release_ops_path = File.expand_path('../releaseops/lib', __FILE__) # if the special submodule is availabe, use it # we use a submodule because it doesn't depend on anything else (*cough* bundler) # and can be shared across projects # if File.exist?(release_ops_path) require File.join(release_ops_path, 'releaseops') # sets up the multi-ruby zk:test_all rake tasks ReleaseOps::TestTasks.define_for(*%w[1.8.7 1.9.2 jruby rbx ree 1.9.3]) # sets up the task :default => 'spec:run' and defines a simple # "run the specs with the current rvm profile" task ReleaseOps::TestTasks.define_simple_default_for_travis # Define a task to run code coverage tests ReleaseOps::TestTasks.define_simplecov_tasks # set up yard:server, yard:gems, and yard:clean tasks # for doing documentation stuff ReleaseOps::YardTasks.define task :clean => 'yard:clean' namespace :zk do namespace :gems do desc "Build gems to prepare for a release. Requires TAG=" task :build do require 'tmpdir' raise "You must specify a TAG" unless ENV['TAG'] ReleaseOps.with_tmpdir(:prefix => 'zookeeper') do |tmpdir| tag = ENV['TAG'] sh "git clone . #{tmpdir}" orig_dir = Dir.getwd Dir.chdir tmpdir do sh "git co #{tag} && git reset --hard && git clean -fdx" ENV['JAVA_GEM'] = nil sh "gem build zookeeper.gemspec" sh "env JAVA_GEM=1 gem build zookeeper.gemspec" mv FileList['*.gem'], orig_dir end end end desc "Release gems that have been built" task :push do gems = FileList['*.gem'] raise "No gemfiles to push!" if gems.empty? gems.each do |gem| sh "gem push #{gem}" end end task :clean do rm_rf FileList['*.gem'] end task :all => [:build, :push, :clean] end end end task :clobber do rm_rf 'tmp' end # cargo culted from VALGRIND_BASIC_OPTS = '--num-callers=50 --error-limit=no --partial-loads-ok=yes --undef-value-errors=no --trace-children=yes' task 'valgrind' do Dir.chdir 'ext' do sh "rake clean build" end sh "valgrind #{VALGRIND_BASIC_OPTS} bundle exec rspec spec" end namespace :build do task :clean do Dir.chdir 'ext' do sh 'rake clean' end Rake::Task['build'].invoke end task :clobber do Dir.chdir 'ext' do sh 'rake clobber' end Rake::Task['build'].invoke end end desc "Build C component" task :build do Dir.chdir 'ext' do sh "rake" end end task 'spec:run' => 'build:clean' unless defined?(::JRUBY_VERSION) task 'ctags' do sh 'bundle-ctags' end # because i'm a creature of habit task 'mb:test_all' => 'zk:test_all'