3.1.10 (Brainy Betty) 88c7facbfbb893e48fa7c2761a3ffd56af4c3ce3 o:Sass::Tree::RootNode :@has_childrenT: @options{: @linei:@children[o:Sass::Tree::CommentNode ;@;i; [: @value["/* Inline-Block list layout module. * * Easy mode using simple descendant li selectors: * * ul.nav * +inline-block-list * * Advanced mode: * If you need to target the list items using a different selector then use * +inline-block-list-container on your ul/ol and +inline-block-list-item on your li. * This may help when working on layouts involving nested lists. For example: * * ul.nav * +inline-block-list-container * > li * +inline-block-list-item */: @loud0: @silentio:Sass::Tree::ImportNode ;@;i; [:@template0:@imported_filename" bulletso; ;@;i; [;0;"horizontal-listo; ;@;i; [;0;"$compass/utilities/general/floato; ;@;i; [;0;"compass/css3/inline-blocko; ;@;i; [; ["/* Can be mixed into any selector that target a ul or ol that is meant * to have an inline-block layout. Used to implement +inline-block-list. */; 0; io:Sass::Tree::MixinDefNode ;T;@;i; [o:Sass::Tree::MixinNode ;@;i; [: @name"horizontal-list-container: @args[:@keywords{;" inline-block-list-container;[o; ;@;i!; [; ["/* Can be mixed into any li selector that is meant to participate in a horizontal layout. * Used to implement +inline-block-list. */; 0; io; ;T;@;i$; [ o; ;@;i%; [;"no-bullet;[;{o; ;@;i&; [;"inline-block;[;{o:Sass::Tree::PropNode ;@;i'; [; o:Sass::Script::String;@; " nowrap: @type:identifier: @tabsi;["white-space:@prop_syntax:newu:Sass::Tree::IfNode[o:Sass::Script::Variable : @options{: @linei(:@underscored_name" padding: @name" padding0[o:Sass::Tree::PropNode :@has_childrenT;@;i):@children[o; ;@;i*; [: @valueo; ;@;i*;" padding; " padding: @tabsi; [" left:@prop_syntax:newo; ;@;i+; [; o; ;@;i+;" padding; " padding;i; [" right;;; o:Sass::Script::String;@; ": @type:identifier;i; [" padding;;;"inline-block-list-item;[[o:Sass::Script::Variable;@:@underscored_name" padding;" paddingo:Sass::Script::Bool;@;i$; Fo; ;@;i0; [; ["b/* A list(ol,ul) that is layed out such that the elements are inline-block and won't wrap. */; 0; io; ;T;@;i1; [o; ;@;i2; [;" inline-block-list-container;[;{o:Sass::Tree::RuleNode ;T:@parsed_ruleso:"Sass::Selector::CommaSequence;i3:@filename": @members[o:Sass::Selector::Sequence;%[o:#Sass::Selector::SimpleSequence;i3;$@P;%[o:Sass::Selector::Element :@namespace0;i3;["li;$@P;@;i3; [o; ;@;i4; [;"inline-block-list-item;[o; ;@;i4;" padding;" padding;{;i: @rule["li;"inline-block-list;[[o;;@;" padding;" paddingo; ;@;i1; F;"// Inline-Block list layout module. // // Easy mode using simple descendant li selectors: // // ul.nav // +inline-block-list // // Advanced mode: // If you need to target the list items using a different selector then use // +inline-block-list-container on your ul/ol and +inline-block-list-item on your li. // This may help when working on layouts involving nested lists. For example: // // ul.nav // +inline-block-list-container // > li // +inline-block-list-item @import "bullets"; @import "horizontal-list"; @import "compass/utilities/general/float"; @import "compass/css3/inline-block"; // Can be mixed into any selector that target a ul or ol that is meant // to have an inline-block layout. Used to implement +inline-block-list. @mixin inline-block-list-container { @include horizontal-list-container; } // Can be mixed into any li selector that is meant to participate in a horizontal layout. // Used to implement +inline-block-list. @mixin inline-block-list-item($padding: false) { @include no-bullet; @include inline-block; white-space: nowrap; @if $padding { padding: { left: $padding; right: $padding; }; } } // A list(ol,ul) that is layed out such that the elements are inline-block and won't wrap. @mixin inline-block-list($padding: false) { @include inline-block-list-container; li { @include inline-block-list-item($padding); } }