Class used to call the Transactions product.
Get information about transactions
Does a POST /transactions/get call which gives you high level account data along with transactions from all accounts contained in the access_token's item.
- access_token
access_token who's item to fetch transactions for.
- start_date
Start of query for transactions.
- end_date
End of query for transactions.
- account_ids
Specific account ids to fetch balances for (optional).
- count
Amount of transactions to pull (optional).
- offset
Offset to start pulling transactions (optional).
- options
Additional options to merge into API request.
Returns GetResponse.
Source: show
# File lib/plaid/products/transactions.rb, line 21 def get(access_token, start_date, end_date, account_ids: nil, count: nil, offset: nil, options: nil) options_payload = {} options_payload[:account_ids] = account_ids unless account_ids.nil? options_payload[:count] = count unless count.nil? options_payload[:offset] = offset unless offset.nil? options_payload.merge!(options) unless options.nil? post_with_auth 'transactions/get', GetResponse, access_token: access_token, start_date: Plaid.convert_to_date_string(start_date), end_date: Plaid.convert_to_date_string(end_date), options: options_payload end
Manually refresh transactions
Does a POST /transactions/refresh call which kicks off a manual transactions extraction for all accounts contained in the access_token's item.
- access_token
access_token who's item to fetch transactions for.
Returns BaseResponse.
Source: show
# File lib/plaid/products/transactions.rb, line 75 def refresh(access_token) post_with_auth 'transactions/refresh', Models::BaseResponse, access_token: access_token end