module Fastlane module Actions class LcovAction < Action def self.is_supported?(platform) [:ios, :mac].include? platform end def unless Helper.test? raise 'lcov not installed, please install using `brew install lcov`'.red if `which lcov`.length == 0 end gen_cov(options) end def self.description "Generates coverage data using lcov" end def self.available_options [ :project_name, env_name: "FL_LCOV_PROJECT_NAME", description: "Name of the project"), :scheme, env_name: "FL_LCOV_SCHEME", description: "Scheme of the project"), :output_dir, env_name: "FL_LCOV_OUTPUT_DIR", description: "The output directory that coverage data will be stored. If not passed will use coverage_reports as default value", optional: true, is_string: true, default_value: "coverage_reports") ] end def "thiagolioy" end def self.gen_cov(options) tmp_cov_file = "/tmp/" output_dir = options[:output_dir] derived_data_path = derived_data_dir(options) system("lcov --capture --directory \"#{derived_data_path}\" --output-file #{tmp_cov_file}") system(gen_lcov_cmd(tmp_cov_file)) system("genhtml #{tmp_cov_file} --output-directory #{output_dir}") end def self.gen_lcov_cmd(cov_file) cmd = "lcov " exclude_dirs.each do |e| cmd << "--remove #{cov_file} \"#{e}\" " end cmd << "--output #{cov_file} " end def self.derived_data_dir(options) pn = options[:project_name] sc = options[:scheme] initial_path = "#{Dir.home}/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/" end_path = "/Build/Intermediates/#{pn}.build/Debug-iphonesimulator/#{sc}.build/Objects-normal/i386/" match = find_project_dir(pn, initial_path) "#{initial_path}#{match}#{end_path}" end def self.find_project_dir(project_name, path) `ls -t #{path}| grep #{project_name} | head -1`.to_s.gsub(/\n/, "") end def self.exclude_dirs ["/Applications/*", "/Frameworks/*"] end end end end