# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 # # The OpenSearch Contributors require contributions made to # this file be licensed under the Apache-2.0 license or a # compatible open source license. # # Modifications Copyright OpenSearch Contributors. See # GitHub history for details. require_relative './spec_helper' require 'opensearch' require 'json' require 'cabin' module OpenSearchHelper def get_host_port if ENV["INTEGRATION"] == "true" "integration:9200" else "localhost:9200" end end def get_client OpenSearch::Client.new(:hosts => [get_host_port]) end def doc_type "_doc" end def todays_date Time.now.strftime("%Y.%m.%d") end def field_properties_from_template(template_name, field) template = get_template(@client, template_name) mappings = get_template_mappings(template) mappings["properties"][field]["properties"] end def routing_field_name :routing end def self.version RSpec.configuration.filter[:version] end def self.check_version?(*requirement) version = self.version if version.nil? || version.empty? puts "version tag isn't set. Returning false from 'check_version?`." return false end release_version = Gem::Version.new(version).release Gem::Requirement.new(requirement).satisfied_by?(release_version) end RSpec::Matchers.define :have_hits do |expected| match do |actual| expected == actual['hits']['total']['value'] end end RSpec::Matchers.define :have_index_pattern do |expected| match do |actual| test_against = Array(actual['index_patterns'].nil? ? actual['template'] : actual['index_patterns']) test_against.include?(expected) end end # set admin password based on version def self.admin_password if check_version?('< 2.12.0') || check_version?('> 7') "admin" else "myStrongPassword123!" end end def clean(client) client.indices.delete_template(:name => "*") client.indices.delete_index_template(:name => "logstash*") rescue nil # This can fail if there are no indexes, ignore failure. client.indices.delete(:index => "*") rescue nil end def set_cluster_settings(client, cluster_settings) client.cluster.put_settings(body: cluster_settings) get_cluster_settings(client) end def get_cluster_settings(client) client.cluster.get_settings end def put_alias(client, the_alias, index) body = { "aliases" => { index => { "is_write_index"=> true } } } client.put_alias({name: the_alias, body: body}) end def max_docs_policy(max_docs) { "policy" => { "phases"=> { "hot" => { "actions" => { "rollover" => { "max_docs" => max_docs } } } } } } end def max_age_policy(max_age) { "policy" => { "phases"=> { "hot" => { "actions" => { "rollover" => { "max_age" => max_age } } } } } } end def get_template(client, name) t = client.indices.get_template(name: name) # TODO: use index template if version >= 7.8 & OpenSearch t[name] end def get_template_settings(template) template['template'] end def get_template_mappings(template) template['mappings'] end end RSpec.configure do |config| config.include OpenSearchHelper end