module Junoser class JsRuler def initialize(input) @rule = input @sequence = 0 end def sequence @sequence += 1 end def to_rule rule_header << rule.gsub(/^/, ' ') << rule_footer end def rule str = str = str.split(/\n/).map {|l| format(process_line(l)) unless l =~ /^ *#/ # Skip additional comment lines }.compact.join("\n") finalize(str) end private def process_line(str) remove_undefined_variables(str) process_common_syntax(str) process_argument_syntax(str) process_structural_syntax(str) process_word(str) process_reserved_word(str) process_comment(str) str end def remove_undefined_variables(str) str.gsub! '.as(:oneline)', '' # "$junos-interface-unit" | str.gsub! /"\$[\w-]+" \| /, '' str end def process_common_syntax(str) # rule(:foo) do -> foo(...args) { str.gsub!(/^rule\(:(\S+)\) do/) {"#$1(...args) { return_next_line"} # end -> } str.gsub!(/^(\s*)end$/) {"#$1}"} # ( -> {"arg": str.gsub! /arg\.as\(:arg\) \(/, '{"arg":' # -> {"arg": null} str.gsub! /\(:arg\)/, '{"arg": null}' # ("foo" | "bar").as(:arg) ( -> {"(bar|baz)": str.gsub!(/\(([^)]+)\)\.as\(:arg\) \(/) {"{\"(#{$1.gsub('"', '').split(' | ').join('|')})\":"} # enum(("foo" | "bar")).as(:arg) ( -> {"(bar|baz)": # TODO: support "enum" in the middle of line str.gsub!(/enum\(\(([^)]+)\)\)\.as\(:arg\) \(/) {"{\"(#{$1.gsub('"', '').split(' | ').join('|')})\":"} str.gsub! '.as(:arg)', '' # c( -> { str.gsub!(/^(\s*)c\(/) {"#$1{"} # foo /* doc */, -> foo() /* doc */, str.gsub!(%r|^(\s*)(?!arg)(\w+)( /\* (.*) \*/,?)$|) {"#$1this.#$2()#$3"} # foo, -> foo(), str.gsub!(%r|^(\s*)(?!arg)(\w+)(,?)$|) {"#$1this.#$2()#$3"} # ) -> } str.gsub!(/^(\s+)\)/) {"#$1}"} str end def process_argument_syntax(str) # "foo" (("bar" | "baz")) ( -> "foo(bar|baz)": { # "foo" enum(("bar" | "baz")) ( -> "foo(bar|baz)": { # TODO: support "enum" in the middle of line str.gsub!(/^(\s*)"(\S+)" (?:enum)?\(\((.*)\)\) \(/) {"#$1\"#$2(#{$3.gsub('"', '').split(' | ').join('|')})\": {"} # "foo" arg ( -> "foo(arg)": { str.gsub!(/^(\s*)"(\S+)" arg \(/) {"#$1\"#$2(arg)\": {"} # "foo" (... | arg) /* doc */ -> "foo": "arg" str.gsub!(%r|^(\s*)"(\S+)" \(.* \| arg ?.*\) /\* (.*) \*/(,?)$|) {"#$1\"#$2 | #$3\": arg#$4"} # "foo" (... | arg) ( /* doc */ -> "foo(arg)": { str.gsub!(%r|^(\s*)"(\S+)" \(.* \| arg ?.*\) \( /\* (.*) \*/$|) {"#$1\"#$2(arg) | #$3\": {"} # "foo" (... | arg) ( -> "foo(arg)": { str.gsub!(%r|^(\s*)"(\S+)" \(.* \| arg ?.*\) \($|) {"#$1\"#$2(arg)\": {"} # "foo" (arg | ...) /* doc */ -> "foo": "arg" str.gsub!(%r|^(\s*)"(\S+)" \(arg ?.*\) /\* (.*) \*/(,?)$|) {"#$1\"#$2 | #$3\": arg#$4"} # "foo" (arg | ...) ( /* doc */ -> "foo(arg)": { str.gsub!(%r|^(\s*)"(\S+)" \(arg ?.*\) \( /\* (.*) \*/(,?)$|) {"#$1\"#$2(arg) | #$3\": {#$4"} # "foo" ("bar" | "baz") ( /* doc */ -> "foo(bar|baz)": { str.gsub!(%r|^(\s*)"(\S+)" \("([^)]+)"\) \( /\* (.*) \*/$|) {"#$1\"#$2(#{$3.split('" | "').join('|')}) | #$4\": {"} # "foo" ("bar" | "baz") ( -> "foo(bar|baz)": { str.gsub!(%r|^(\s*)"(\S+)" \("([^)]+)"\) \($|) {"#$1\"#$2(#{$3.split('" | "').join('|')})\": {"} # "foo" ("bar" | "baz") /* doc */, -> "foo": ["bar", "baz"], str.gsub!(%r|^(\s*)"(\S+)" \(([^)]+)\) /\* (.*) \*/(,?)$|) {"#$1\"#$2 | #$4\": [#{$3.split(' | ').join(', ')}]#$5"} # "foo" ("bar" | "baz"), -> "foo": ["bar", "baz"], str.gsub!(%r|^(\s*)"(\S+)" \(([^)]+)\)(,?)$|) {"#$1\"#$2\": [#{$3.split(' | ').join(', ')}]#$4"} # "foo" enum(("bar" | "baz")) -> "foo": new Enumeration(["bar", "baz"]) str.gsub!(/^(\s*)("\S+") enum\(\((.*)\)\)/) {"#$1#$2: new Enumeration(#{$3.gsub('"', '').split(' | ')})"} # "foo" arg /* doc */, -> "foo | doc": "arg", str.gsub!(%r|^(\s*)"([^"]+)" arg /\* (.*) \*/(,?)$|) {"#$1\"#$2 | #$3\": \"arg\"#$4"} # "foo" arg, -> "foo": "arg", str.gsub!(%r|(\s*)"([^"]+)" arg(,?)$|) {"#$1\"#$2\": \"arg\"#$3"} # "foo" ipaddr, -> "foo": this.ipaddr(), str.gsub!(%r|(\s*)"([^"]+)" ipaddr(,?)$|) {"#$1\"#$2\": this.ipaddr()#$3"} str end def process_structural_syntax(str) # "foo" ( /* doc */ -> "foo | doc": (...args) => { str.gsub!(%r|^(\s*)"(\S+)" \( /\* (.*) \*/|) {"#$1\"#$2 | #$3\": {"} # "foo" ( -> "foo": (...args) => { str.gsub!(%r|^(\s*)"(\S+)" \($|) {"#$1\"#$2\": {"} # "foo" arg ( /* doc */ -> "foo | doc": (...args) => { str.gsub!(%r|^(\s*)"(\S+)" arg \( /\* (.*) \*/|) {"#$1\"#$2 | #$3\": {"} str end def process_word(str) # arg -> "arg" # (arg) -> "arg" # enum(arg) -> "arg" str.gsub!(/ ((?!arg\w)(arg)|(enum)?\(arg\))/, ' "arg"') # "foo" /* doc */, -> "foo | doc": null, str.gsub!(%r|^(\s*)"([^"]+)" /\* (.*) \*/(,?)$|) {"#$1\"#$2 | #$3\": null#$4"} # "foo", -> "foo": null, str.gsub!(%r|^(\s*)"([^"]+)"(,?)$|) {"#$1\"#$2\": null#$3"} # ("foo" | "bar") -> ["foo", "bar"] str.gsub!(/^(\s*) \(+("[^"]+(?:" \| "[^"]+)*")\)+(,?)$/) do comma = $3 "#$1#{$2.gsub('"', '').split(' | ')}#{comma}" end # enum(("bar" | "baz")) -> "foo": new Enumeration(["bar", "baz"]) str.gsub!(/^(\s*)enum\(\((.*)\)\)/) {"#$1new Enumeration(#{$2.gsub('"', '').split(' | ')})"} # (arg | "foo") -> ["arg", "foo"] str.gsub!(/^(\s*) \(arg( \| "[^"]+")+\)/) {"#$1[\"arg\"#{$2.split(' | ').join(', ')}]"} str end def process_reserved_word(str) # ieee-802.3ad -> 802.3ad str.gsub! 'ieee-802.3ad', '802.3ad' # "policy | Define a policy context from this zone" -> "from-zone | Define a policy context from this zone" str.gsub! 'policy | Define a policy context from this zone', 'from-zone | Define a policy context from this zone' # "to-zone-name | Destination zone" -> "to-zone | Destination zone" str.gsub! 'to-zone-name | Destination zone', 'to-zone | Destination zone' fix_route_filter(str) str end def fix_route_filter(str) str.gsub!(/("exact \| [^"]*"): "arg"/) {"#$1: null"} str.gsub!(/("longer \| [^"]*"): "arg"/) {"#$1: null"} str.gsub!(/("orlonger \| [^"]*"): "arg"/) {"#$1: null"} end def process_comment(str) # % -> %% str.gsub! '%', '' % %'' # "foo": ... /* doc */, -> "foo | doc": ..., str.gsub!(%r|^(\s*)"([^"]+)": (.*) /\* (.*) \*/(,?)$|) {"#$1\"#$2 | #$4\": #$3#$5"} str end def finalize(lines) lines = balance_parenthesis(lines) objectize_arg_of_s(lines) # return_next_line # ... # # -> # # return ... lines.gsub!(/return_next_line\n(\s*)/m) {"\n#$1return "} # { # { # # -> # # { # "null_1": { lines.gsub!(/([{,]\n\s*){/m) {"#$1\"null_#{sequence}\": {"} # { # foo() # # -> # # { # "null_1": foo() lines.gsub!(/([{,]\n\s*)([^ "(]+)/m) {"#$1\"null_#{sequence}\": #$2"} # "arg" -> "arg_1" lines.gsub('"arg":') {%["arg_#{sequence}":]} end # } -> ) def balance_parenthesis(lines) # Fixes lines.gsub! 'Timeslots (1..24;', 'Timeslots (1..24);' lines.gsub! '(such that the VLAN range is x <= range <= y.', '(such that the VLAN range is x <= range <= y).' lines.gsub! '(intended primarily for use with a peer or group"', '(intended primarily for use with a peer or group)"' lines.gsub! '(e.g. QSFP28 and QSFP+,', '(e.g. QSFP28 and QSFP+),' lines.gsub! '(see the description of policy evaluation at the top of this module."', '(see the description of policy evaluation at the top of this module)."' count = 0 target = nil buf = '' stack = [] lines.each_char do |c| case c when '(' count += 1 stack << target target = count buf << c when '{' count += 1 buf << c when ')' count -= 1 target = stack.pop buf << c when '}' count -= 1 if target && count == target - 1 target = stack.pop buf << ')' else buf << c end else buf << c end end buf end def objectize_arg_of_s(lines) # s( -> s({ lines.gsub!(/^( *(?:return|\S+:)? +)s\($/m) {"#$1this.s({"} # sc( -> sc({ lines.gsub!(/^( *(?:return|\S+:)? +)sc\($/m) {"#${"} # ) -> }) lines.gsub!(/^( *)\)(,?)$/m) {"#$1})#$2"} lines end def rule_header <<~EOS /* eslint-disable semi */ class Enumeration { constructor(list) { this.list = list; } } class Repeatable { constructor(list) { this.list = list; } } class Sequence { constructor(list) { this.list = list; } get(depth) { return this.list[depth]; } } class JunosSchema { any() { return "any"; } s(obj) { const list = Object.entries(obj).map(([key, value]) => ({[key]: value})); return new Sequence(list); } sc(obj) { return new Repeatable(obj); } EOS end def rule_footer <<~EOS } // eslint-disable-next-line no-undef module.exports = {JunosSchema, Enumeration, Repeatable, Sequence}; EOS end end end