<%= provisioner_wizard 5 %>
<%= _("Provisioning setup complete") %>
<%= _("All of the necessary components have been set up for provisioning support. You can now provision new hosts by registering them from the Hosts page, then PXE-boot the server on the subnet set up earlier.") %>
<%= _("The configuration set up is all accessible under the More menu, e.g. More > Provisioning > Subnets, and can be changed in the web interface. You can return to this set up process through More > Provisioning > Provisioning Setup to change settings or add new provisioning capabilities.").html_safe %>
<%= _("Next steps") %>
<%= option_button _("New Host"), new_host_path, :class => 'btn btn-success', :help_inline => _("Create and provision a new host") %>
<%= option_button _("Compute Resources"), compute_resources_path, :class => 'btn btn-default', :help_inline => _("Add and manage compute resources (virtualization and cloud)") %>
<%= option_button _("Edit Host Group"), edit_hostgroup_path(@provisioner.hostgroup), :class => 'btn btn-default', :help_inline => _("Review and edit the host group set up by the provisioning wizard") %>
<%= option_button _("Provisioning Setup"), foreman_setup_provisioners_path, :class => 'btn btn-default', :help_inline => _("Return to the main provisioning setup page") %>