require 'test/helper' class StorageTest < Test::Unit::TestCase context "Parsing S3 credentials" do setup do rebuild_model :storage => :s3, :bucket => "testing", :s3_credentials => {:not => :important} @dummy = @avatar = @dummy.avatar @current_env = ENV['RAILS_ENV'] end teardown do ENV['RAILS_ENV'] = @current_env end should "get the correct credentials when RAILS_ENV is production" do ENV['RAILS_ENV'] = 'production' assert_equal({:key => "12345"}, @avatar.parse_credentials('production' => {:key => '12345'}, :development => {:key => "54321"})) end should "get the correct credentials when RAILS_ENV is development" do ENV['RAILS_ENV'] = 'development' assert_equal({:key => "54321"}, @avatar.parse_credentials('production' => {:key => '12345'}, :development => {:key => "54321"})) end should "return the argument if the key does not exist" do ENV['RAILS_ENV'] = "not really an env" assert_equal({:test => "12345"}, @avatar.parse_credentials(:test => "12345")) end end context "Parsing S3 credentials with a bucket in them" do setup do rebuild_model :storage => :s3, :s3_credentials => { :production => { :bucket => "prod_bucket" }, :development => { :bucket => "dev_bucket" } } @dummy = end should "get the right bucket in production", :before => lambda{ ENV.expects(:[]).returns('production') } do assert_equal "prod_bucket", @dummy.avatar.bucket_name end should "get the right bucket in development", :before => lambda{ ENV.expects(:[]).returns('development') } do assert_equal "dev_bucket", @dummy.avatar.bucket_name end end context "An attachment with S3 storage" do setup do rebuild_model :storage => :s3, :bucket => "testing", :path => ":attachment/:style/:basename.:extension", :s3_credentials => { 'access_key_id' => "12345", 'secret_access_key' => "54321" } end should "be extended by the S3 module" do assert end should "not be extended by the Filesystem module" do assert ! end context "when assigned" do setup do @file =, 'fixtures', '5k.png'), 'rb') @dummy = @dummy.avatar = @file end should "not get a bucket to get a URL" do @dummy.avatar.expects(:s3).never @dummy.avatar.expects(:s3_bucket).never assert_match %r{^http://s3\.amazonaws\.com/testing/avatars/original/5k\.png}, @dummy.avatar.url end context "and saved" do setup do @s3_mock = stub @bucket_mock = stub RightAws::S3.expects(:new).with("12345", "54321", {}).returns(@s3_mock) @s3_mock.expects(:bucket).with("testing", true, "public-read").returns(@bucket_mock) @key_mock = stub @bucket_mock.expects(:key).returns(@key_mock) @key_mock.expects(:data=) @key_mock.expects(:put).with(nil, 'public-read', 'Content-type' => 'image/png') end should "succeed" do assert true end end context "and remove" do setup do @s3_mock = stub @bucket_mock = stub RightAws::S3.expects(:new).with("12345", "54321", {}).returns(@s3_mock) @s3_mock.expects(:bucket).with("testing", true, "public-read").returns(@bucket_mock) @key_mock = stub @bucket_mock.expects(:key).at_least(2).returns(@key_mock) @key_mock.expects(:delete) @dummy.destroy_attached_files end should "succeed" do assert true end end end end unless ENV["S3_TEST_BUCKET"].blank? context "Using S3 for real, an attachment with S3 storage" do setup do rebuild_model :styles => { :thumb => "100x100", :square => "32x32#" }, :storage => :s3, :bucket => ENV["S3_TEST_BUCKET"], :path => ":class/:attachment/:id/:style.:extension", :s3_credentials =>, "s3.yml")) Dummy.delete_all @dummy = end should "be extended by the S3 module" do assert end context "when assigned" do setup do @file =, 'fixtures', '5k.png'), 'rb') @dummy.avatar = @file end should "still return a Tempfile when sent #to_io" do assert_equal Tempfile, @dummy.avatar.to_io.class end context "and saved" do setup do end should "be on S3" do assert true end end end end end end