require 'cgi' describe 'access_logs' do let(:downstream_url) { 'http://localhost:12345/experiment1' } let(:experiment_body_1) { 'experiment1_body' } let(:access_logger) { } before do WebMock.enable! end let(:app) do downstream_url = downstream_url() access_logger = access_logger() sitehub = do access_logger access_logger error_logger proxy '/endpoint' do split(label: :experiment1, percentage: 100) do split percentage: 100, label: 'variant1', url: downstream_url end end end end let(:query_string) { '' } let(:request_url) { "/endpoint#{query_string.empty? ? '' : "?#{query_string}"}" } before do query_string_hash = CGI.parse(query_string).collect { |key, value| [key, value.first] }.to_h stub_request(:get, downstream_url).with(query: query_string_hash) get(request_url) end subject do access_logger.string end context 'query string' do context 'present' do let(:query_string) { 'key=value' } it 'logs it' do expect(subject).to include("GET #{request_url} => #{downstream_url}") end end context 'not present' do let(:query_string) { '' } it 'is not logged' do expect(subject).to match(/"GET\s#{request_url}\s=>\s#{downstream_url}\s/) expect(subject).to include(query_string) end end end module WebMock def self.last_request WebMock::RequestRegistry.instance.requested_signatures.hash.keys.first end end it 'logs the transaction id' do expected_id = WebMock.last_request.headers['Sitehub-Transaction-Id'] expect(subject).to match(/transaction_id:#{expected_id}/) end it 'logs the response status' do expect(subject).to include('200') end it 'logs the downstream url that was proxied to' do expect(subject).to include("#{request_url} => #{downstream_url}") end it 'has the required format' do processing_time_matcher = '\d{1}\.\d{4}' transaction_id_matcher = '[a-z\d]+' expected_response_status = 200 expect(subject).to match(/transaction_id:#{transaction_id_matcher}:\s"GET\s#{request_url}\s=>\s#{downstream_url}\s"\s#{expected_response_status}\s-\s#{processing_time_matcher}/) end end