module GitHub
  class Ldap
    # A domain represents the base object for an ldap tree.
    # It encapsulates the operations that you can perform against a tree, authenticating users, for instance.
    # This makes possible to reuse a server connection to perform operations with two different domain bases.
    # To get a domain, you'll need to create a `Ldap` object and then call the method `domain` with the name of the base.
    # For example:
    # domain ="dc=github,dc=com")
    class Domain
      include Filter

      def initialize(base_name, connection, uid)
        @base_name, @connection, @uid = base_name, connection, uid

      # List the groups in the ldap server that match the configured ones.
      # group_names: is an array of group CNs.
      # Returns a list of ldap entries for the configured groups.
      def groups(group_names)
        search(filter: group_filter(group_names))

      # List the groups that a user is member of.
      # user_dn: is the dn for the user ldap entry.
      # group_names: is an array of group CNs.
      # Return an Array with the groups that the given user is member of that belong to the given group list.
      def membership(user_dn, group_names)
        search(filter: group_filter(group_names, user_dn))

      # Check if the user is include in any of the configured groups.
      # user_dn: is the dn for the user ldap entry.
      # group_names: is an array of group CNs.
      # Returns true if the user belongs to any of the groups.
      # Returns false otherwise.
      def is_member?(user_dn, group_names)
        return true if group_names.nil?
        return true if group_names.empty?

        user_membership = membership(user_dn, group_names)


      # Check if the user credentials are valid.
      # login: is the user's login.
      # password: is the user's password.
      # Returns a Ldap::Entry if the credentials are valid.
      # Returns nil if the credentials are invalid.
      def valid_login?(login, password)
        if user = user?(login) and auth(user, password)
          return user

      # Check if a user exists based in the `uid`.
      # login: is the user's login
      # Returns the user if the login matches any `uid`.
      # Returns nil if there are no matches.
      def user?(login)
        rs = search(limit: 1, filter: Net::LDAP::Filter.eq(@uid, login))
        rs and rs.first

      # Check if a user can be bound with a password.
      # user: is a ldap entry representing the user.
      # password: is the user's password.
      # Returns true if the user can be bound.
      def auth(user, password)
        @connection.bind(method: :simple, username: user.dn, password: password)

      # Authenticate a user with the ldap server.
      # login: is the user's login. This method doesn't accept email identifications.
      # password: is the user's password.
      # group_names: is an array of group CNs.
      # Returns the user info if the credentials are valid and there are no groups configured.
      # Returns the user info if the credentials are valid and the user belongs to a configured group.
      # Returns nil if the credentials are invalid
      def authenticate!(login, password, group_names = nil)
        user = valid_login?(login, password)

        return user if user && is_member?(user.dn, group_names)

      # Search entries using this domain as base.
      # options: is a Hash with the options for the search.
      # The base option is always overriden.
      # Returns an array with the entries found.
      # Returns nil if there are no entries.
      def search(options)
        options[:base] = @base_name
        options[:attributes] ||= %w{ou cn dn sAMAccountName member}