require 'tempfile' Given /^I am in (.*)$/ do |example_dir_relative_path| @current_dir = examples_dir(example_dir_relative_path) end Given /^a standard Cucumber project directory structure$/ do @current_dir = working_dir in_current_dir do FileUtils.mkdir_p 'features/support' FileUtils.mkdir 'features/step_definitions' end end Given /^the (.*) directory is empty$/ do |directory| in_current_dir do FileUtils.remove_dir(directory) rescue nil FileUtils.mkdir 'tmp' end end Given /^a file named "([^\"]*)"$/ do |file_name| create_file(file_name, '') end Given /^a file named "([^\"]*)" with:$/ do |file_name, file_content| create_file(file_name, file_content) end Given /^the following profiles? (?:are|is) defined:$/ do |profiles| create_file('cucumber.yml', profiles) end Given /^I am running "([^\"]*)" in the background$/ do |command| run_in_background command end Given /^I am not running (?:.*) in the background$/ do # no-op end When /^I run cucumber (.*)$/ do |cucumber_opts| run "#{Cucumber::RUBY_BINARY} #{Cucumber::BINARY} --no-color #{cucumber_opts}" end When /^I run rake (.*)$/ do |rake_opts| run "rake #{rake_opts} --trace" end Then /^it should (fail|pass)$/ do |success| if success == 'fail' last_exit_status.should_not == 0 else if last_exit_status != 0 raise "Failed with exit status #{last_exit_status}\nSTDOUT:\n#{last_stdout}\nSTDERR:\n#{last_stderr}" end end end Then /^it should (fail|pass) with$/ do |success, output| last_stdout.should == output Then("it should #{success}") end Then /^the output should contain$/ do |text| last_stdout.should include(text) end Then /^the output should not contain$/ do |text| last_stdout.should_not include(text) end Then /^the output should be$/ do |text| last_stdout.should == text end Then /^"(.*)" should contain XML$/ do |file, xml| t ='cucumber-junit') t.write(xml) t.flush t.close cmd = "diffxml #{t.path} #{file}" diff = `#{cmd}` if diff =~ //m raise diff + "\nXML WAS:\n" + end end Then /^"(.*)" should contain$/ do |file, text| strip_duration( == text end Then /^"(.*)" should match$/ do |file, text| =~ end Then /^"([^\"]*)" should have the same contents as "([^\"]*)"$/ do |actual_file, expected_file| actual = actual = replace_duration(actual, '0m30.005s') # Comment out to replace expected file. Use with care! Remember to update duration afterwards. #, "w") {|io| io.write(actual)} actual.should == end Then /^STDERR should match$/ do |text| last_stderr.should =~ /#{text}/ end Then /^STDERR should not match$/ do |text| last_stderr.should_not =~ /#{text}/ end Then /^STDERR should be empty$/ do last_stderr.should == "" end Then /^"(.*)" should exist$/ do |file| File.exists?(file).should be_true FileUtils.rm(file) end Then /^"([^\"]*)" should not be required$/ do |file_name| last_stdout.should_not include("* #{file_name}") end Then /^"([^\"]*)" should be required$/ do |file_name| last_stdout.should include("* #{file_name}") end