package org.embulk.input.marketo; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ObjectNode; import; import; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.embulk.input.marketo.model.BulkExtractRangeHeader; import org.embulk.input.marketo.model.MarketoField; import; import; import org.embulk.spi.DataException; import org.embulk.spi.Exec; import org.slf4j.Logger; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; /** * Created by tai.khuu on 9/6/17. */ public class MarketoServiceImpl implements MarketoService { private static final Logger LOGGER = Exec.getLogger(MarketoServiceImpl.class); private static final String DEFAULT_FILE_FORMAT = "csv"; private static final int BUF_SIZE = 0x1000; private static final int MAX_RESUME_TIME = 50; private MarketoRestClient marketoRestClient; public MarketoServiceImpl(MarketoRestClient marketoRestClient) { this.marketoRestClient = marketoRestClient; } @Override public File extractLead(final Date startTime, Date endTime, List extractedFields, String filterField, int pollingTimeIntervalSecond, final int bulkJobTimeoutSecond) { final String exportID = marketoRestClient.createLeadBulkExtract(startTime, endTime, extractedFields, filterField); marketoRestClient.startLeadBulkExtract(exportID); try { marketoRestClient.waitLeadExportJobComplete(exportID, pollingTimeIntervalSecond, bulkJobTimeoutSecond); } catch (InterruptedException e) { LOGGER.error("Exception when waiting for export job id: {}", exportID, e); throw new DataException("Error when wait for bulk extract"); } return downloadBulkExtract(new Function() { @Override public InputStream apply(BulkExtractRangeHeader bulkExtractRangeHeader) { return marketoRestClient.getLeadBulkExtractResult(exportID, bulkExtractRangeHeader); } }); } private long saveExtractedFile(InputStream extractResult, File tempFile) throws DownloadBulkExtractException { long total = 0; try (OutputStream fileOuputStream = new FileOutputStream(tempFile, true)) { byte[] buf = new byte[BUF_SIZE]; while (true) { int r =; if (r == -1) { break; } fileOuputStream.write(buf, 0, r); total += r; } } catch (IOException e) { LOGGER.error("Encounter exception when download bulk extract file", e); throw new DownloadBulkExtractException("Encounter exception when download bulk extract file", e, total); } return total; } @Override public File extractAllActivity(List activityTypeIds, Date startTime, Date endTime, int pollingTimeIntervalSecond, int bulkJobTimeoutSecond) { final String exportID = marketoRestClient.createActivityExtract(activityTypeIds, startTime, endTime); marketoRestClient.startActitvityBulkExtract(exportID); try { marketoRestClient.waitActitvityExportJobComplete(exportID, pollingTimeIntervalSecond, bulkJobTimeoutSecond); } catch (InterruptedException e) { LOGGER.error("Exception when waiting for export job id: {}", exportID, e); throw new DataException("Error when wait for bulk extract"); } return downloadBulkExtract(new Function() { @Override public InputStream apply(BulkExtractRangeHeader bulkExtractRangeHeader) { return marketoRestClient.getActivitiesBulkExtractResult(exportID, bulkExtractRangeHeader); } }); } private File downloadBulkExtract(Function getBulkExtractfunction) { final File tempFile = Exec.getTempFileSpace().createTempFile(DEFAULT_FILE_FORMAT);"Temp File = {}", tempFile.getPath()); // File destination = new File("/tmp/example_test.csv"); long startByte = 0; int resumeTime = 0; while (resumeTime < MAX_RESUME_TIME) { BulkExtractRangeHeader bulkExtractRangeHeader = new BulkExtractRangeHeader(startByte); InputStream bulkExtractResult = getBulkExtractfunction.apply(bulkExtractRangeHeader); try { saveExtractedFile(bulkExtractResult, tempFile); // try{ // FileUtils.copyFile(tempFile, destination); // } // catch (IOException e){ // LOGGER.error("Exception when copying to file destination {}\nException:{}",destination.getPath(),e ); // } return tempFile; } catch (DownloadBulkExtractException e) { startByte = startByte + e.getByteWritten(); LOGGER.warn("will resume activity bulk extract at byte [{}]", startByte); } resumeTime = resumeTime + 1; } //Too many resume we still can't get the file throw new DataException("Can't down load bulk extract"); } @Override public Iterable getAllListLead(List fieldNames) { RecordPagingIterable lists = marketoRestClient.getLists(); final String fieldNameString = StringUtils.join(fieldNames, ","); return MarketoUtils.flatMap(lists, new Function>() { @Override public Iterable apply(ObjectNode input) { final String id = input.get("id").asText(); return Iterables.transform(marketoRestClient.getLeadsByList(id, fieldNameString), new Function() { @Override public ObjectNode apply(ObjectNode input) { input.put(MarketoUtils.LIST_ID_COLUMN_NAME, id); return input; } }); } }); } @Override public Iterable getAllProgramLead(List fieldNames) { RecordPagingIterable lists = marketoRestClient.getPrograms(); final String fieldNameString = StringUtils.join(fieldNames, ","); return MarketoUtils.flatMap(lists, new Function>() { @Override public Iterable apply(ObjectNode input) { final String id = input.get("id").asText(); return Iterables.transform(marketoRestClient.getLeadsByProgram(id, fieldNameString), new Function() { @Override public ObjectNode apply(ObjectNode input) { input.put(MarketoUtils.PROGRAM_ID_COLUMN_NAME, id); return input; } }); } }); } @Override public RecordPagingIterable getCampaign() { return marketoRestClient.getCampaign(); } @Override public List describeLead() { return marketoRestClient.describeLead(); } private static class DownloadBulkExtractException extends Exception { private final long byteWritten; public DownloadBulkExtractException(String message, Throwable cause, long byteWritten) { super(message, cause); this.byteWritten = byteWritten; } public DownloadBulkExtractException(Throwable cause, long byteWritten) { super(cause); this.byteWritten = byteWritten; } public long getByteWritten() { return byteWritten; } } @Override public Iterable getPrograms() { return marketoRestClient.getPrograms(); } @Override public Iterable getProgramsByTag(String tagType, String tagValue) { return marketoRestClient.getProgramsByTag(tagType, tagValue); } @Override public Iterable getProgramsByDateRange(Date earliestUpdatedAt, Date latestUpdatedAt, String filterType, List filterValues) { return marketoRestClient.getProgramsByDateRange(earliestUpdatedAt, latestUpdatedAt, filterType, filterValues); } @Override public List describeCustomObject(String customObjectAPIName) { return marketoRestClient.describeCustomObject(customObjectAPIName); } @Override public Iterable getCustomObject(String customObjectAPIName, String customObjectFilterType, String customObjectFields, Integer fromValue, Integer toValue) { return marketoRestClient.getCustomObject(customObjectAPIName, customObjectFilterType, customObjectFields, fromValue, toValue); } @Override public Iterable getActivityTypes() { return marketoRestClient.getActivityTypes(); } }