@default = today] * @param {moment} past [the past moment till which the calendar shall render] [@default = exactly 21 Years ago from init] * @param {moment} future [the future moment till which the calendar shall render] [@default = init] * @param {Boolean} mode [this value tells whether the time dialog will have the 24 hour mode (true) or 12 hour mode (false)] [@default = false] * @param {String} orientation = 'LANDSCAPE' or 'PORTRAIT' [force the orientation of the picker @default = 'LANDSCAPE'] * @param {element} trigger [element on which all the events will be dispatched e.g var foo = document.getElementById('bar'), here element = foo] * @param {String} ok = 'ok' [ok button's text] * @param {String} cancel = 'cancel' [cancel button's text] * @param {Boolean} colon = true [add an option to enable quote in 24 hour mode] * @param {Boolean} autoClose = false [close dialog on date/time selection] * @param {Boolean} inner24 = false [if 24-hour mode and (true), the PM hours shows in an inner dial] * * @return {Object} [mdDateTimePicker] */ function mdDateTimePicker(_ref) { var type = _ref.type, _ref$init = _ref.init, init = _ref$init === undefined ? (0, _moment2.default)() : _ref$init, _ref$past = _ref.past, past = _ref$past === undefined ? (0, _moment2.default)().subtract(21, 'years') : _ref$past, _ref$future = _ref.future, future = _ref$future === undefined ? init : _ref$future, _ref$mode = _ref.mode, mode = _ref$mode === undefined ? !1 : _ref$mode, _ref$orientation = _ref.orientation, orientation = _ref$orientation === undefined ? 'LANDSCAPE' : _ref$orientation, _ref$trigger = _ref.trigger, trigger = _ref$trigger === undefined ? '' : _ref$trigger, _ref$ok = _ref.ok, ok = _ref$ok === undefined ? 'ok' : _ref$ok, _ref$cancel = _ref.cancel, cancel = _ref$cancel === undefined ? 'cancel' : _ref$cancel, _ref$colon = _ref.colon, colon = _ref$colon === undefined ? !0 : _ref$colon, _ref$autoClose = _ref.autoClose, autoClose = _ref$autoClose === undefined ? !1 : _ref$autoClose, _ref$inner = _ref.inner24, inner24 = _ref$inner === undefined ? !1 : _ref$inner; _classCallCheck(this, mdDateTimePicker); this._type = type; this._init = init; this._past = past; this._future = future; this._mode = mode; this._orientation = orientation; this._trigger = trigger; this._ok = ok; this._cancel = cancel; this._colon = colon; this._autoClose = autoClose; this._inner24 = inner24; /** * [dialog selected classes have the same structure as dialog but one level down] * @type {Object} * All declarations starting with _ are considered @private * e.g * sDialog = { * picker: 'some-picker-selected' * } */ this._sDialog = {}; // attach the dialog if not present if (!document.getElementById('mddtp-picker__' + this._type)) { this._buildDialog(); } } /** * [time to get or set the current picker's moment] * * @method time * * @param {moment} m * */ _createClass(mdDateTimePicker, [{ key: 'hide', value: function hide() { this._selectDialog(); this._hideDialog(); } }, { key: 'show', value: function show() { this._selectDialog(); if (this._type === 'date') { this._initDateDialog(this._init); } else if (this._type === 'time') { this._initTimeDialog(this._init); } this._showDialog(); } }, { key: 'toggle', value: function toggle() { this._selectDialog(); // work according to the current state of the dialog if (mdDateTimePicker.dialog.state) { this.hide(); } else { this.show(); } } }, { key: '_selectDialog', value: function _selectDialog() { // now do what you normally would do this._sDialog.picker = document.getElementById('mddtp-picker__' + [this._type]); /** * [sDialogEls stores all inner components of the selected dialog or sDialog to be later getElementById] * * @type {Array} */ var sDialogEls = ['viewHolder', 'years', 'header', 'cancel', 'ok', 'left', 'right', 'previous', 'current', 'next', 'subtitle', 'title', 'titleDay', 'titleMonth', 'AM', 'PM', 'needle', 'hourView', 'minuteView', 'hour', 'minute', 'fakeNeedle', 'circularHolder', 'circle', 'dotSpan'], i = sDialogEls.length; while (i--) { this._sDialog[sDialogEls[i]] = document.getElementById('mddtp-' + this._type + '__' + sDialogEls[i]); } this._sDialog.tDate = this._init.clone(); this._sDialog.sDate = this._init.clone(); } }, { key: '_showDialog', value: function _showDialog() { var me = this, zoomIn = 'zoomIn'; mdDateTimePicker.dialog.state = !0; this._sDialog.picker.classList.remove('mddtp-picker--inactive'); this._sDialog.picker.classList.add(zoomIn); // if the dialog is forced into portrait mode if (this._orientation === 'PORTRAIT') { this._sDialog.picker.classList.add('mddtp-picker--portrait'); } setTimeout(function () { me._sDialog.picker.classList.remove(zoomIn); }, 300); } }, { key: '_hideDialog', value: function _hideDialog() { var me = this, years = this._sDialog.years, title = me._sDialog.title, subtitle = me._sDialog.subtitle, viewHolder = this._sDialog.viewHolder, AM = this._sDialog.AM, PM = this._sDialog.PM, minute = this._sDialog.minute, hour = this._sDialog.hour, minuteView = this._sDialog.minuteView, hourView = this._sDialog.hourView, picker = this._sDialog.picker, needle = this._sDialog.needle, dotSpan = this._sDialog.dotSpan, active = 'mddtp-picker__color--active', inactive = 'mddtp-picker--inactive', invisible = 'mddtp-picker__years--invisible', zoomIn = 'zoomIn', zoomOut = 'zoomOut', hidden = 'mddtp-picker__circularView--hidden', selection = 'mddtp-picker__selection'; mdDateTimePicker.dialog.state = !1; mdDateTimePicker.dialog.view = !0; this._sDialog.picker.classList.add(zoomOut); // reset classes if (this._type === 'date') { years.classList.remove(zoomIn, zoomOut); years.classList.add(invisible); title.classList.remove(active); subtitle.classList.add(active); viewHolder.classList.remove(zoomOut); } else { AM.classList.remove(active); PM.classList.remove(active); minute.classList.remove(active); hour.classList.add(active); minuteView.classList.add(hidden); hourView.classList.remove(hidden); subtitle.setAttribute('style', 'display: none'); dotSpan.setAttribute('style', 'display: none'); needle.className = selection; } setTimeout(function () { // remove portrait mode me._sDialog.picker.classList.remove('mddtp-picker--portrait'); me._sDialog.picker.classList.remove(zoomOut); me._sDialog.picker.classList.add(inactive); // clone elements and add them again to clear events attached to them var pickerClone = picker.cloneNode(!0); picker.parentNode.replaceChild(pickerClone, picker); }, 300); } }, { key: '_buildDialog', value: function _buildDialog() { var type = this._type, docfrag = document.createDocumentFragment(), container = document.createElement('div'), header = document.createElement('div'), body = document.createElement('div'), action = document.createElement('div'), cancel = document.createElement('button'), ok = document.createElement('button'); // outer most container of the picker // header container of the picker // body container of the picker // action elements container // ... add properties to them container.id = 'mddtp-picker__' + type; container.classList.add('mddtp-picker'); container.classList.add('mddtp-picker-' + type); container.classList.add('mddtp-picker--inactive'); container.classList.add('animated'); this._addId(header, 'header'); this._addClass(header, 'header'); // add header to container container.appendChild(header); this._addClass(body, 'body'); body.appendChild(action); // add body to container container.appendChild(body); // add stuff to header and body according to dialog type if (this._type === 'date') { var subtitle = document.createElement('div'), title = document.createElement('div'), titleDay = document.createElement('div'), titleMonth = document.createElement('div'), viewHolder = document.createElement('div'), views = document.createElement('ul'), previous = document.createElement('li'), current = document.createElement('li'), next = document.createElement('li'), left = document.createElement('button'), right = document.createElement('button'), years = document.createElement('ul'); // inside header // adding properties to them this._addId(subtitle, 'subtitle'); this._addClass(subtitle, 'subtitle'); this._addId(title, 'title'); this._addClass(title, 'title', ['mddtp-picker__color--active']); this._addId(titleDay, 'titleDay'); this._addId(titleMonth, 'titleMonth'); // add title stuff to it title.appendChild(titleDay); title.appendChild(titleMonth); // add them to header header.appendChild(subtitle); header.appendChild(title); // inside body // inside viewHolder this._addId(viewHolder, 'viewHolder'); this._addClass(viewHolder, 'viewHolder', ['animated']); this._addClass(views, 'views'); this._addId(previous, 'previous'); previous.classList.add('mddtp-picker__view'); this._addId(current, 'current'); current.classList.add('mddtp-picker__view'); this._addId(next, 'next'); next.classList.add('mddtp-picker__view'); // fill the views this._addView(previous); this._addView(current); this._addView(next); // add them viewHolder.appendChild(views); views.appendChild(previous); views.appendChild(current); views.appendChild(next); // inside body again this._addId(left, 'left'); left.classList.add('mddtp-button'); this._addClass(left, 'left'); left.setAttribute('type', 'button'); this._addId(right, 'right'); right.classList.add('mddtp-button'); this._addClass(right, 'right'); right.setAttribute('type', 'button'); this._addId(years, 'years'); this._addClass(years, 'years', ['mddtp-picker__years--invisible', 'animated']); // add them to body body.appendChild(viewHolder); body.appendChild(left); body.appendChild(right); body.appendChild(years); } else { var _title = document.createElement('div'), hour = document.createElement('span'), span = document.createElement('span'), minute = document.createElement('span'), _subtitle = document.createElement('div'), AM = document.createElement('div'), PM = document.createElement('div'), circularHolder = document.createElement('div'), needle = document.createElement('div'), dot = document.createElement('span'), line = document.createElement('span'), circle = document.createElement('span'), minuteView = document.createElement('div'), fakeNeedle = document.createElement('div'), hourView = document.createElement('div'); // add properties to them // inside header this._addId(_title, 'title'); this._addClass(_title, 'title'); this._addId(hour, 'hour'); hour.classList.add('mddtp-picker__color--active'); span.textContent = ':'; this._addId(span, 'dotSpan'); span.setAttribute('style', 'display: none'); this._addId(minute, 'minute'); this._addId(_subtitle, 'subtitle'); this._addClass(_subtitle, 'subtitle'); _subtitle.setAttribute('style', 'display: none'); this._addId(AM, 'AM'); _moment2.default.localeData()._meridiemParse = this._changeUnicodeToChars(_moment2.default.localeData()._meridiemParse.toString()); //AM.textContent = 'AM' // Change to 'AM' to Locale Meridiem AM.textContent = _moment2.default.localeData()._meridiemParse.toString().replace(/\//g, "").split("|")[0]; this._addId(PM, 'PM'); //PM.textContent = 'PM' // Change to 'PM' to Locale Meridiem PM.textContent = _moment2.default.localeData()._meridiemParse.toString().replace(/\//g, "").split("|")[1]; // add them to title and subtitle _title.appendChild(hour); _title.appendChild(span); _title.appendChild(minute); _subtitle.appendChild(AM); _subtitle.appendChild(PM); // add them to header header.appendChild(_title); header.appendChild(_subtitle); // inside body this._addId(circularHolder, 'circularHolder'); this._addClass(circularHolder, 'circularHolder'); this._addId(needle, 'needle'); needle.classList.add('mddtp-picker__selection'); this._addClass(dot, 'dot'); this._addClass(line, 'line'); this._addId(circle, 'circle'); this._addClass(circle, 'circle'); this._addId(minuteView, 'minuteView'); minuteView.classList.add('mddtp-picker__circularView'); minuteView.classList.add('mddtp-picker__circularView--hidden'); this._addId(fakeNeedle, 'fakeNeedle'); fakeNeedle.classList.add('mddtp-picker__circle--fake'); this._addId(hourView, 'hourView'); hourView.classList.add('mddtp-picker__circularView'); // add them to needle needle.appendChild(dot); needle.appendChild(line); needle.appendChild(circle); // add them to circularHolder circularHolder.appendChild(needle); circularHolder.appendChild(minuteView); circularHolder.appendChild(fakeNeedle); circularHolder.appendChild(hourView); // add them to body body.appendChild(circularHolder); } action.classList.add('mddtp-picker__action'); if (this._autoClose === !0) { action.style.display = "none"; } this._addId(cancel, 'cancel'); cancel.classList.add('mddtp-button'); cancel.setAttribute('type', 'button'); this._addId(ok, 'ok'); ok.classList.add('mddtp-button'); ok.setAttribute('type', 'button'); // add actions action.appendChild(cancel); action.appendChild(ok); // add actions to body body.appendChild(action); docfrag.appendChild(container); // add the container to the end of body document.getElementsByTagName('body').item(0).appendChild(docfrag); } }, { key: '_initTimeDialog', value: function _initTimeDialog(m) { var hour = this._sDialog.hour, minute = this._sDialog.minute, subtitle = this._sDialog.subtitle, dotSpan = this._sDialog.dotSpan; // switch according to 12 hour or 24 hour mode if (this._mode) { // CHANGED exception case for 24 => 0 issue #57 var text = parseInt(m.format('H'), 10); if (text === 0) { text = '00'; } this._fillText(hour, text); // add the configurable colon in this mode issue #56 if (this._colon) { dotSpan.removeAttribute('style'); } } else { this._fillText(hour, m.format('h')); //this._sDialog[m.format('A')].classList.add('mddtp-picker__color--active') // Using isPM function for Find PM if (m._locale.isPM(m.format('A'))) { this._sDialog.PM.classList.add('mddtp-picker__color--active'); } else { this._sDialog.AM.classList.add('mddtp-picker__color--active'); } subtitle.removeAttribute('style'); dotSpan.removeAttribute('style'); } this._fillText(minute, m.format('mm')); this._initHour(); this._initMinute(); this._attachEventHandlers(); this._changeM(); this._dragDial(); this._switchToView(hour); this._switchToView(minute); this._addClockEvent(); this._setButtonText(); } }, { key: '_initHour', value: function _initHour() { var hourView = this._sDialog.hourView, needle = this._sDialog.needle, hour = 'mddtp-hour__selected', selected = 'mddtp-picker__cell--selected', rotate = 'mddtp-picker__cell--rotate-', rotate24 = 'mddtp-picker__cell--rotate24', cell = 'mddtp-picker__cell', docfrag = document.createDocumentFragment(), hourNow = void 0; if (this._mode) { var degreeStep = this._inner24 === !0 ? 10 : 5; hourNow = parseInt(this._sDialog.tDate.format('H'), 10); for (var i = 1, j = degreeStep; i <= 24; i++, j += degreeStep) { var div = document.createElement('div'), span = document.createElement('span'); div.classList.add(cell); // CHANGED exception case for 24 => 0 issue #57 if (i === 24) { span.textContent = '00'; } else { span.textContent = i; } var position = j; if (this._inner24 === !0 && i > 12) { position -= 120; div.classList.add(rotate24); } div.classList.add(rotate + position); if (hourNow === i) { div.id = hour; div.classList.add(selected); needle.classList.add(rotate + position); } // CHANGED exception case for 24 => 0 issue #58 if (i === 24 && hourNow === 0) { div.id = hour; div.classList.add(selected); needle.classList.add(rotate + position); } div.appendChild(span); docfrag.appendChild(div); } } else { hourNow = parseInt(this._sDialog.tDate.format('h'), 10); for (var _i = 1, _j = 10; _i <= 12; _i++, _j += 10) { var _div = document.createElement('div'), _span = document.createElement('span'); _div.classList.add(cell); _span.textContent = _i; _div.classList.add(rotate + _j); if (hourNow === _i) { _div.id = hour; _div.classList.add(selected); needle.classList.add(rotate + _j); } _div.appendChild(_span); docfrag.appendChild(_div); } } //empty the hours while (hourView.lastChild) { hourView.removeChild(hourView.lastChild); } // set inner html accordingly hourView.appendChild(docfrag); } }, { key: '_initMinute', value: function _initMinute() { var minuteView = this._sDialog.minuteView, minuteNow = parseInt(this._sDialog.tDate.format('m'), 10), sMinute = 'mddtp-minute__selected', selected = 'mddtp-picker__cell--selected', rotate = 'mddtp-picker__cell--rotate-', cell = 'mddtp-picker__cell', docfrag = document.createDocumentFragment(); for (var i = 5, j = 10; i <= 60; i += 5, j += 10) { var div = document.createElement('div'), span = document.createElement('span'); div.classList.add(cell); if (i === 60) { span.textContent = this._numWithZero(0); } else { span.textContent = this._numWithZero(i); } if (minuteNow === 0) { minuteNow = 60; } div.classList.add(rotate + j); // (minuteNow === 1 && i === 60) for corner case highlight 00 at 01 if (minuteNow === i || minuteNow - 1 === i || minuteNow + 1 === i || minuteNow === 1 && i === 60) { div.id = sMinute; div.classList.add(selected); } div.appendChild(span); docfrag.appendChild(div); } //empty the hours while (minuteView.lastChild) { minuteView.removeChild(minuteView.lastChild); } // set inner html accordingly minuteView.appendChild(docfrag); } }, { key: '_initDateDialog', value: function _initDateDialog(m) { var subtitle = this._sDialog.subtitle, title = this._sDialog.title, titleDay = this._sDialog.titleDay, titleMonth = this._sDialog.titleMonth; this._fillText(subtitle, m.format('YYYY')); this._fillText(titleDay, m.format('ddd, ')); this._fillText(titleMonth, m.format('MMM D')); this._initYear(); this._initViewHolder(); this._attachEventHandlers(); this._changeMonth(); this._switchToView(subtitle); this._switchToView(title); this._setButtonText(); } }, { key: '_initViewHolder', value: function _initViewHolder() { var m = this._sDialog.tDate, current = this._sDialog.current, previous = this._sDialog.previous, next = this._sDialog.next, past = this._past, future = this._future; if (m.isBefore(past, 'month')) { m = past.clone(); } if (m.isAfter(future, 'month')) { m = future.clone(); } this._sDialog.tDate = m; this._initMonth(current, m); this._initMonth(next, (0, _moment2.default)(this._getMonth(m, 1))); this._initMonth(previous, (0, _moment2.default)(this._getMonth(m, -1))); this._toMoveMonth(); } }, { key: '_initMonth', value: function _initMonth(view, m) { var displayMonth = m.format('MMMM YYYY'), innerDivs = view.getElementsByTagName('div'); // get the .mddtp-picker__month element using innerDivs[0] this._fillText(innerDivs[0], displayMonth); var docfrag = document.createDocumentFragment(), tr = innerDivs[3], firstDayOfMonth = _moment2.default.weekdays(!0).indexOf(_moment2.default.weekdays(!1, (0, _moment2.default)(m).date(1).day())), today = -1, selected = -1, lastDayOfMonth = parseInt((0, _moment2.default)(m).endOf('month').format('D'), 10) + firstDayOfMonth - 1, past = firstDayOfMonth, cellClass = 'mddtp-picker__cell', future = lastDayOfMonth; // get the .mddtp-picker__tr element using innerDivs[3] /* * @netTrek - first day of month dependented from moment.locale */ if ((0, _moment2.default)().isSame(m, 'month')) { today = parseInt((0, _moment2.default)().format('D'), 10); today += firstDayOfMonth - 1; } if (this._past.isSame(m, 'month')) { past = parseInt(this._past.format('D'), 10); past += firstDayOfMonth - 1; } if (this._future.isSame(m, 'month')) { future = parseInt(this._future.format('D'), 10); future += firstDayOfMonth - 1; } if (this._sDialog.sDate.isSame(m, 'month')) { selected = parseInt((0, _moment2.default)(m).format('D'), 10); selected += firstDayOfMonth - 1; } for (var i = 0; i < 42; i++) { // create cell var cell = document.createElement('span'), currentDay = i - firstDayOfMonth + 1; if (i >= firstDayOfMonth && i <= lastDayOfMonth) { if (i > future || i < past) { cell.classList.add(cellClass + '--disabled'); } else { cell.classList.add(cellClass); } this._fillText(cell, currentDay); } if (today === i) { cell.classList.add(cellClass + '--today'); } if (selected === i) { cell.classList.add(cellClass + '--selected'); cell.id = 'mddtp-date__selected'; } docfrag.appendChild(cell); } //empty the tr while (tr.lastChild) { tr.removeChild(tr.lastChild); } // set inner html accordingly tr.appendChild(docfrag); this._addCellClickEvent(tr); } }, { key: '_initYear', value: function _initYear() { var years = this._sDialog.years, currentYear = this._sDialog.tDate.year(), docfrag = document.createDocumentFragment(), past = this._past.year(), future = this._future.year(); for (var year = past; year <= future; year++) { var li = document.createElement('li'); li.textContent = year; if (year === currentYear) { li.id = 'mddtp-date__currentYear'; li.classList.add('mddtp-picker__li--current'); } docfrag.appendChild(li); } //empty the years ul while (years.lastChild) { years.removeChild(years.lastChild); } // set inner html accordingly years.appendChild(docfrag); // attach event handler to the ul to get the benefit of event delegation this._changeYear(years); } }, { key: '_switchToView', value: function _switchToView(el) { var me = this; // attach the view change button if (this._type == 'date') { el.onclick = function () { me._switchToDateView(el, me); }; } else { if (this._inner24 === !0 && me._mode) { if (parseInt(me._sDialog.sDate.format('H'), 10) > 12) { me._sDialog.needle.classList.add('mddtp-picker__cell--rotate24'); } else { me._sDialog.needle.classList.remove('mddtp-picker__cell--rotate24'); } } el.onclick = function () { me._switchToTimeView(me); }; } } }, { key: '_switchToTimeView', value: function _switchToTimeView(me) { var hourView = me._sDialog.hourView, minuteView = me._sDialog.minuteView, hour = me._sDialog.hour, minute = me._sDialog.minute, activeClass = 'mddtp-picker__color--active', hidden = 'mddtp-picker__circularView--hidden', selection = 'mddtp-picker__selection', needle = me._sDialog.needle, circularHolder = me._sDialog.circularHolder, circle = me._sDialog.circle, fakeNeedle = me._sDialog.fakeNeedle, spoke = 60, value = void 0; // toggle view classes hourView.classList.toggle(hidden); minuteView.classList.toggle(hidden); hour.classList.toggle(activeClass); minute.classList.toggle(activeClass); // move the needle to correct position needle.className = ''; needle.classList.add(selection); if (mdDateTimePicker.dialog.view) { value = me._sDialog.sDate.format('m'); // Need to desactivate for the autoClose mode as it mess things up. If you have an idea, feel free to give it a shot ! if (me._autoClose !== !0) { // move the fakeNeedle to correct position setTimeout(function () { var hOffset = circularHolder.getBoundingClientRect(), cOffset = circle.getBoundingClientRect(); fakeNeedle.setAttribute('style', 'left:' + (cOffset.left - hOffset.left) + 'px;top:' + (cOffset.top - hOffset.top) + 'px'); }, 300); } } else { if (me._mode) { spoke = 24; value = parseInt(me._sDialog.sDate.format('H'), 10); // CHANGED exception for 24 => 0 issue #58 if (value === 0) { value = 24; } } else { spoke = 12; value = me._sDialog.sDate.format('h'); } } var rotationClass = me._calcRotation(spoke, parseInt(value, 10)); if (rotationClass) { needle.classList.add(rotationClass); } // toggle the view type mdDateTimePicker.dialog.view = !mdDateTimePicker.dialog.view; } }, { key: '_switchToDateView', value: function _switchToDateView(el, me) { el.setAttribute('disabled', ''); var viewHolder = me._sDialog.viewHolder, years = me._sDialog.years, title = me._sDialog.title, subtitle = me._sDialog.subtitle, currentYear = document.getElementById('mddtp-date__currentYear'); if (mdDateTimePicker.dialog.view) { viewHolder.classList.add('zoomOut'); years.classList.remove('mddtp-picker__years--invisible'); years.classList.add('zoomIn'); // scroll into the view currentYear.scrollIntoViewIfNeeded(); } else { years.classList.add('zoomOut'); viewHolder.classList.remove('zoomOut'); viewHolder.classList.add('zoomIn'); setTimeout(function () { years.classList.remove('zoomIn', 'zoomOut'); years.classList.add('mddtp-picker__years--invisible'); viewHolder.classList.remove('zoomIn'); }, 300); } title.classList.toggle('mddtp-picker__color--active'); subtitle.classList.toggle('mddtp-picker__color--active'); mdDateTimePicker.dialog.view = !mdDateTimePicker.dialog.view; setTimeout(function () { el.removeAttribute('disabled'); }, 300); } }, { key: '_addClockEvent', value: function _addClockEvent() { var me = this, hourView = this._sDialog.hourView, minuteView = this._sDialog.minuteView, sClass = 'mddtp-picker__cell--selected'; hourView.onclick = function (e) { var sHour = 'mddtp-hour__selected', selectedHour = document.getElementById(sHour), setHour = 0; if (e.target && e.target.nodeName == 'SPAN') { // clear the previously selected hour selectedHour.id = ''; selectedHour.classList.remove(sClass); // select the new hour e.target.parentNode.classList.add(sClass); e.target.parentNode.id = sHour; // set the sDate according to 24 or 12 hour mode if (me._mode) { setHour = parseInt(e.target.textContent, 10); } else { if (me._sDialog.sDate.format('A') === 'AM') { setHour = e.target.textContent; } else { setHour = parseInt(e.target.textContent, 10) + 12; } } me._sDialog.sDate.hour(setHour); // set the display hour me._sDialog.hour.textContent = e.target.textContent; // switch the view me._switchToTimeView(me); } }; minuteView.onclick = function (e) { var sMinute = 'mddtp-minute__selected', selectedMinute = document.getElementById(sMinute), setMinute = 0; if (e.target && e.target.nodeName == 'SPAN') { // clear the previously selected hour if (selectedMinute) { selectedMinute.id = ''; selectedMinute.classList.remove(sClass); } // select the new minute e.target.parentNode.classList.add(sClass); e.target.parentNode.id = sMinute; // set the sDate minute setMinute = e.target.textContent; me._sDialog.sDate.minute(setMinute); // set the display minute me._sDialog.minute.textContent = setMinute; // switch the view me._switchToTimeView(me); if (me._autoClose === !0) { me._sDialog.ok.onclick(); } } }; } }, { key: '_addCellClickEvent', value: function _addCellClickEvent(el) { var me = this; el.onclick = function (e) { if (e.target && e.target.nodeName == 'SPAN' && e.target.classList.contains('mddtp-picker__cell')) { var day = e.target.textContent, currentDate = me._sDialog.tDate.date(day), sId = 'mddtp-date__selected', sClass = 'mddtp-picker__cell--selected', selected = document.getElementById(sId), subtitle = me._sDialog.subtitle, titleDay = me._sDialog.titleDay, titleMonth = me._sDialog.titleMonth; if (selected) { selected.classList.remove(sClass); selected.id = ''; } e.target.classList.add(sClass); e.target.id = sId; // update temp date object with the date selected me._sDialog.sDate = currentDate.clone(); me._fillText(subtitle, currentDate.year()); me._fillText(titleDay, currentDate.format('ddd, ')); me._fillText(titleMonth, currentDate.format('MMM D')); if (me._autoClose === !0) { me._sDialog.ok.onclick(); } } }; } }, { key: '_toMoveMonth', value: function _toMoveMonth() { var m = this._sDialog.tDate, left = this._sDialog.left, right = this._sDialog.right, past = this._past, future = this._future; left.removeAttribute('disabled'); right.removeAttribute('disabled'); left.classList.remove('mddtp-button--disabled'); right.classList.remove('mddtp-button--disabled'); if (m.isSame(past, 'month')) { left.setAttribute('disabled', ''); left.classList.add('mddtp-button--disabled'); } if (m.isSame(future, 'month')) { right.setAttribute('disabled', ''); right.classList.add('mddtp-button--disabled'); } } }, { key: '_changeMonth', value: function _changeMonth() { var me = this, left = this._sDialog.left, right = this._sDialog.right, mLeftClass = 'mddtp-picker__view--left', mRightClass = 'mddtp-picker__view--right', pause = 'mddtp-picker__view--pause'; left.onclick = function () { moveStep(mRightClass, me._sDialog.previous); }; right.onclick = function () { moveStep(mLeftClass, me._sDialog.next); }; function moveStep(aClass, to) { /** * [stepBack to know if the to step is going back or not] * * @type {Boolean} */ var stepBack = !1, next = me._sDialog.next, current = me._sDialog.current, previous = me._sDialog.previous; left.setAttribute('disabled', ''); right.setAttribute('disabled', ''); current.classList.add(aClass); previous.classList.add(aClass); next.classList.add(aClass); var clone = to.cloneNode(!0), del = void 0; if (to === next) { del = previous; current.parentNode.appendChild(clone); next.id = current.id; current.id = previous.id; previous = current; current = next; next = clone; } else { stepBack = !0; del = next; previous.id = current.id; current.id = next.id; next = current; current = previous; } setTimeout(function () { if (to === previous) { current.parentNode.insertBefore(clone, current); previous = clone; } // update real values to match these values me._sDialog.next = next; me._sDialog.current = current; me._sDialog.previous = previous; current.classList.add(pause); next.classList.add(pause); previous.classList.add(pause); current.classList.remove(aClass); next.classList.remove(aClass); previous.classList.remove(aClass); del.parentNode.removeChild(del); }, 300); // REVIEW replace below code with requestAnimationFrame setTimeout(function () { current.classList.remove(pause); next.classList.remove(pause); previous.classList.remove(pause); if (stepBack) { me._sDialog.tDate = me._getMonth(me._sDialog.tDate, -1); } else { me._sDialog.tDate = me._getMonth(me._sDialog.tDate, 1); } me._initViewHolder(); }, 350); setTimeout(function () { if (!left.classList.contains('mddtp-button--disabled')) { left.removeAttribute('disabled'); } if (!right.classList.contains('mddtp-button--disabled')) { right.removeAttribute('disabled'); } }, 400); } } }, { key: '_changeYear', value: function _changeYear(el) { var me = this; el.onclick = function (e) { if (e.target && e.target.nodeName == 'LI') { var selected = document.getElementById('mddtp-date__currentYear'); // clear previous selected selected.id = ''; selected.classList.remove('mddtp-picker__li--current'); // add the properties to the newer one e.target.id = 'mddtp-date__currentYear'; e.target.classList.add('mddtp-picker__li--current'); // switch view me._switchToDateView(el, me); // set the tdate to it me._sDialog.tDate.year(parseInt(e.target.textContent, 10)); // update the dialog me._initViewHolder(); } }; } }, { key: '_changeM', value: function _changeM() { var me = this, AM = this._sDialog.AM, PM = this._sDialog.PM; AM.onclick = function (e) { //let m = me._sDialog.sDate.format('A') // Change Locale Meridiem to AM/PM String var m = 'AM'; if (me._sDialog.sDate._locale.isPM(me._sDialog.sDate.format('A'))) { m = 'PM'; } if (m === 'PM') { me._sDialog.sDate.subtract(12, 'h'); AM.classList.toggle('mddtp-picker__color--active'); PM.classList.toggle('mddtp-picker__color--active'); } }; PM.onclick = function (e) { //let m = me._sDialog.sDate.format('A') // Change Locale Meridiem to AM/PM String var m = 'AM'; if (me._sDialog.sDate._locale.isPM(me._sDialog.sDate.format('A'))) { m = 'PM'; } if (m === 'AM') { me._sDialog.sDate.add(12, 'h'); AM.classList.toggle('mddtp-picker__color--active'); PM.classList.toggle('mddtp-picker__color--active'); } }; } }, { key: '_dragDial', value: function _dragDial() { var me = this, needle = this._sDialog.needle, circle = this._sDialog.circle, fakeNeedle = this._sDialog.fakeNeedle, circularHolder = this._sDialog.circularHolder, minute = this._sDialog.minute, quick = 'mddtp-picker__selection--quick', selection = 'mddtp-picker__selection', selected = 'mddtp-picker__cell--selected', rotate = 'mddtp-picker__cell--rotate-', hOffset = circularHolder.getBoundingClientRect(), divides = void 0, fakeNeedleDraggabilly = new _Draggabilly2.default(fakeNeedle, { containment: !0 }); fakeNeedleDraggabilly.on('pointerDown', function (e) { //console.info ( 'pointerDown' , e ); hOffset = circularHolder.getBoundingClientRect(); }); /** * netTrek * fixes for iOS - drag */ fakeNeedleDraggabilly.on('pointerMove', function (e) { var clientX = e.clientX, clientY = e.clientY; if (clientX === undefined) { if (e.pageX === undefined) { if (e.touches && e.touches.length > 0) { clientX = e.touches[0].clientX; clientY = e.touches[0].clientY; } else { console.error('coult not detect pageX, pageY'); } } else { clientX = pageX - document.body.scrollLeft - document.documentElement.scrollLeft; clientY = pageY - document.body.scrollTop - document.documentElement.scrollTop; } } //console.info ( 'Drag clientX' , clientX, clientY, e ); var xPos = clientX - hOffset.left - hOffset.width / 2, yPos = clientY - hOffset.top - hOffset.height / 2, slope = Math.atan2(-yPos, xPos); needle.className = ''; if (slope < 0) { slope += 2 * Math.PI; } slope *= 180 / Math.PI; slope = 360 - slope; if (slope > 270) { slope -= 360; } divides = parseInt(slope / 6); var same = Math.abs(6 * divides - slope), upper = Math.abs(6 * (divides + 1) - slope); if (upper < same) { divides++; } divides += 15; needle.classList.add(selection); needle.classList.add(quick); needle.classList.add(rotate + divides * 2); }); /** * netTrek * fixes for iOS - drag */ fakeNeedleDraggabilly.on('pointerUp', function (e) { var minuteViewChildren = me._sDialog.minuteView.getElementsByTagName('div'), sMinute = 'mddtp-minute__selected', selectedMinute = document.getElementById(sMinute), cOffset = circle.getBoundingClientRect(); fakeNeedle.setAttribute('style', 'left:' + (cOffset.left - hOffset.left) + 'px;top:' + (cOffset.top - hOffset.top) + 'px'); needle.classList.remove(quick); var select = divides; if (select === 1) { select = 60; } select = me._nearestDivisor(select, 5); // normalize 60 => 0 if (divides === 60) { divides = 0; } // remove previously selected value if (selectedMinute) { selectedMinute.id = ''; selectedMinute.classList.remove(selected); } // add the new selected if (select > 0) { select /= 5; select--; minuteViewChildren[select].id = sMinute; minuteViewChildren[select].classList.add(selected); } minute.textContent = me._numWithZero(divides); me._sDialog.sDate.minutes(divides); }); } }, { key: '_attachEventHandlers', value: function _attachEventHandlers() { var me = this, ok = this._sDialog.ok, cancel = this._sDialog.cancel, onCancel = new CustomEvent('onCancel'), onOk = new CustomEvent('onOk'); // create cutom events to dispatch cancel.onclick = function () { me.toggle(); if (me._trigger) { me._trigger.dispatchEvent(onCancel); } }; ok.onclick = function () { me._init = me._sDialog.sDate; me.toggle(); if (me._trigger) { me._trigger.dispatchEvent(onOk); } }; } }, { key: '_setButtonText', value: function _setButtonText() { this._sDialog.cancel.textContent = this._cancel; this._sDialog.ok.textContent = this._ok; } }, { key: '_changeUnicodeToChars', value: function _changeUnicodeToChars(unicodeText) { return unicodeText.replace(/\\u[\dA-F]{4}/gi, function (match) { return String.fromCharCode(parseInt(match.replace(/\\u/g, ''), 16)); }); } }, { key: '_getMonth', value: function _getMonth(moment, count) { var m = void 0; m = moment.clone(); if (count > 0) { return m.add(Math.abs(count), 'M'); } else { return m.subtract(Math.abs(count), 'M'); } } }, { key: '_nearestDivisor', value: function _nearestDivisor(number, divided) { if (number % divided === 0) { return number; } else if ((number - 1) % divided === 0) { return number - 1; } else if ((number + 1) % divided === 0) { return number + 1; } return -1; } }, { key: '_numWithZero', value: function _numWithZero(n) { return n > 9 ? '' + n : '0' + n; } }, { key: '_fillText', value: function _fillText(el, text) { if (el.firstChild) { el.firstChild.nodeValue = text; } else { el.appendChild(document.createTextNode(text)); } } }, { key: '_addId', value: function _addId(el, id) { el.id = 'mddtp-' + this._type + '__' + id; } }, { key: '_addClass', value: function _addClass(el, aClass, more) { el.classList.add('mddtp-picker__' + aClass); var i = 0; if (more) { i = more.length; more.reverse(); } while (i--) { el.classList.add(more[i]); } } }, { key: '_addView', value: function _addView(view) { var month = document.createElement('div'), grid = document.createElement('div'), th = document.createElement('div'), tr = document.createElement('div'), weekDays = _moment2.default.weekdaysMin(!0).reverse(), week = 7; /** * @netTrek - weekday dependented from moment.locale */ while (week--) { var span = document.createElement('span'); span.textContent = weekDays[week]; th.appendChild(span); } // add properties to them this._addClass(month, 'month'); this._addClass(grid, 'grid'); this._addClass(th, 'th'); this._addClass(tr, 'tr'); // add them to the view view.appendChild(month); view.appendChild(grid); grid.appendChild(th); grid.appendChild(tr); } }, { key: '_calcRotation', value: function _calcRotation(spoke, value) { // set clocks top and right side value if (spoke === 12) { value *= 10; } else if (spoke === 24) { value *= 5; } else { value *= 2; } // special case for 00 => 60 if (spoke === 60 && value === 0) { value = 120; } return 'mddtp-picker__cell--rotate-' + value; } }, { key: 'time', get: function get() { return this._init; }, set: function set(m) { if (m) { this._init = m; } } }, { key: 'trigger', get: function get() { return this._trigger; }, set: function set(el) { if (el) { this._trigger = el; } } }], [{ key: 'dialog', get: function get() { return mdDateTimePicker._dialog; }, set: function set(value) { mdDateTimePicker.dialog = value; } }]); return mdDateTimePicker; }(); mdDateTimePicker._dialog = { view: !0, state: !1 }; exports.default = mdDateTimePicker; });